Coalition's typical backflip

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:30 pm

iron monkey wrote: Thank you
Some people need to feed off the prospect of diminishing and undervaluing other people. It gives them that power that feeling of importance which is lacking in their life. Most people have come across such people.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but there is not justification in ridiculing another person's view simply because you do not agree with them. Such people usually are diminutive and have not fully developed and there would appear to be little prospect for any future developement or enhancement in their thought process. Which usually explains such need for "bullying" tactics.
But such people are still needed as even the simple have contributions to make, provided that it is done in a respectful and civil manner.
Walk tall for your opinions are often supported.
That was a very wise post IM. It's easy to see who the bullies are and you can try to humour them for a while, but when enough is enough and you choose to stand up to them - the results can be unpleasant.

Thanks for your reassurance.

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by Rorschach » Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:53 pm

Face it, it's not about bullies and what you conceive as rudeness mantra... it's about facts and honesty and being able to make and concede a point, without the carry on and complaints.

Some here for example take everything personally and call dissent rudeness and bullying. Yet excuse themselves and their own rudeness.
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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by Super Nova » Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:05 pm

The reality is no new government can really stand by their promises because the real state of the books is really only known when they get into office. promises are made based on assumptions and if those assumption prove to be invalid, it invalidates the promise.

E.g. if the outgoing government has cooked the books, all bets are off.

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by iron monkey » Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:51 am

Super Nova wrote:The reality is no new government can really stand by their promises because the real state of the books is really only known when they get into office. promises are made based on assumptions and if those assumption prove to be invalid, it invalidates the promise.

E.g. if the outgoing government has cooked the books, all bets are off.

And then there's the opportunity for any incoming govenrment to exagerate or alter what the true state of the books are.
Much like how banks report $x million was stolen but the thieves only took $y thousand.
Capitalists taking advantage of the situation and the system that they live in.

It may need an independant audit, without any government influence or involvement.

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by mantra » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:57 am

iron monkey wrote: And then there's the opportunity for any incoming govenrment to exagerate or alter what the true state of the books are.
Much like how banks report $x million was stolen but the thieves only took $y thousand.
Capitalists taking advantage of the situation and the system that they live in.

It may need an independant audit, without any government influence or involvement.
Both parties are guilty of doing that. The Coalition in the past has used dodgy auditors who cooked the books and Labor uses in house auditors.

No-one would ever know the true state of our affairs.
This assessment came after Tony Abbott's Liberals refused to have their election promises costed by the Departments of Finance and Treasury, clinging instead to an ''audit'' by private accountants, which later proved to be deeply flawed.

For the anointed clunkheads, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey and finance spokesman Andrew Robb, the ruling this fortnight by the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA) that the accountants they hired to cost their 2010 promises had breached professional standards, should have prompted at least a clunking expression of remorse. ... 1oigi.html

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by Rorschach » Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:10 am

:du :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

No use making spurious claims and quoting one of the biggest remaining liars in the ALP Mark Dreyfus.

BTW the Treasury big wigs just dumped a bucket on the PM, The Treasurer and The Finance minister for lying. Dreyfus is just repeating lies and crap.
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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by mantra » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:08 am

Rorschach wrote::du :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

No use making spurious claims and quoting one of the biggest remaining liars in the ALP Mark Dreyfus.

BTW the Treasury big wigs just dumped a bucket on the PM, The Treasurer and The Finance minister for lying. Dreyfus is just repeating lies and crap.
I doubt the SMH would take the risk of being sued for defamation - so it's unlikely to be a lie.

You are pretending that the Coalition are as pure and clean as the driven snow - but they are fallible as are Labor. They're just smarter at covering up their corruptness. It's better that they get caught in their acts of deceit rather than portray themselves as innocents. Instead they are as cunning and sly as professional criminals.

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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by Rorschach » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:15 am

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote::du :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

No use making spurious claims and quoting one of the biggest remaining liars in the ALP Mark Dreyfus.

BTW the Treasury big wigs just dumped a bucket on the PM, The Treasurer and The Finance minister for lying. Dreyfus is just repeating lies and crap.
I doubt the SMH would take the risk of being sued for defamation - so it's unlikely to be a lie.

You are pretending that the Coalition are as pure and clean as the driven snow - but they are fallible as are Labor. They're just smarter at covering up their corruptness. It's better that they get caught in their acts of deceit rather than portray themselves as innocents. Instead they are as cunning and sly as professional criminals.
I'm not pretending anything... you are biased and ignorant.
I have just posted the facts... have you been asleep for most of the last 24 hours or more.
I suggest you get an update from the SMH.

If you do you'll note that what I said is true. Or you can continue on being dishonest as well as biased and ignorant.
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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by Neferti » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:22 am


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Re: Coalition's typical backflip

Post by mantra » Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:29 am

Neferti~ wrote:Image
I said that Labor were using in house auditing. I couldn't remember what the article said exactly, but yes - they didn't adhere to the Charter of Budget Honesty Act. I don't trust either party and have said that many times.

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