Left -v- Right

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:59 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Mantra, I care less who started multiculturalism, the Whitlam Government (Grassby in particular) claim it was their idea. It's here now, not a lot we can do about it, hey?

Oh, and I think Fraser was pathetic (and still is), the ONLY reason I voted for him (my first vote) was purely because of the absolute mess Whitlam did to Australia!
Didn't you see all the nice things Roach wrote about Whitlam? He brought our boys home from Vietnam. He was a good person.
Oh, I found this Whitlam started it in 1972 Fraser continued the rot in 1978. Hawke and Keating continued it. "shrug". Since Whitlam, Hawke and Keating were ALP PMs and Fraser is, like Turnbull, a "wet" and resigned as a Liberal .... it WAS the LEFT who is responsible for Multiculturalism. End of. :clap :clap
Clever response Neferti. When a conservative prime minister does something wrong - he's called a lefty. I thought it was Fraser who was caught in a pair of fishnet tights, but found this instead. The esteemed Lord Liberal Downer. Was he a lefty/conservative too?


Was it Fraser who was caught with his pants down? No wonder the Liberals don't want to own him.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Neferti » Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:13 pm

Fraser resigned from the Liberals ages ago. He is a real Leftie, not a conservative, though Tamie might have been (is she still alive?)

Downer will never live down those fishnets. :mrgreen: It was some dress-up party or other, why males think it is very amusing to dress up a females, I have no idea. IF I was required to go to a dressup-party, I most definitely wouldn't go as Charlie Chaplin, Hitler, or some other male entity. I would choose a female because .... I am female. There are tons of famous females out there to dress up as (other than Marie Antoinette). :mrgreen:

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:58 pm

mantra wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:Mantra, I care less who started multiculturalism, the Whitlam Government (Grassby in particular) claim it was their idea. It's here now, not a lot we can do about it, hey?

Oh, and I think Fraser was pathetic (and still is), the ONLY reason I voted for him (my first vote) was purely because of the absolute mess Whitlam did to Australia!
Didn't you see all the nice things Roach wrote about Whitlam? He brought our boys home from Vietnam. He was a good person. Any government in at that time would have brought them home...
Oh, I found this Whitlam started it in 1972 Fraser continued the rot in 1978. Hawke and Keating continued it. "shrug". Since Whitlam, Hawke and Keating were ALP PMs and Fraser is, like Turnbull, a "wet" and resigned as a Liberal .... it WAS the LEFT who is responsible for Multiculturalism. End of. :clap :clap
Clever response Neferti. When a conservative prime minister does something wrong - he's called a lefty. I thought it was Fraser who was caught in a pair of fishnet tights, but found this instead. The esteemed Lord Liberal Downer. Was he a lefty/conservative too? Fraser lost his pants...

Always with the "funny" pics eh mantra... yet you don't like it one little bit. Hypocrite!

Was it Fraser who was caught with his pants down? No wonder the Liberals don't want to own him. They don't want him because he's a senile old left wing progressive. He doesn't want them because he's a senile old LW progressive. He's a big hit with whitlam and the rest of the ALP these days though.


Note the use of an image to make a relevant point and not just to try and ridicule someone you personally dislike.
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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:50 pm

Roach wrote:Always with the "funny" pics eh mantra... yet you don't like it one little bit. Hypocrite!
I object to the off topic pictures of your ugly, drug addled girlfriend that you constantly post in the Politics forum and everywhere else on this board. The picture is totally irrelevant to politics and the threads. You make it personal on your part. Posting a picture of a politician is relevant and that's what I post in politics. Too bad if you don't like the pictures. I didn't photoshop Downer and I didn't photoshop Piers.
Note the use of an image to make a relevant point and not just to try and ridicule someone you personally dislike.
Hypocrite. There were plenty of stupid pictures of Gillard and Rudd and no lefty retaliated by sooking and posting off topic pictures. Who cares if a politician is photographed in a compromising situation? I've been taunted with plenty of nasty pics of Bob Brown over the years and just ignored them.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:23 pm

mantra wrote:
Roach wrote:Always with the "funny" pics eh mantra... yet you don't like it one little bit. Hypocrite!
I object to the off topic pictures of your ugly, drug addled girlfriend that you constantly post in the Politics forum and everywhere else on this board. The picture is totally irrelevant to politics and the threads. You make it personal on your part. Posting a picture of a politician is relevant and that's what I post in politics. Too bad if you don't like the pictures. I didn't photoshop Downer and I didn't photoshop Piers.
Note the use of an image to make a relevant point and not just to try and ridicule someone you personally dislike.
Hypocrite. There were plenty of stupid pictures of Gillard and Rudd and no lefty retaliated by sooking and posting off topic pictures. Who cares if a politician is photographed in a compromising situation? I've been taunted with plenty of nasty pics of Bob Brown over the years and just ignored them.
You are so full of hypocritical shyt mantra.
Wait don't tell me you think the naked Piers is an actual photo? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
We all know why you posted them mantra. You are pathetic.
As for pictures, Left vs Right, there are more pictures ridiculing the RW or Conservative side of politics in Australia on the Net than the LW progressive side mantra, a quick google proves that. That could be because Conservatives can't be bothered being pathetic and childish. It is so one sided, in fact, there is no competition, the Left win hands down.
oh and mantra in this I am not a hypocrite at all... I started posting Gillard pics here because of you and your biased ridicule.
If you don't like being referred to as a psycho bitch... don't act like one and stop lying. You started the pic thing... too bad so sad eh.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:29 pm

Rorschach wrote: You are so xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mantra.
Wait don't tell me you think the naked Piers is an actual photo? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
I assumed he was in his speedos like Tony, just that his belly eclipsed them.
We all know why you posted them mantra. You xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
As for pictures, Left vs Right, there are more pictures ridiculing the RW or Conservative side of politics in Australia on the Net than the LW progressive side mantra, a quick google proves that. That could be because Conservatives can't be bothered being pathetic and childish. It is so one sided, in fact, there is no competition, the Left win hands down.
The conservatives give us more to ridicule?
oh and mantra in this I am not a hypocrite at all... I started posting Gillard pics here because of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you don't like being referred to as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
I deleted your abuse - it's more pleasant to respond when I can't see it. I'm going to do that with all your posts from now on.
You started the pic thing...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have I told you lately that you're a bore - or maybe that should be spelt boar.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Neferti » Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:42 pm

bore 1 (bôr, br)
v. bored, bor·ing, bores
1. To make a hole in or through, with or as if with a drill.
2. To form (a tunnel, for example) by drilling, digging, or burrowing.
1. To make a hole in or through something with or as if with a drill: "three types of protein that enable the cells to bore in and out of blood vessels" (Elisabeth Rosenthal).
2. To proceed or advance steadily or laboriously: a destroyer boring through heavy seas.
1. A hole or passage made by or as if by use of a drill.
2. A hollow, usually cylindrical chamber or barrel, as of a firearm.
3. The interior diameter of a hole, tube, or cylinder.
4. The caliber of a firearm.
5. A drilling tool.

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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Neferti » Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:46 pm

Perhaps you mean:

noun: boor; plural noun: boors

a rough and bad-mannered person.
synonyms: lout, oaf, ruffian, hooligan, thug, rowdy, bully boy, brawler, rough, churl, lubber, philistine, vulgarian, yahoo, barbarian, Neanderthal, primitive, savage, brute, beast, monster; More
informalclodhopper, clod, tough, toughie, roughneck, peasant, pig, bruiser, hard man;
informalyobbo, yob, chav, lager lout, oik, lump, ape, gorilla;
"he is such a boor when he is intoxicated"


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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by Neferti » Fri Nov 15, 2013 8:47 pm

Calling people PIGS is not acceptable.


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Re: Left -v- Right

Post by mantra » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:13 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Perhaps you mean:

noun: boor; plural noun: boors

a rough and bad-mannered person.
synonyms: lout, oaf, ruffian, hooligan, thug, rowdy, bully boy, brawler, rough, churl, lubber, philistine, vulgarian, yahoo, barbarian, Neanderthal, primitive, savage, brute, beast, monster; More
informalclodhopper, clod, tough, toughie, roughneck, peasant, pig, bruiser, hard man;
informalyobbo, yob, chav, lager lout, oik, lump, ape, gorilla;
"he is such a boor when he is intoxicated"

I've learnt a new word. Thanks Neferti.

He's that too.

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