Selling off the farm

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by mantra » Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:31 am

Rorschach wrote:Newman became Premier in March 2012... this has been talked about since 2009. Bligh must have known about it mantra, your biased innuendo has been shot down yet again. :lol:
In July 2011 the Queensland State Government released a statewide infrastructure review which re-stated the view that a new and larger jet runway airport will be necessary to support regional development in the Toowoomba, Darling Downs and Surat Basin regions. Green field sites to the south and south west of Toowoomba have long been under consideration however expense is a concern for Toowoomba Regional Council without actual Federal or State Government assurances.
Thanks for the information. I mentioned it because Outlaw Yogi lives in that area and wondered what his views were on it. Nonetheless my statement wasn't incorrect when I said Newman didn't mention it, but I'll add now - Bligh didn't either. Yes I know it's a local government issue which didn't have the electorate's approval.

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Rorschach » Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:45 am

No problems mantra...
be interesting to get more info on it, can't remember a private 'family' ever building a public airport before.
obviously it's a long term plan where they figure they will recoup costs and make a profit well into the future.
The local papers along with the council seem to be mostly onside with the development.
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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by mantra » Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:36 pm

The Wagners got approval for it because of some former loophole which means no community consultation is needed. The loophole has been closed now - but tough for the residents under the flight path. Being wealthy can buy you a lot of power.
While councillors were unanimous in their approval of the airport, they were concerned that minimal community consultation was required due to its code-assessable status.

However, developers were given a two-year window after amalgamation in which they could still apply under former planning schemes - in this case, that of Jondaryan Shire Council.

Mr Wagner's entirely-legal manoeuvring made the project's approval much simpler than it would otherwise have been.

"They made that window by about two days," Cr Chris Tait said. ... i/1657834/

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:57 pm

This guy "owns" the Canberra International Airport. He is, apparently, the 39th richest Aussie, worth $755+ million.

Remember that all land in the Australian Capital Territory is leased ...

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Re: Selling off the farm

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:57 am

mantra wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:I'd be prepared to conduct civil war over water privatisation.
When a catchment is sold, the water company owns the surface water (rivers, creeks, dams, ect) the aquifers/ground water, and believe it or not, the rain that falls on your roof or land.
My strategy would begin with chopping up their infrastructure with oxy-acetylene cutters, and if need be terrorizing their employees to make the venture as unprofitable as possible.
This is a worry because our water rights are being sold off to foreigners. Many farmers have to pay for the rainwater which falls in their dams already.
Technically, Ros Kelly on Bob Hawke's behalf signed off on Australian water rights sovereignty to the UN in some pow wow in Qld in 1985. These water rights can then be passed on to the IMF or World Bank [forget which] if we need collateral for international loans.
mantra wrote:For many years successive governments just haven't given a stuff about the people who vote for them. It's as though there is some grand master plan to dispose of anything Australian eg. the recent sale of Cubbie station to the Chinese.
Like I keep saying .. 'Government is the original extortion racket' ... These days all pollies care about is the size of their parliamentary pensions and superannuation payouts.
China is buying land to grow food wherever they can get it. Africa is the current hot spot. Although if Pentagon predictions are correct, WW3 will be against China (+ Pakistan & N Korea) ... At which stage we'll take it back in the same manner we took north eastern New Guinea off Germany in WW1.
mantra wrote:Look at the recent controversy surrounding the new private airport at Toowoomba? You would know about it Hoppy. No-one was told about it and Newman went to an election without saying a word to the electorate, although he knew it was in the pipeline. Toowoomba council or whoever the local council is up that way - has also signed off on this new private airport which the taxpayers are forced to subsidise although it will be of no benefit to them. It's criminal and in the process - house values surrounding it have crashed and small businesses under the flight path will be destroyed.
First I've heard about it actually. But then I don't have TV, listen to the radio or have the net. News comes to me via a copy of the Australian newspaper typically once a fortnight (usually on a wednesday or thursday) or via gossip/word of mouth.

In west Bundy bush between the airport, catholic high school and a new industrial estate was cleared to build an elite estate for those with their own aeroplane. The concept (already existing in USA) is you can land your plane at the airport, and then taxi it home through the local streets to park in your private hangar.
Like most of Bundy council's grand schemes, its a big flop, because millionaires don't want to live in Bundy, they'd prefer to live at the Bagara beach.
mantra wrote: Governments don't act in our best interests and they no longer listen to the people.
That's why they want to take our guns.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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