USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mantra » Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:56 am

No Obama hasn't stuffed up the economy - it was already stuffed. He's doing what should have been done decades ago. Bush was the one who presided over the GFC and lower taxes for the wealthy, leaving many of those on middle incomes and the poor to end up on the streets. The homeless in the US - including many from the middle classes is appalling. Bush, like Howard, got out in the nick of time before the flack hit the fan.

Who made all the money at the top of the pyramid and ended up wealthier than ever when it collapsed?

When the UK, Australia and finally the US end up stuck with RW governments because of pure ignorance - your children will be the ones to suffer. It will become an even more callous world than it currently is. Their only aim is to make money - they don't give a stuff who suffers along the way or what the consequences will be as a result of their capitalism and psuedo religious doctrine.

Can you imagine what it would be like for us Australians if we didn't have free or low cost health care? In the US you can go to the emergency department to have your child given a couple of stitches - maybe a half hour consultation and it costs you thousands.

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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:28 am

mantra wrote:No Obama hasn't stuffed up the economy - it was already stuffed. He's doing what should have been done decades ago. Bush was the one who presided over the GFC in part brought about by lax Clinton policies like those associated with the sub prime mortgages and lower taxes for the wealthy, low taxes also existed under Clinton leaving many of those on middle incomes and the poor to end up on the streets. The homeless in the US - including many from the middle classes is appalling. Bush, like Howard, got out in the nick of time before the flack hit the fan. Yet Bush couldn't run again. Howard lost an election... seems you just can't stop lying mantra.

Who made all the money at the top of the pyramid and ended up wealthier than ever when it collapsed? The US is the US. :roll:

When the UK, Australia and finally the US end up stuck with RW governments because of pure ignorance another lie - your children will be the ones to suffer. Yet to be seen, many are suffering now thanks to the ALP/Green government It will become an even more callous world than it currently is. Rubbish statement, based on...? Their only aim is to make money - they don't give a stuff who suffers along the way or what the consequences will be as a result of their capitalism and psuedo religious doctrine. Which explains our welfare system and the bipartisan support for the NDIS, or the PPL scheme, etc, etc... if you want to take aim at Conservatives or RW governments be careful and tell the truth.

Can you imagine what it would be like for us Australians if we didn't have free or low cost health care? Not everyone does, many have private insurance as well. In the US you can go to the emergency department to have your child given a couple of stitches - maybe a half hour consultation and it costs you thousands. Care to provide a link to back that up?
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mellie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:31 pm

No Obama hasn't stuffed up the economy - it was already stuffed. He's doing what should have been done decades ago. Bush was the one who presided over the GFC and lower taxes for the wealthy, leaving many of those on middle incomes and the poor to end up on the streets. The homeless in the US - including many from the middle classes is appalling. Bush, like Howard, got out in the nick of time before the flack hit the fan.
- Mantra

Just like Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard didn’t almost destroy our economy .... when they set about assaulting the very industrys that sustains our economy with a carbon tax.

Obamas spending and his pre-electoral sweetening of his minority voters not a factor?

Howards fault too I suspect Mantra?

Take a look at Americas record of budget surpluses.

But first, make a mental note of the following key.
Deficits/Surpluses From 1940 Until 2013 (*fiscal years)

1* - Presidential control
2* - Senate control
3* - House control

D = Democrat R = Republican ... states.php

I think it's clear, Republicans are sounder economical managers.
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:01 pm

Are you saying mantra lied mellie?
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mellie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:09 pm

Rorschach wrote:Are you saying mantra lied mellie?

No, that’s her opinion, and she's entitled to it.

If I said blue were a nice colour and you disagreed, would this mean I were a liar also Roach?

You seem to struggle when it comes to others expressing options in which you disagree.

It doesn’t mean they are liars.
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:12 pm

mellie wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Are you saying mantra lied mellie?

No, that’s her opinion, and she's entitled to it.

If I said blue were a nice colour and you disagreed, would this mean I were a liar also Roach?

You seem to struggle when it comes to others expressing options in which you disagree.

It doesn’t mean they are liars.

no mel.... if your opinion is factually false mel, as so often mantra's are they are lies, untruths, etc, etc, etc...
Interesting that you lie to yourself about mantra and walk the fence when to everyone else it's so bleeding obvious.
You just look silly. :f

Is this just an opinion or a lie mel?
Bush, like Howard, got out in the nick of time before the flack hit the fan.
Bush couldn't stand again.
Howard did.
Howard lost the election, and his seat.
Howard didn't "get out"... he was kicked out of office.
Looks like a lie to me. :D
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mellie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:04 pm

Political opinion on PA is mostly subjective, in that it's subject to an individuals own interpretation of events and perceived facts.
Facts in themselves can be quite subjective, ie... take the ABS's rubbery unemployment figures for instance, in comparison to Roy Morgans.

For instance, you argued that Blacktown was not a socially disadvantaged Sydney suburb arguing that compared to other towns and suburbs across Australia, Blacktown was pretty-well average, socio-economically speaking.

What do you think of the following publication Roach?

Are they telling lies or are they reporting subjectively, in accordance with their own communist views and ideals?

True, reporters,journalists and social/public commentators should be more objective, and less subjective when interpreting what's considered fact, however we are not reporters Roach, we come to PA to post our own views and opinions.

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
― Napoleon Bonaparte
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:18 pm

mellie wrote:Political opinion on PA is mostly subjective, in that it's subject to an individuals own interpretation of events and perceived facts.
Facts in themselves can be quite subjective, ie... take the ABS's rubbery unemployment figures for instance, in comparison to Roy Morgans.

For instance, you argued that Blacktown was not a socially disadvantaged Sydney suburb arguing that compared to other towns and suburbs across Australia, Blacktown was pretty-well average, socio-economically speaking.

What do you think of the following publication Roach?

Are they telling lies or are they reporting subjectively, in accordance with their own communist views and ideals?

True, reporters,journalists and social/public commentators should be more objective, and less subjective when interpreting what's considered fact, however we are not reporters Roach, we come to PA to post our own views and opinions.

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
― Napoleon Bonaparte
Now that is not what I argued... nice try but... FAIL!
try another strawman. :roll:

Oh wait change of argument now we are talking about socio-economics... not the same thing as social disadvantage.

Do try to not muddy the waters mel... was I arguing one or the other... did Blacktown pop up right in the middle of the NSW social disadvantage list or did it not?

Funny that... it wasn't low... was it? It was the median value.

Parts of Blacktown have people of low socio-economic status... just like most cities. But on average it is not, even though it is in the top 5 (I think) local government areas (pop) in Australia.. you'd have to check that...
The City occupies an area of 246.9 square kilometres (95.3 sq mi) and is the most populous (301,099 as the 2011 Census) local government area in New South Wales, and the fifth most populous local government area in Australia.
tadaaah..... :lol:

It's not doing bad considering its size.

Facts are still facts mel regardless of your politics. Wasn't your point that bogans voted for Clive and Blacktown is full of bogans? (paraphrase)
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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mellie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:32 pm

You do know the difference between an opinion piece and an editorial don’t you Roach?

:roll ... Bottom line, we are all getting tired of you berating members calling them liars or nut-cases simply because they express a point of view different to your own.

Are you on the spectrum Roach, cos you are quite black and white and remind me a little of someone I admire.

Mantra is not a liar, and she's entitled to her opinion be it wrong or right here on PA.

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Re: USA - Cannot pay it PS wages ... again

Post by mantra » Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:03 pm

Thank you Mel. You explained it nicely.
Bush, like Howard, got out in the nick of time before the flack hit the fan.
Do I have to add another six hundred words to explain something Roach? Bush did get out in the nick of time - just because I didn't add that he couldn't run again - doesn't mean my statement is untrue. He was lucky and avoided the backlash like Howard.

Now just let people post the way they want to politically. Mel, me, Aussie or anyone else with an opinion different to yours has the right to express in their own words their views without having their character assassinated. You are just an ordinary person with as many foibles and flaws (if not more) as anyone else.

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