Super Nova wrote:Congratulations Australia
Now... no carbon tax, reduced boaty's, right sized NBN, and improvements in the balance sheet. Sound like the lucky country will begin to return.
Go Australia.
SuperTurdPolisher should know better, living in an economy hurting from self–imposed austerity that has INcreased the deficit.
Monkey man and the Audit report the economic illiterate will stop the NBN rollout as the contracts expire and will not roll out Fraudband. That will see a bit of private cherry picking that is just going to make a national scheme more difficult and expensive, the digital divide between country and city will widen.
We never had a carbon tax, we had a Carbon Price. Monkeyman will let that move to an ETS and leave it at that—my prediction #1. I predict that because business wants the certainty of a carbon price mechanism and removing it will eventually see Australian exports get hit with Green Tariffs—a removal will see, for example, Qantas get hit with a levy on every one of its planes that lands in the UK. Also—the present Senate will block that until the new one takes over 1 Jul 2014 by which time recession will be stalking the land and Abbott will take the easy way out.
With austerity being the order of the day in a years time I predict (#2) unemployment will have increased from 5.8% to 8.5% on its way to pass 10%. Because of this and the increasing deficit we will lose our triple AAA rating (#3) and interest rates on public and private debt will increase (#4), feeding austerity and plunging us into recession (#5). The $A will consequent dip markedly, zooming past its “natural” rate of 75–77¢US (#6) That will cause import prices to rise (not a prediction a certainty if #3 is accurate) including that of petroleum products increasing the price of everything made with or from or transported by petroleum.
This could further increase CoL already substantially higher if monkeyman’s PPL ridiculous policy gets up. The newly resurgent National Party will stop that as will Treasury, big business and small business so monkeyman will squib it. If not, all predictions should be moved up a notch.
About this time the economic illiterate Costello will hand in his botch job of an “Audit” which Abbott will squib doing things with (#7) and Turncoat will step up his destabilisation which he started doing like a month ago and shortly after 7/7/14 will launch a challenge (#8). He will make things worse (#9).
There, nine predictions you can hold me to account on.