A MAKE-up artist who says she smoothed the complexions of Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott ahead of last night's people's forum has hinted that the Prime Minister was rude to her.
Lily Fontana, a Brisbane make up artist, took to Facebook after her encounter with the leaders, praising Mr Abbott but saying one of the men had treated her terribly.

"One of them was absolutely lovely, engaged in genuine conversation with me, acknowledge that I had a job to do and was very appreciative. The other did the exact opposite! Oh boy, I have never had anyone treat me so badly." hmmmm

Ms Fontana has since removed the post writing: "Didn't think my personal page/opinion of my day would get so much attention. What a lesson to learn. I've removed the post and regret making the comments I did."
Her Facebook page is currently showing a "sorry, this page isn't available" message, though it's not clear if the issue is a technical glitch or if the page has been removed from the site.
An ALP spokesperson said no one from the Labor Party has been in touch with Ms Fontana.
Mr Rudd has denied he was rude to the make-up artist who prepared him for last night's debate, claiming to was a "misunderstanding".
Kevin Rudd says he was "in the zone" when his make up was being done last night.
Mr Rudd said Ms Fontana had withdrawn the post.
"I understand that the person concerned has withdrawn their remarks from Facebook, and they regretted making those comments," he said.
"When you are preparing for a debate with two or three minutes to go and someone walks in and puts stuff on your face, you smile, you are in the zone, you're ready to go-I don't know about you folks but I'm not happy about having make-up put on at the best of days.
"You smile, then two or three minutes later out on the stage to participate in the debate-I think a misunderstanding has occurred and I have no hard feelings in terms of the comments which this person has now withdrawn."
Ms Fontana has gone to ground, but a concerned friend responded to the post with an "uh oh".
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