Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

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Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by mellie » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:43 pm

Remember when....
A post on the Facebook page "Destroy the Joint" on Friday said its more than 11,000 supporters had helped to lobby 74 companies into withdrawing their support of Jones's show.

Founder Jenna Price said she believed business would stay away. "We are thrilled with the reaction but you can't think that this is going to fix the problem," she said.

As of last night an online petition "to sack Alan Jones" had 108,880 signatures, while another sack Jones Facebook page had 13,291 "likes".
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/ns ... z2cmaT7SlG

Feminist woman’s rights activist and social-media bully Jenna Price defended Julia Gillard when Alan Jones said Gillards father died of shame, though has little to say when it comes to Kevin Rudds treatment of 'lesser' woman in their workplace.

"What gets said in the make-up room should stay in the make-up room"
Re-tweeted by the feminist herself in response to how Lily Fontana the make-up artist reacted to Rudds rudeness.

So, can the same be said for victims of domestics violence?

What happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors?

I wonder how Jenna Price would have responded had it been Tony Abbott or Alan Jones who had been rude to Lily Fontana?



Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by Aussie » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:46 pm

Well, first things first mellie. Let's see the evidence of this alleged abuse.

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Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by mellie » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:52 pm

Aussie wrote:Well, first things first mellie. Let's see the evidence of this alleged abuse.

Evidence or not, this feminist retweened the following....


This thread is about left-wing social-media bias and hypocrisy ...if you wish to discuss the legitimacy of Ms Fontanas facebook remarks re- Rudd, we already have threads for this.

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Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by mellie » Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:01 pm

Heather Ewart ‏@heatherewart730 2h

Melb ABC make up artists' golden rule, they tell me. What's said in make up room stays in make up room. Just as well too #austvotes
Retweeted by Jenna Price

Brings new meaning to the "Green" mile, doesn’t it.

"what is said on the mile stays on the mile."



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Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by Rorschach » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:52 pm

We all know that get Up and Crikey and Your rights at Work are all LW biased sites and that they all tend to flood the Net with opinion and all get their members and LW supporters to attend events and lie about their political preferences to get in and slant the results.
Labor voter sneaks in from the Left
* From: News Limited Network
* August 27, 2013 12:00AM

A LABOR party youth wing is under fire after a supporter infiltrated a forum between Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott as an "undecided voter'' despite admitting she "obviously" was not.

An organiser at Queensland Young Labor also urged Brisbane woman Gabreille Ward to ask a soft question at the Sky News People's Forum last Wednesday Night

The controversy emerged yesterday after Ms Ward boasted on QYL's locked Facebook page about scoring $50 for being one of 100 ``undecided voters'' quizzing the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader.

Labor's campaign headquarters would not comment last night on whether Ms Ward was a member, but distanced itself from the case, saying it only found out yesterday with everyone else. yeah sure :roll: :roll: :roll:

The group's page is closed to the general public. :rofl

Ring-in parents at Rudd photo op

The day before the event, QYL president Mitchell Watt posted on the group's page that it would be good get some of his troops at the Broncos Leagues Club to have a visible presence.

``There will be lots of media presence and (importantly) over 100 undecided voters in attendance,'' he said.

Ms Ward responded: ``Oh, I'm so going to that! And getting $50 for it because I lied on a market research survey and said I was a swing voter (which obviously I am totally not).''

One of the people Mr Watt said was helping organise the team, Lou Ryan, replied: ``You need to ask a Dorothy Dixer.''

Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott have entertained the audience at the Sky News People's Forum in Brisbane.

At the forum, Ms Ward was one of only a few people to ask Mr Rudd and Mr Abbott a question.

``I have a question for both of you tonight,'' she said.

``Handouts to businesses are both immoral and bad economics. Which party is committed to stopping the corporate welfare?''

The day after the forum, Ms Ward posted again: ``If the term `corporate welfare' doesn't give away my political leanings, then maybe the `handouts to business are immoral and bad economics' part is a dead ringer!''

The 100 people were selected by pollster Galaxy Research, which last night defended its methods - saying it was relied on people being honest.. :du :du :du

Galaxy Research managing director David Briggs said people were chosen at random and selected through databases, with the event not mentioned until their suitability was assessed. FAIL!!!

"We are completely reliant on the honesty of our respondents," he said. :du

"We believe it is as rigorous as it can be." :du :du :du

Queensland Labor said it had nothing to do with the selection process.

"First we knew about this in any way was when it was brought to our attention today," the party tweeted.

"Selection process of forums is conducted by private polling company and has nothing to do with any political party."

Mr Briggs said the money was paid to participants as they entered the forum so he could not get the $50 fee back.

"I'll try and have a word to Kevin on Wednesday night and ask him for it," he joked. :oops

The next forum, co-hosted by The Daily Telegraph, will be held at Rooty Hill RSL in western Sydney tomorrow night under the same format.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by mellie » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:01 pm

We all know that get Up and Crikey and Your rights at Work are all LW biased sites and that they all tend to flood the Net with opinion and all get their members and LW supporters to attend events and lie about their political preferences to get in and slant the results.
Yes, and even Clive Palmer has had a hand in smearing the Coalition by intentionally circulating his HATE ABBOTT dvd in preparation for a Western Sydney leadership debate.

The above and many minor parties form a collective known as GALP.

And Bob Katter forms part of it also.


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Re: Left-wing social-media hypocrisy & lies

Post by Rorschach » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:13 pm

Selfies anyone.... Rudd the Dudd and his social media addiction.
Kevin Rudd's digital election campaign is falling flat
* From: news.com.au
* August 27, 2013 2:43PM

THIS morning Kevin Rudd posted an Instagram picture of his Syria phone call to US President Barack Obama. :roll:

It was the latest step in Labor's digital election campaign; a campaign that has fallen totally flat.

Sure, the PM takes a photo with any voter who comes up and asks. :roll:

Sure, his selfies have become such a "thing" now, even the Wall Street Journal is writing articles about them.

But selfies won't win marginal seats. And social media is not an effective tool to win voters in an election campaign.
Nor will talking to school kids :roll:

It was big news when the Prime Minister hired "Barack Obama's digital attack dog" Matthew McGregor to help woo younger voters.

But it is difficult to see what this has achieved. The most viewed YouTube video Labor has posted during the campaign has received just 16,243 views. Some days Mr Rudd only tweets once. The Kevin Rudd and Labor Facebook page has 108,139 likes.

A Labor campaign spokesman said party candidates use social media to answer questions from voters and to listen to their opinions. Sure they listen... :roll: :roll: :roll:

"But there is only so much you can cover on social media, which is why personal communication is also very important," he said.

Television is still king

Veteran media analyst Steve Allen from Fusion Strategy said the "big guns" of Labor's election advertising campaign were being deployed to television.

"I think there is a bit of hoopla about the digital campaign. The whole social side has been a bit over-promoted and it's been really under resourced and under-utilised. Labor has done everything to publicise 'We're modern, we're at the cutting edge' but it falls a bit flat," Mr Allen said.

"The attack dog in the four-week wonder of the campaign is, as it always has been, television. There is no website that can offer 1.5 million on a single night. But television like the X Factor, like Australia's Got Talent, can offer that and can offer it night after night after night."

Mr Popular

There is no denying Mr Rudd is popular with young people. same mental age perhaps.. :roll: :roll: :roll:

New research released yesterday found Mr Rudd's return as Prime Minister gave Labor a 10 per cent boost among young voters. Thirty-three per cent of 17 to 24-year-olds now say they'll vote for the ALP compared with 23 per cent in May. yet the voting age starts at 18...

The survey conducted by The Australia Institute also showed one third of young Australians remain undecided about who they will vote for.

A selfie with KRudd might convince an undecided 18-year-old to vote for him. But the Prime Minister can't take selfies with every young person in the country. And they want to drop the voting age to 16... :roll:

And taking those selfies might be pointless, anyway. One in five young Australians won't be voting on September 7. An estimated 400,000 of the country's two million people aged between 18 and 24 did not register to vote, according to Australian Electoral Commission.

Matthew McGregor, who is currently in Australia "helping the digital team" according to an ALP campaign spokesman, has a good reputation. He is credited with raising money via social media and winning younger US voters by making Mitt Romney's gaffes go viral during the 2012 election. Before the election Mr McGregor was tipped to be working on a similar strategy for Tony Abbott. :roll :roll :roll

There has been no need. The debate during this election campaign has been so meaningless that the media seizes on every gaffe and slip-up and makes it the lead story anyway. Mr Abbott's "suppository" and "sex appeal" comments are some of the election's most reported on moments so far.

And while debate between the parties is hollow, the internet is not its saviour.

When you talk politics online, you're either having an aggressive but totally pointless discussion with someone who disagrees with you, or you're preaching to a choir of like-minded voters.

You're either commenting angrily on your ultra-whatever-wing friend's latest status update, or you're uploading your selfie with KRudd and getting likes from your friends.

It is a great place for Labor supporters to get together and bond over the fact they want Kevin Rudd to stay Prime Minister. But it's pointless in terms of winning votes. :du

The internet is radically changing many things. But it's not changing Australian election campaigns.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/fe ... z2dAks03Ye" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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