Rorschach wrote:Well now the election is over and hopefully all the election crap is at an end... I'm back... only to find crap from Chard.
This should be amusing. At a glance I'm seeing backpeddling, moving goal posts, more appeals to religious bullshit...
Rorschach wrote:
You are wrong.... you lied.
I never ran away and have never said gay people are not human beings... you said i did. STRAWMAN/lie.
You said that an apple cannot be equal to an orange. What else is that supposed to mean in context of gay marriage other than saying that gays cannot be equal to straights? It's not my fault you're a fucking idiot that doesn't understand what a direct compassion is. That is what an "apples vs oranges" statement is, you fucking dolt.
Rorschach wrote:You also seem to have missed to point i was making re apples and oranges etc. But then this seems to be a major failing of yours in many debates. The question is... is this a personal or cultural problem.
Yes, it's a cultural problem stemming from me having an education and you being a dumbfuck that can't even get that apples<oranges = gays<straights. Fuck, do schools even exist down there?
Rorschach wrote:Marriage is defined and has traditionally been for eon the union of a man and a woman... not a man and a man or woman and a woman. Apples and oranges.
Marriage as defined where? Also, definition change. Also, way to reinforce my argument that you really do believe that gays are somehow less than straights.
Rorschach wrote:You want to create a term
Why create a new term when one already exists, you hatfucking retard.
Rorschach wrote:If I play Golf, I'm not playing Football. No one would confuse the two, or want to call one the other. Except you perhaps Chard.
Only you're not saying "I'm going to play golf today instead of football", you lying dipshit. You're saying "Football is not the same as golf and therefore cannot be equal to golf".
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove