Election Aftermath

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by mantra » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:59 am

Mel wrote:Take the carbon tax for instance, Abbott needs to wait until the Greens are fumigated from the senate before he can work his magic.

And I think you will find the same applies to much of what Labor intentionally rolled out in haste in a deliberate attempt to make the most of irresponsible policy knowing full well it would be difficult if not impossible to repeal until next July.
The Greens will probably agree with him on the PPL, but yes Abbott might have to wait 9 months before he can repeal the carbon tax.

Rumour by the media hints at Abbott wanting a double dissolution, because even when the Greens are gone - he will still have in all probability a hostile senate.

Maybe a double dissolution might be the way to go? Abbott needs a mandate in the Senate to fulfill all of his promises.

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:04 pm

Monk's getting ahead of himself. :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by Jovial_Monk » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:12 pm

The Greens do themselves no good by supporting such outrageous middleclass welfare like the Abbott PPL. The Nats and big business will kill it, fortunately.

Fumigate Greens? Their number increased by 1.

By Jul 2014, and even more so by Oct 2014 the austerity and cancellation of any fast broadband roll out will see Abbott not being very popular. No more talk of DD and the Carbon Price transmutes into an ETS is my guess. Not that Abbott has much courage in the first place.

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:15 pm

oh dear.... will Monk do his usual and ignore this questions?
Fumigate Greens? Their number increased by 1.
Could you provide a link please?
I gather you are not talking about the H of Reps.
Do we still have to tolerate the idiot Hanson-Young?
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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by mellie » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:33 pm

Monk, Greens with wither away by July next year.

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6713523261

As they should, they are an absolute disgrace.

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by mantra » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:29 pm

mellie wrote:Monk, Greens with wither away by July next year.

As they should, they are an absolute disgrace.

Why are they an absolute disgrace? Because Abbott and the media say so? All they did was request a carbon tax, which hasn't been as bad as everyone has made it out to be. Most civilised nations have a carbon tax now. The Greens are advocates of gay marriage - so what and they believe we should be more accepting of refugees. Oh how disgraceful!

Aside from the above three apparently contentious issues - they are vocal proponents of reducing mining licenses and keeping the hunters out of reserves and forests.

Next time a tourist or family want to stroll through one of our National Parks - they'll need to wear a fluorescent vest and hold a red flag above their head so the hunters can see them. On the other hand it could be worse when the logging companies get in there or maybe an open cut bauxite mine might be more appealing?

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by mellie » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:41 pm

Mantra, why would we want to reduce licenses in a bid to destroy the very industry that is the backbone of our nations economy?

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU


Re: Election Aftermath

Post by Jovial_Monk » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:57 pm

Maybe to develop more lasting forms of industry: farming & grazing, tourism etc. You fucking lunatic, mining is like 5% of GDP.

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by mantra » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:22 pm

mellie wrote:Mantra, why would we want to reduce licenses in a bid to destroy the very industry that is the backbone of our nations economy?

Because Mel - large foreign corporations - are buying up huge tracts of good agricultural land to mine. We've always had a reasonable food export trade here and it's being eroded away quickly.

The states are flooded with mines and people are getting ill and having to walk away from their properties.

Indian, Chinese and Korean companies are the worst at present, but with the approval of the government - and it was the same under the Coalition, they can bring their own employees out here to work. There is nothing in it for us especially now that Abbott is removing the mining tax. Even royalties to the States are coming with so many credits attached, that we will be owing them shortly just for the privilege of mining here.

There is no discrimination anymore. Foreign states can buy up our land and even those who choose to use it for agriculture pay no tax.

A mining license costs about $100 a year.

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Re: Election Aftermath

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:32 pm

mantra wrote:
mellie wrote:Monk, Greens with wither away by July next year.

As they should, they are an absolute disgrace.

Why are they an absolute disgrace? Because Abbott and the media say so? Bullshit All they did was request a carbon tax, bullshit which hasn't been as bad as everyone has made it out to be. Bullshit Most civilised nations have a carbon tax now. Bullshit The Greens are advocates of gay marriage - so what so longstanding cultural tradition and they believe we should be more accepting of refugees. and all the non genuine illegals as well Oh how disgraceful! Exactly :roll: :roll: :roll:

Aside from the above three apparently contentious issues - they are vocal proponents of reducing mining licenses and keeping the hunters out of reserves and forests. and lots of other changes and silly ideas

Next time a tourist or family want to stroll through one of our National Parks - they'll need to wear a fluorescent vest and hold a red flag above their head so the hunters can see them. Bullshit On the other hand it could be worse when the logging companies get in there or maybe an open cut bauxite mine might be more appealing? It might be but that's just more bullshit
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