Georgia on my mind

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Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Factoid » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:33 am

Guest wrote:You seem to want to compare this conflict with another recent conflict so ask yourself who would be saying what if Australia had again sent in troops to help the big bully bash the little weakling.
The weak mind of the LEFTISTS easily expose their bias, complicity, and stupididty, as proved in your next post ''Guest', where you quote Iraq:- ''You seem to want to compare this conflict with another recent conflict so ask yourself", are you any better.

The Left was recently howling its virtuosity, peceableness, and downright nicety; now however in the face of contemporary Leftist violence, the accolytes can only attempt diversion, so that the rest do not see the shite smeared allover the Lefts face as it seeks to camouflage itself in every peace preferenced worldly society.

You may be comfortable in trotting out lies, and peddling the very latest agitprop, but Im sure those on the eastern front would never give you the same ground 'Guest'.

Down with the Left, and out with International Socialism. :twisted:


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:00 am

Yeah man, Australia sent in it's elite forces ahead of the Russian invasion and wiped out a few Georgean positions before the poor little guys knew what hit them. Now Putin calls Rudd his deputy.


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Factoid » Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:17 pm

Guest wrote:Yeah man, Australia sent in it's elite forces ... Now Putin calls Rudd his deputy.
Thats like saying Fuel Botch and Grocery Choices are grand policy in the national interest.

Besides, I am certain there are a few in Labor in concoction with the Commintern. No need to send shock troops to the eastern front.


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:58 pm

Fuel Botch and Grocery Choices... in concoction with the Commintern
Jeez that's taken the corporate/Liberal scare campaign to a new low.
The desperation to stop the empowerment of consumers is becoming palpable


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by BrokenDrum » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:35 pm

Guest wrote:You seem to want to compare this conflict with another recent conflict so ask yourself who would be saying what if Australia had again sent in troops to help the big bully bash the little weakling.
The old marxist trick: moral equivalence.

Let us compare - what's the difference between Georgia, a fledgling democracy, and Sadam Hussein's dictatorship in Iraq? (Gassing Kurds, rape rooms, and YES, W.M.D. all the rest.) If you can't spot the difference, you are too far gone for anyone to help.

I'll tell you a difference I see: LACK OF LEFT-WING PROTESTS. THIS is an oil-motivated war (among other things.) Civilians are being deliberately TARGETTED here, as opposed to accidentally killed.

WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS FROM OUR RENT-A-CROWD??????? Where are the demands for standards of warfare that bring minimal civilian deaths? Ask the Georgians where those things are as villages are burned down and Russian soldiers go from house to house killing whoever they find inside. (This is called "ethnic cleansing", killing the natives to make way for the Russians they want to move in.)

Russia bit off more than it could chew. Russia is now bringing tactical nukes onto the battlefield. Putin has been playing with fire for years and he knows he made a mistake this time. Didn't expect America to respond at all, didn't expect Georgian resistance, wanted a quick surrender and installation of a puppet government.

I am disgusted at everyone who protested the Iraq war but who are not protesting now.

Europe and the world are getting a good look at the Russian beast, mask dropped at last, fangs bared. The world will not like what it sees. Do not apologize for the beast. No one is THAT blind.


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:31 pm

Hey dont I remember meeting you at that rally, years and years ago, protesting the US support and empowerment of murdering dictator Saddam Hussein? You had the flower power shirt on didn't you?


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Factoid » Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:33 am

Guest wrote:
Fuel Botch and Grocery Choices...Jeez that's taken the corporate/Liberal scare campaign to a new low...
Thats the antithesis of the Labor chauvinist Nazi witchunt conducted right across our fine nation. Actually, the witchunt is really a cloak masking Labors inherent 'class-enemy' attitudes towards those it doesnt like.

You can find it in Labors other constitution, the Commy Manifesto.

And yes, the lack of Renta-Crowd-Noise obviates the guilt and complicity -even involvement- of our Lefties. For them, Soviet Imperialism is OK, because it is done in the name of Marx and Concensus. For this they are greatful, even proud.

No matter the loss, depravity and abhorence that follows, the Left has all the social machinery in place to usurp dignity and history, replacing it with a pack of suitable lies designed to sanctify the Left.

Down with the Left!

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Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by freediver » Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:09 am

I am disgusted at everyone who protested the Iraq war but who are not protesting now.

Um, the Russian government is not doing this on our behalf. Howard was. Putin won't care if we stop voting for him. Howard did.

And yes, the lack of Renta-Crowd-Noise obviates the guilt and complicity -even involvement- of our Lefties.

No it doesn't. As members of a democracy we are ultimately responsible for the actions of our own government. But not Putin. Just because you don't protest does not mean you support Putin.


Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by Factoid » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:41 pm

freediver wrote:And yes, the lack of Renta-Crowd-Noise obviates the guilt and complicity -even involvement- of our Lefties....No it doesn't. [what did you mean yes/no] As members of a democracy we are ultimately responsible for the actions of our own government. But not Putin. Just because you don't protest does not mean you support Putin.
But if you are lected by a protesting minority, that does not mean you represent the majority.

Labor knows this, and is getting daily lessons on what it means to hate its domestic enemies, ignore the polity and taking for granted the suffrage. Brought to power by political and social violence, uncle joes' Labor, is no better than Putins Russia.

Our dmoestic Lefties such as the ABC, or most of televisions Leftist 'news' representatives and correspondents, are one such element of Australian society that obviate and are complicit in a taste of the Soviet lifestyle. Then there the unions, such as that shallow ACTU rep burrows; these too are in the rank and file of the Left in touch with the Comintern, and loving it.

Their problem now is how to reconcile their obviating hatred and violence against the backdrop of dialectic materialism, and domestic sweet-talking designed to cushion the blow of foul-mouthed and filthy minded Labor (Keating for example) with the soviet invasion of Georgia.

The only waay out of such politicl love affairs for Labor is 'normitprop', thast is the use of media and timed spin designed to make the public love Labor just a little bit.

Caught captive, the Australian audience -indeed the world- might just be suffering a bout of Stockholm Syndrome.


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Re: Georgia on my mind

Post by freediver » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:45 pm

Brought to power by political and social violence, uncle joes' Labor, is no better than Putins Russia.

I didn't notice all this violence at the last election. Is the left wing media keeping it a secret?

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