Indonesia spy crap..

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DaS Energy

Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:25 pm

Question. Is not a refusal to apologise not akin to not giving a rats arse?

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by Neferti » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:06 pm

Just to remind you lot, the so-called spying, tapping of phones, etc. was done on Rudd/Gillard's shift. So why is everyone having a go at Abbott? Is he supposed to apologise for Rudd/Gillard's mistakes? He has only been Prime Minister for 5 minutes. If I was Abbott I would keep my mouth shut. Let the storm in the teacup cool down.

DaS Energy

Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by DaS Energy » Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:15 pm

Parents apologise for actions of their children. Teachers apologise for actions of their students. Rudd apologised for all Australian people and our past Prime Ministers. Politics is the game of keeping greater forces on side. Its not picking on Abbott per se, its picking on the stupidity not to apologise and that stupidity is glaringly obvious in Abbott at the moment.

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by Neferti » Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:15 pm

DaS Energy wrote:Parents apologise for actions of their children. Teachers apologise for actions of their students. Rudd apologised for all Australian people and our past Prime Ministers. Politics is the game of keeping greater forces on side. Its not picking on Abbott per se, its picking on the stupidity not to apologise and that stupidity is glaringly obvious in Abbott at the moment.
The Coalition has barely been in for 2 MONTHS. Parliament has sat twice. The current Government is NOT responsible for what the former Government did or said. They are responsible for the DEBTS that the former Government racked up. That is why a Coalition Government has to cut back on "stuff". If you can't live without Government assistance, you need to look at your own lifestyle and think of others who are coping quite well but are earning a LOT less than you are.

Rudd mouthed "words" about aboriginals. Saying sorry has NOT made any difference to the way they live up there. TONY ABBOTT is the ONLY one who actually LIVES up there for a week, per year, to learn and discuss what it IS that the Aboriginals need/want. He is dedicated to this and no doubt his children will be too.

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:19 am

Just how dumb are Indonesians?
Indonesians express Aussie hatred with hashtag #GanyangAustralia which means 'Crush Australia'
* From:
* 16 hours ago November 21, 2013 5:06PM

AUSTRALIANS generally like Indonesia and its people. But the feeling is apparently not mutual.

In the face of the spying scandal and Prime Minister's Tony Abbott's reluctance to offer a full upfront apology to Jakarta, ordinary Indonesians are going online to express their anger.

And it's not pretty.

The anti-Australian crusade is being led with the Twitter hashtag #GanyangAustralia which translates as 'Crush Australia'.

We'll share some of those tweets in a moment. But first, here is one of the less pleasant comments from readers of the Jakarta Post, the newspaper which declared "Now it's Personal!" in an editorial this week.

The newspaper seems to have no moderators, so the majority of the comments are not fit to be repeated. But one reader called SiangMalam summed up the general antipathy towards Australia when they said:

"Just look at how Australians who post in this forum 'speak down' as though they are a super power developed country with no problem of their own. If I were President SBY, I will cut off diplomatic relationship and send all scholarship students to New Zealand, UK, Netherlands and the USA. Just because they have a few hundred drunk Aussies drinking in Bali they think they are important to the survival of Indonesia?"

Well, there's the small matter of the $1.4378 billion in aid money we've donated to Indonesia over the past three years. For the record, that money has gone towards education, governance, economic development, health, humanitaran causes and general development support.

But as mentioned, vast numbers of Indonesians still dislike us intently - at least if Twitter is anything to go by. Here's one example of that.

That more or less translates as: "Turns out Australia isn't a good neighbor… Like a ghost in virtual world, we will take action #CrushAustralia"

There is a widespread feeling that Australia is the only country which has ever spied on any other, as voiced in tweets like this one which translates as "#CrushAbbott #CrushAustralia Never harass Sovereignty # Indonesia We would die for # Homeland".

There's some good old-fashioned flag-waving which is not too offensive (apart from the whole CrushAustralia thing). This one simply says "Indonesia is superior in terms of appeal anywhere in Australia #CrushAustralia"

And then there are the patriotic ones with a not so pleasant tone.

Some urge the very destruction of Australia.
This one says "If Australia keeps spying, better Indonesia not to have any ties with Australia. Eliminate."

Mind you, it's probably fair to say that not every Australian tweet has been in the best of taste either (excuse the pun).

Here's another uniquely Australian take on this situation through the lens of humour.

While it's nice to have a laugh to relieve the tension, the reality is that it could take years for Australian/Indonesian relations to heal. And even the most concerted diplomatic efforts may be in vain if some of the more vocal Indonesians on social media are any guide to the wider sentiment.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

DaS Energy

Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:23 am

The question being avoided is was Therese Rudd phone tapped to listen in on her conversations to girlfriends about how Kev performed in bed. We know Kev got his jollies listening in to what Indonesia's Presidents wife had to say about him. Wonder who is currently passing around the tape recordings of Abbotts wife. I suppose Tony has got his back up over if its good enough for his and Kev's missus then why not all missuses both at home and overseas!

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:56 am

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:11 pm

While it's nice to have a laugh to relieve the tension, the reality is that it could take years for Australian/Indonesian relations to heal. And even the most concerted diplomatic efforts may be in vain if some of the more vocal Indonesians on social media are any guide to the wider sentiment.
I believe that. There go our relaxed, cheap holidays in Bali. Maybe Abbott needs to say something on behalf of all Australians to ease the tension?

This standoff will be to our detriment. Sometimes diplomacy is needed in tense situations. Pity the Coalition is bereft of diplomats.

DaS Energy

Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by DaS Energy » Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:54 pm ... hg_wht.gif" onclick=";return false;

Couldn't agree more, can just see Kev going flat out stroke stroke stroke and picturing a 14 year old girl as he did it.

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Re: Indonesia spy crap..

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:23 pm

mantra wrote:
While it's nice to have a laugh to relieve the tension, the reality is that it could take years for Australian/Indonesian relations to heal. And even the most concerted diplomatic efforts may be in vain if some of the more vocal Indonesians on social media are any guide to the wider sentiment.
I believe that. There go our relaxed, cheap holidays in Bali. Maybe Abbott needs to say something on behalf of all Australians to ease the tension?

This standoff will be to our detriment. Sometimes diplomacy is needed in tense situations. Pity the Coalition is bereft of diplomats.
Oh FFS mantra are you living under a rock... they haven't stopped talking behind the scenes.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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