The UN is crazy......... Syria

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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Super Nova » Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:22 am

What I don't understand what will this proposed attack achieve......

any ideas?


It feels like pub brawl mentality.
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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by freediver » Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:35 am

Russia selling anti aircraft weapons is not going to have any impact on the internal struggle. The west selling smaller arms to the rebels will. Russia's move is a bit like when the US sold anti aircraft weapons to the Afghans, except that the west is not attempting to occupy Syria. The American's can drop bombs from a great height if needed.

Russia probably just wants to avoid another American army on it's doorstep, and is trying to prevent that in a way that does not stop the US from directing the outcome in Syria. It sounds like it is drawing a line,, saying how far it will let the US go, rather than saying the west should stay out completely.


Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:02 pm

Cruise missiles rather than bombers.

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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:13 am

Obama the warmonger...

Why take violent action when peace is an easier option?
In a world with many dangers, this menace must be confronted. This menace? must it?

Now, after careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets. This would not be an open-ended intervention. We would not put boots on the ground. Instead, our action would be designed to be limited in duration and scope. But I'm confident we can hold the Assad regime accountable for their use of chemical weapons, deter this kind of behaviour, and degrade their capacity to carry it out. But is it up to you?

Our military has positioned assets in the region. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has informed me that we are prepared to strike whenever we choose. Moreover, the Chairman has indicated to me that our capacity to execute this mission is not time-sensitive; it will be effective tomorrow, or next week, or one month from now. And I'm prepared to give that order. Against the UN and world opinion? For what reason? Will you just inflame the hatred already there towards the state? Are you just bullies?
But having made my decision as Commander-in-Chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, In what way...? I'm also mindful that I'm the President of the world's oldest constitutional democracy. I've long believed that our power is rooted not just in our military might, but in our example as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Of America NOT the rest of the World... And that's why I've made a second decision: I will seek authorisation for the use of force from the American people's representatives in Congress.
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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:22 pm

Kevvy says that Tony doesn't have the temperament to handle complex foreign issues like the crisis in Syria. Yet he thinks he does? Sure sure Kevvy. :b

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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Neferti » Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:35 pm

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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Super Nova » Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:55 pm

Obama is following Uk's lead and wanting congresses blessing before proceeding.

The US must not take unilateral action.

What a diplomatic and political screw-up.
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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:05 pm

Perhaps Obama was originally thinking he was... The King of the World.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:52 pm

BOTH Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong should apologise for embarrassing Australia by effectively calling US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron inept and unfit to represent their countries.

On Sunday, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott cautioned at rushing into the middle of the Syrian civil war, between two pretty unsavoury sides.

"It's not goodies versus baddies. It's baddies versus baddies," Abbott added.

This prompted Wong to shriek that Abbott was "not fit to represent Australia in any international forum" and Rudd to sneer that "international relations is more complex than a John Wayne western".

Wong and Rudd have therefore shrieked and sneered at Obama and Cameron, as well. Because that duo have said respectively: "We know who the bad guys are," (Obama June 7); and "you've got a lot of bad guys in Syria," (Cameron July 21).

What this demonstrates is what a thoroughly ugly and vicious - and, it has to be said, basically stupid - collection this lot we have had the misfortune to call an Australia government is.

Sneering and shrieking, smearing and sliming, and just plain out lying and then lying again, all the way through the last six years.

Heaven forfend if they aren't all well and truly cleared out of their Augean stables on Saturday.

Let Rudd and the rest go back to their own private mud baths.

It is extraordinary but hardly surprising that Rudd and Wong have not been shamed into silence after their utterly disgraceful attempted fraud on voters last week.

When along with Treasurer Chris Bowen they tried to 'pass off' official analysis - that wasn't - of the Opposition's costings.

But of course they are utterly shameless. And stupid to boot. To think they could get away with it.

If anyone has demonstrated a total ineptitude in foreign relations it is Rudd.

Both in his total clunky nerdiness in sidling up to 'celebrities' and all his embarrassing bon mots.

It'd almost be worth it, to see him do it one more time at St Petersburg later this week. ... 6709358191" onclick=";return false;

Aint that the truth :rofl


Re: The UN is crazy......... Syria

Post by Aldebaran5 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:39 pm

Super Nova wrote:What I don't understand what will this proposed attack achieve......

any ideas?


It feels like pub brawl mentality.
What it will achieve is to kill more people, and not necessarily the ones behind the attack, and possibly trigger WWIII which will kill even more people.

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