Already things are looking up with Labor gone

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Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:38 pm

Stock market hits 5 year high.
Consumer confidence hits 3 year highs.

Amazing what can happen when you scrape the shit off your boots.
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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by Rorschach » Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:42 pm

You realise Monk's comeback will be either a small range of expletives or some cockamamie reason it's all due to the ALP.

Or both :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by babette » Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:53 am

Tony Abbott Dividend

IT has been jokingly described as the "Tony Abbott Dividend" - the financial revival witnessed by the Australian economy since Mr Abbott was voted Prime Minister less than four days ago.

Despite not even being officially sworn in as yet - Australia's new PM has been described by economists as the having the "economic Midas touch" after a swathe of positive economic news fostered hope the Australian economy was slowly recovering from rock bottom.

Less than two months ago, Australia's economy was left in a precarious position with a high dollar and low levels of business confidence leaving analysts questioning the near future.

However two lots of Chinese data, released yesterday, and new housing finance figures backup the Reserve Bank's claim that the Australian economy should slowly but steadily pick up from now onwards.

AMP chief economist, Shane Oliver says with newly elected leaders often entering the job at a bad time economically, Mr Abbott might have timed his run to perfection.

"It looks like it's going to prove to be a good election to win. The government has taken over when things are a bit depressed so there are certainly more chances of things going up rather than down."

"You certainly can't put all this data down to Tony's appointment, but without a doubt it's news he'll certainly smile at," Mr Oliver said." ... 6717043204" onclick=";return false;

"You certainly can't put all this data down to Tony's appointment,"
Can't you? There is a positive attitude amongst the business sector now with the ALP no longer stufffing up the Australian economy.

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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:38 am

This is good news, and was always going to happen as soon as we showed Labor the door.

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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:34 am

The business community has been stagnant for years, unable to make investment decisions for fear the ALP would pounce on it and announce another tax.

These guys should have been chucked by a decent GG years ago.
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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:48 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:The business community has been stagnant for years, unable to make investment decisions for fear the ALP would pounce on it and announce another tax.

These guys should have been chucked by a decent GG years ago.

The fact that a GG is the mother-in-law of the Labor leader in waiting (Bill Shorten) suggests there’s always been a conflict of interest.

GG needs to step down. Should have never assumed the position as our nations GG.

And Apart from her vested personal interests in the Labor party, both she and her husband Michael Bryce are staunch republicans, her husband is on the pro-republican Ausflag panel and was who judged the last flag contest.

Why would you install an anti-monarchist as your GG unless you had all intentions of taking us to a referendum to turn Australia into a republic?
Thats a conflict of interest re- her role as GG in itself. :roll:

I think this was Labors underlying agenda, though given they only won a minority government, and did so on the back of the Greens preferences, their loyalties lied with pleasing them first.

Greens were more concerned with a Carbon tax and Gay marriage than pushing the republican agenda, so Labor missed the beat again.
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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by Neferti » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:51 am

Quentin's time is almost up, I believe. Tony will appoint a new GG eventually. It will not be John Howard as he has said he doesn't want the job.

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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:56 am

Neferti~ wrote:Quenton's time is almost up, I believe. Tony will appoint a new GG eventually. It will not be John Howard as he has said he doesn't want the job.

Hopefully this time, it will be a monarchist at least.

The role of GG is normally thought to be purely ceremonial, however in instances of a hung parliament, the role of a GG is relevant when party leaders wish form government.

Time she went.

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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by Neferti » Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:03 am

I just checked and she was appointed in September 2008 ... the usual term of appointment is 5 years. No doubt she will have to hang around for a while, she has to "install" Tony Abbott as Prime Minister ... next week, I think. So. I am sure Tony has a list of people who might be a suitable replacement and he is a Monarchist.

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Re: Already things are looking up with Labor gone

Post by mellie » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:14 am

Neferti~ wrote:I just checked and she was appointed in September 2008 ... the usual term of appointment is 5 years. No doubt she will have to hang around for a while, she has to "install" Tony Abbott as Prime Minister ... next week, I think. So. I am sure Tony has a list of people who might be a suitable replacement and he is a Monarchist.

Cant wait.

Will be glad to see the back of the lot of them.

:roll: They damn near wrecked this country, they should hang their heads in shame and this includes their squandering GG Bryce and her flower bills.

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws reveal the Governor-General's office spent $109,000 on fragrant blooms between September 2008 and January 31 this year.

"Expenditure on flowers has been cut by over 25 per cent (from 2008-09) to a current average of around $400 per week, per property," Deputy Official Secretary to the Governor-General Mark Fraser said.

"Flowers used throughout both properties to support official functions are sourced from the gardens and grounds and through external suppliers." ... 6016514763

Who spends this much on flowers for Christ sake?
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