And the ETS will kickstart even more spending: ... 71,00.htmlRENEWABLE energy projects under construction or planned in response to the proposed emissions trading scheme will create 26,000 jobs, according to new research published as the federal Coalition seeks to defer the scheme on the basis that it could be a "jobs killer".
Research commissioned by The Climate Institute shows $31 billion worth of clean energy projects already in the pipeline, many in regional areas, will generate 2500 permanent jobs, 15,000 construction jobs and 8600 associated positions. The research does not include jobs in domestic solar or insulation, or new projects funded through the $1.6 billion solar flagships program announced in the budget, and is based on surveying investors rather than making projections from modelling.
In fact, if Rudd could grow a pair, renewable energy (and mandating efficiency and emission targets for cars, office buildings and the like) could kickstart the recovery from the global recession, and lead to a much cleaner future as well as preventing the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere.