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Read more: ... z2dsLU75sCHowever, some viewers also accused the Prime Minister of bullying.
News Corp columnist Tim Blair said that personalising the exchange and demanding to know if his questioner believes “homosexuality is abnormal” was bullying.
"It's bullying, but it plays well to a whooping Q&A crowd who don't appreciate that Rudd and the targeted audience member were on the same side just 107 days ago," he said.
Mr Rudd finished his response by referring to the New Testament.
"The human condition and social conditions change," he said. "What is the fundamental principle of the New Testament? It is one of universal love. If we get obsessed with a particular definition for that through sexuality then I think we're missing the centrality of what the gospel... is all about. And therefore I go back to my question, if you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition then frankly I cannot agree with you based on any element of the science."
Back in 2007, as opposition leader, our Rudd had this to say about same-sex marriage.....
Australian Coalition for Equality spokesman Rodney Croome said the community was disappointed by Mr Rudd's comments."When it comes to the Marriage Act, that is the responsibility of the Federal Parliament," Mr Rudd said. "And the Marriage Act relates to a union between a man and a woman, and that remains Labor policy as it has been into the past and as it will remain into the future. ... 66209.html
This hypocritical shallow opportunistic mouthpiece would sell his wife and kids if he thought it might increase his chances of being elected.
Mature men in their 50's just don’t change their life-long convictions and heartfelt religious beliefs in just 107 days leading up to a federal election.
Marriage equality advocates have welcomed Kevin Rudd's rejection of a referendum on the issue.
In other words, Marriage equality advocates have welcomed Rudds decision to deny Australians the right to vote either for or against same-sex marriage in his despotic pursuit of the minority vote.
It's all about Kevin Rudd.
Always was, always will be.