PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

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Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by mantra. » Fri May 15, 2009 7:39 am

Celetina wrote:
mantra wrote: Do you know why anti-semitic comments aren't acceptable? Because Jews control our media and governments.
That's a very naive comment mantra. Many are Jewish, yes, but in name only, not by nature. Why all the pro-Palestinian stories then?
Perhaps it is a naive comment Celetina, particularly with these new censorship laws being put in place, but the US media and much of our media is predominantly Jewish. As far as the pro-Palestinian stories - many of them come from Al-Jazeera and the remaining few other non-Jewish media outlets, of which there aren't too many left. I have no problems with Jews individually, but they have a controlling agenda the same as any other highly organised religion except they're smarter and more subtle. They tell us who to hate and what to buy and how much we pay for it. They choose the Presidents of the US and influence the leaders of the Western world eg EU, UN, G20. They own the World Bank & IMF and these organisations haven't just been created for altruistic purposes.

Stunning Jewish Success Dominates Media


Fortunately not all Jews hate the Arabs, but they do share an ancestor.
John Howard is a jew..it matters not of course, his reign is behind him and we did not suffer unduly under his ministrations. Maybe we all have Jewish ancestry Im thinking.
There isn't a lot of information linking Howard to being Jewish, although there is certainly enough rumour. Wiki states that he was born into a Methodist family, but he obviously had strong affiliations with Israel. He received an honourary doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in December 2008 for "outstanding statesmanship and leading role on the world stage in promoting democracy and combating international terrorism" and his "remarkable understanding of, and exceptional support for, the State of Israel and his deep friendship with the Australian Jewish community".

Jovial Monk

Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri May 15, 2009 9:39 am

I am afraid that all this smacks unpleasantly of racism.

Yes, Howard was a rat, but born methodist so NOT a Jew. sheesh!

Jews concentrate on business and the professions, so what?


Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by mantra. » Fri May 15, 2009 9:45 am

Jovial Monk wrote:I am afraid that all this smacks unpleasantly of racism.

Yes, Howard was a rat, but born methodist so NOT a Jew. sheesh!

Jews concentrate on business and the professions, so what?
Strange comment Monk, particularly as you have made some derogatory comments in regard to Muslims. Besides isn't Judaism considered a religion - not a race, although Arab Jews & Muslims are descendants of Abraham.

So we are no longer free to make critical comments of certain races and religions without being assumed racist? It's a little hypocritical that anti-semitic remarks are pounced upon, but abuse of Islam flows unabated.

Jovial Monk

Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri May 15, 2009 10:30 am

I have made derogatory--I would call that condemnatory--comments about Muslim practices, esp their disgusting treatment of women!

First it is the chinese, next it is the Jews, WTF Mantra?

Judaism is a religion not a race! As a race the Jews are in the same position as true Arabs: semites.

Jovial Monk

Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri May 15, 2009 10:36 am

You want Islam?

OK, better get a tent and convert that to a burka. Want to raise your hand? Better make sure you hold your sleeve with a couple of fingers of that hand and not commit the cardinal sin of exposing your wrist and forearm!

If you had a husband you would have to walk 5 paces behind him. He, or a brother or uncle of yours, will have to accompany you to the shops or anywhere outside the house. No hubby? Then you can't leave your house! Can't leave your house, can't work! No money, what to do? Prostitution is about the only way left to get money for food (not for bills, water/gas/light/phone have been shut off long ago. When caught/accused of prostitution you will be condemned to be stoned to death--and your customers, even when known as customers of yours, will be there happily throwing stones.

I condemn utterly the inhuman treatment of women like that!


Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by skippy » Fri May 15, 2009 10:48 am

I agree with mantra, it seems its fair game to bag the Muslims but dare mention the jews in a negative light and you're branded as anti semitic, WHY?
For every negative story on Islam I can find one from Judaism and another from Christianity, all religions believe they are the true religion, that's the problem. If people used their brain and realised the only bloody life they're ever going to get is this one, the world might be a better place.


Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by mantra. » Fri May 15, 2009 11:15 am

Jovial Monk wrote:I have made derogatory--I would call that condemnatory--comments about Muslim practices, esp their disgusting treatment of women!

First it is the chinese, next it is the Jews, WTF Mantra?

Judaism is a religion not a race! As a race the Jews are in the same position as true Arabs: semites.
You were the one who made the initial comment that my post "smacks unpleasantly of racism" and I pointed out the facts to you Monk.

Why is one religion better than the other? Because it's OUR religion say the defenders.

Not all Muslims are bad, neither are all Jews, but as a whole following the lead of their extremist leaders - they are bad. Zionism is one of the greater evils in this world and much of the extremist Muslim behaviour has been in retribution to the zionist actions against them.

"The Qur’an introduces a conflict as to which son of Abraham was truly the son of promise. The Hebrew Scriptures say it was Isaac. The Qur’an says it was Ishmael. The Qur’an teaches that it was Ishmael who Abraham almost sacrificed to the Lord, not Isaac (in contradiction to Genesis chapter 22). This debate over who was the son of promise contributes to the hostility today."

Last edited by mantra. on Fri May 15, 2009 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jovial Monk

Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri May 15, 2009 11:29 am

Zionists don't fly planes full of passengers into skyscrapers.

Islamists are not your friends!


Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by Auzgurl » Fri May 15, 2009 11:33 am

Jovial Monk wrote:I am afraid that all this smacks unpleasantly of racism.

Yes, Howard was a rat, but born methodist so NOT a Jew. sheesh!

Jews concentrate on business and the professions, so what?

So because you perceive it to be racist you want to stifle our rights to discuss it?

If Jews concentrate on business and professions, then no greater profession exists than the top job in the country..and earlier as treasurer of Australia..John Howard was a zionist.

Freedom of speech is the right to discuss Jews the same way we discuss Aborignals, Muslims, Sudanese etc....and we do ....so why are jews off limits, especially if, as you say they are not a race.We can also discuss Religion with the same freedoms I would have thought.

So now you are discussing Muslims in a "racist" light,[ not all Muslims fly planes into buildings, thats racist Monk].. and on forums for the last 5 years who has heeded one word about how racist that is...or ever been taken seriously for one minute anyway????

get over it Monk One. ;)
Last edited by Auzgurl on Fri May 15, 2009 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: PC Big Brother Is Watching You, So Shut Up!

Post by skippy » Fri May 15, 2009 11:37 am

Jovial Monk wrote:Zionists don't fly planes full of passengers into skyscrapers.

Islamists are not your friends!
No they dont, Zionists prefer to blow the fuck out of Palistinian schools with illegal dirty bombs.

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