Outburst a pointer to Labor fall
* by: Andrew Bolt
* From: Herald Sun
* September 05, 2013 12:00AM
LABOR won't win another election unless it learns from Kevin Rudd's astonishing performance on Monday's Q&A.
Want to understand Labor's fall? Then watch the Prime Minister abuse a pastor for holding an opinion on same-sex marriage which Rudd shared only four months ago.
That Rudd also trashed the Bible - holy book of the faith he ostentatiously professes - made him seem even more cynical and unprincipled. Rudd is a fool, and every day he keeps proving it.
What a metaphor for Labor's six years in office.
Matt Prater, a New Hope Church pastor and Christian broadcaster, was in the ABC's Q&A audience and asked Rudd about his decision in May to support same-sex marriage.
Said Prater: "Most of the listeners and callers we have had in our radio station have been saying they won't be voting for you because . . . you seem to keep chopping and changing your beliefs just to get a popular vote with regards to things like marriage."
Rudd's reply was outrageous. He immediately painted Prater as a gay-hating bigot: "[People] are gay if they are born gay . . . The idea that this is somehow an abnormal condition is just wrong . . .
"If your starting point is that homosexuality is abnormal - I don't know if that's your view." Dr Death, he is such a hateful person.
Prater, who'd said no such thing, said his real objection to same sex marriage was that the Bible defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
"I'm just curious for you, Kevin, if you call yourself a Christian, why don't you believe the words of Jesus in the Bible?"
But having already slimed the pastor, Rudd, who likes to pose in front of his church, slimed his faith.
"Well, mate," he sneered. "If I was going to have that view, the Bible also says that slavery is a natural condition." Actually the Christian Bible the New Testament says slavery is to be abandoned and slaves freed... check out LUKE. The old testament which is the Hebrew history merely states that slavery exists and exhorts the beliefs of the time.
But the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Glenn Davies, says Rudd "misquoted the Bible" and was "profoundly wrong". Aristotle, not the Bible, defined slavery as a natural condition. A point I have made previously here.
As Canon Sandy Grant, senior minister at Wollongong's St Michael's Anglican Cathedral, pointed out, the Bible actually ranks "slave traders" among "the ungodly and sinful".
Grant added: "I am appalled at how this national leader . . . misrepresented the Holy Book of the faith he confesses on its teaching on one matter (slavery) to avoid its teaching on another matter (of marriage) . . ."
But the Left-leaning Q&A audience applauded Rudd wildly for abusing the pastor and Christianity and the ABC's clip went viral, watched 330,000 times.
In fact, Rudd's rant perfectly illustrated how Labor has failed: how it confuses abuse with persuasion, Twitter for the public, fashion for substance. Amen to that brother...
Note how Rudd repeatedly made the pastor seem a bigot for holding an opinion Rudd himself held until last May. but we all know kevin is a liar and a hypocrite!
In fact, Rudd used to argue - just like the pastor - "marriage is between a man and woman" and "it's just been our traditional, continuing view". Was he then a gay-hater?
But with a convert's zeal, Rudd showed no respect for the opinion he used to hold or for the pastor. He sought to win an argument by bullying, not persuading. Hasn't that been Labor's way? To denigrate people for holding opinions Labor itself once held or has since adopted? Misogyny, media bias, convoy of incontinence... the list goes on and on... the progressive left is hateful.
Remember how Labor abused as "racists" those of us warning its lax border laws were luring boat people here? See how Labor has since decided, too late, its laws were indeed too soft?![]()
Remember how Labor branded as "misogynists" those of us warning Julia Gillard was incompetent, preaching division and hatred? See how Labor has since admitted Gillard was too divisive?![]()
Remember how Labor vilified as "deniers" those of us warning the carbon tax was a useless fix to a global warming that's paused? Remember how we were abused, but never answered?![]()
This is the most important lesson from Rudd's attack. Given the chance to persuade even a fellow Christian, Rudd abused him instead and insulted his faith. He made an enemy of Christians who could have been his allies.
"I thought he was a bit rough," Prater later told The Australian.
"I was a bit shocked because I feel we have to have a reasonable rational discussion about this."
Yet Rudd's camp thought this his finest moment, wife Therese Rein retweeting, "You were bloody brilliant tonight Kevin". Often wondered about Therese, but heard her on 2GB overnight and it was obvious she is severely deluded.
No, he wasn't. And until Labor realises why, it's finished.
Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a suprise
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- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
Krudd is just trying everything to gain a few extra votes. Typical. I do not believe that he is a real Christian, he attends Church to get photo ops. I posted this picture (taken when he was PM the first time at the Anglican Church in Reid, ACT.) If you recall, he used to do "doorstop" interviews each Sunday morning This particular day, a gentleman had a fainting spell and needed assistance. Krudd "helped" by holding on to the guy's ankle .... all for the cameras, it was reported here with much amusement. The man is a show pony .... and has gained a heap of weight since this picture was taken.

I am so thoroughly sick of Krudd and the Election.

I am so thoroughly sick of Krudd and the Election.
- Posts: 10891
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
Kev will do anything for votes.... now he's chasing the disabled vote.

...complete with jerky spastic hand gestures .
Slack bastard, that’s fucked.

...complete with jerky spastic hand gestures .
Slack bastard, that’s fucked.

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
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Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
The media has done such a hatchet job on Labor. Every move and gesture of the PM is derided. It's pathetic. A majority of Australians don't like Abbott much either, but he's not exposed as much as Rudd is and certainly isn't treated like a piece or garbage the way Gillard and Rudd have been treated.
Why do you think Murdoch is herding the sheep towards Abbott? We're going to see religion play a more prominent role in our society if Abbott gets in and there's something in it for Murdoch too or maybe it's just a thank you. Abbott will make a good puppet especially as he's being mentored by Howard. Remember when Howard changed the media ownership laws? This gave the media conglomerates a lot more power and control? Small independent newspapers were immediately wiped out and the Murdoch empire bought them all up. This might be payback.
Why do you think Murdoch is herding the sheep towards Abbott? We're going to see religion play a more prominent role in our society if Abbott gets in and there's something in it for Murdoch too or maybe it's just a thank you. Abbott will make a good puppet especially as he's being mentored by Howard. Remember when Howard changed the media ownership laws? This gave the media conglomerates a lot more power and control? Small independent newspapers were immediately wiped out and the Murdoch empire bought them all up. This might be payback.
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
He believes in Christianity only if he can be Jesus Christ.Neferti~ wrote:Krudd is just trying everything to gain a few extra votes. Typical. I do not believe that he is a real Christian, he attends Church to get photo ops.
- Neferti
- Posts: 18113
- Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:26 pm
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
He can try to walk across Lake Burley Griffin any day he likes ... should he sink, so be it. 

- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Rudd the hypocrite wows a Q&A Audience- Now theres a sup
Says the woman who first posted bad pictures of Tony Abbott here and has been posting as many as she can ever since.The media has done such a hatchet job on Labor. Every move and gesture of the PM is derided. It's pathetic. A majority of Australians don't like Abbott much either, but he's not exposed as much as Rudd is and certainly isn't treated like a piece or garbage the way Gillard and Rudd have been treated.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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