There is no doubt however that Bob's heart is in the right place and he is a genuine pro-Australian pollie.
It’s Time For A New Kind of Government!
Labor or the Coalition, irrespective of who their leader, will give us more of the same, with slight variations on a predictable theme, just as they’ve done for the last decade.
It’s time for a new kind of government. A government of substance, not ‘spin’.
Bob Katter’s team, with the ‘balance of power’ will:
The questions that need to be asked for all the minor parties I suppose is just how realistic are the policies and platforms on which they run.1. Mandate premium shelf space in Australian supermarkets for Australian grown and processed foods.
2. Mandate that all government cars will be Australian made if ‘fit for purpose’
3. Stop the sale of public essential Australian assets.
4. Introduce and apply the right Key Performance Indicators to the assessment and remuneration of all bureaucrat managers.
5. Reform education to inject life skills into both primary and secondary curricula: that is, training in effective communication, financial, career and life planning.
6. Eliminate the Carbon Tax, prevent an emissions trading scheme. Promote the efficient use of biofuels and effective new energy technologies.
7. End to the ‘Nanny State’ – a state of over-regulation, burdening business and stifling personal freedoms.