Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:28 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:
mantra wrote:All this does is prove yet again that Abbott has no self control or diplomacy.
:rofl :rofl You really, truly have NO IDEA. :rofl :rofl

She's just really truly hateful and biased Nef.
There are dozens of pages of your biased crap all through this board - in fact it's overwhelming. Anyone else with an opposing view is biased and hateful in you estimation. Why do you think so few people bother posting in Politics anymore? You've trashed it.


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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:39 pm

mantra wrote:
There are dozens of pages of your biased crap all through this board - in fact it's overwhelming.

It is only overwhelming to you, mantra. You are backing the wrong horse. What do you expect?
Anyone else with an opposing view is biased and hateful in you estimation. Why do you think so few people bother posting in Politics anymore? You've trashed it.
PA has always been pretty light on political comment and more on jibes at posters for as long as I have been here and before reading the ORIGINAL PA.

If you don't like it here, go over to Monks where everything you say will get the "nod". Or try posting in the political area at OzPol instead of following HERBERT around. :roll:

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:52 pm

I don't post crap mantra and unlike you I don't hate.

My politics is based on policy not party or personality, even though kevin is pretty strange. His government and Julia's and now again his is incompetent and not to put to fine a line to it bad...

MY opinion is they don't deserve a 3rd go at ruining my country.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:23 pm

admin edit. They are not interested in Australia as such, more in what they can get for nothing.

It's a Leftard thing. They think that anybody who works hard, gains some "wealth" should distribute it to the local "poor" but they don't consider themselves wealthy enough to do the same. It is something in the Leftard BRAIN. S*L*O*W* ?

Look at Kevin Rudd, A MILLIONAIRE (thanks to his wife and the Australian Government). He has absolutely NO CLASS at all. Picks his nose in public, eats his earwax ......... lies about how hard done by he was as a child ........... the Church going is another reason for a photo-op!

Tony Abbott on the other hand is NORMAL. Not rich. Never was rich. He has an infinity with the common people. Will LISTEN to them and due to his faith will do his uttermost to follow through with his promises. Tony Abbot is a good man, a loving father and husband and will be a honest and loyal Prime Minister. He will never, ever use his faith as Rudd does ........

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:14 pm

Neferti~ wrote: admin edit They are not interested in Australia as such, more in what they can get for nothing.

It's a Leftard thing. They think that anybody who works hard, gains some "wealth" should distribute it to the local "poor" but they don't consider themselves wealthy enough to do the same. It is something in the Leftard BRAIN. S*L*O*W* ?

Look at Kevin Rudd, A MILLIONAIRE (thanks to his wife and the Australian Government). He has absolutely NO CLASS at all. Picks his nose in public, eats his earwax ......... lies about how hard done by he was as a child ........... the Church going is another reason for a photo-op!

Tony Abbott on the other hand is NORMAL. Not rich. Never was rich. He has an infinity with the common people. Will LISTEN to them and due to his faith will do his uttermost to follow through with his promises. Tony Abbot is a good man, a loving father and husband and will be a honest and loyal Prime Minister. He will never, ever use his faith as Rudd does ........
You're right Nerf, they don’t get it, they vote for themselves, not for the betterment of their country.



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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:39 pm

mellie wrote:
You're right Nerf, they don’t get it, they vote for themselves, not for the betterment of their country.


For the likes of Monk, it's about what he can get, what suits him, and so long as he gets his NBN and disability pension to surf it with(arthritis apparently ....which hasn’t effected his fingers or ability to sit upright and post prolifically for hours on end) .... thats all that matters to the Monk. Stuff the country... it's all,about them, and what they can get for nothing.
If he can do what he does here all day at home on his computer, why cant he do something like this at work?
Monk, apparently, turned 66 last May ... Aussie posted a birthday greeting here ... so I presume that Monk is on the Age Pension ... unless he got the DSP while he had the crook hip.
No, because Monk is too busy malingering and sucking the welfare tit...when he's not trying to shaft people online through various failed and ongoing internet 'said' business adventures *choke* he's engaging in fringe political leftard activism which he ultimately regards as securing his own bludging pensioned future.
I wonder if his alter ego Maxine has arthritis too. 8-)
Maybe he double dips and gets the Age Pension for Monk and the DSP for Maxine? :D
I think a few of them are a bit worried that Abbott might come in and re-assess their capacity to work, the same way Howard did when he cow-prodded a large percentage of them back to work who were found able, even if it was just for a few hours a day, volunteering at a community centre or a local school or park.
Those who are capable of working should. They hand out the DSP with very little investigation ... the local GP can sign them up for it ... WHY anyone would want to be on the DSP who knows? It is only about $400 a week.
This is what it's all about, the likes of Monk who fret at the prospect of having to go back to work.

To them, "work" is a filthy four letter word.
Monk has lived most of his life here and has contributed to Income Tax so he is entitled to an Age Pension.

My baby is 10 months old, and already I have a job lined up ready to walk into.

It's not exactly what I envision myself doing for the rest of my working life, but it's a job, it's there and ready when I am, and will do for the time being.
Good for you Mellie. How is the little girl going? Cute as all can be at 10 months, no doubt! :mrgreen:

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:57 pm

mellie wrote: You're right Nerf, they don’t get it, they vote for themselves, not for the betterment of their country.


And you're not Mel? There is no point even trying to explain why some of us don't give our vote to the major parties because you don't see the message nor is there a reasoned response from any of the RW sheep who post here. Those who don't agree with you lot are denigrated.

Don't forget you voted for Labor in 2007 - and you hated the Coalition. Maybe in another six years - you'll change your mind again.

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:10 pm

All the threads are filled with badmouthing Rudd. No-one here has talked about any positive aspects of Abbott. The only bit of news that you've had to rave on about is the fact that Abbott told Rudd to "shut up". That's definitely the sign of a powerful future leader who's going to run this country well. He's got the guts to tell the prime minister to shut up. Wow. :roll:
Last edited by mantra on Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:11 pm

mantra wrote:
mellie wrote: You're right Nerf, they don’t get it, they vote for themselves, not for the betterment of their country.


And you're not Mel? There is no point even trying to explain why some of us don't give our vote to the major parties because you don't see the message nor is there a reasoned response from any of the RW sheep who post here. Those who don't agree with you lot are denigrated.

Don't forget you voted for Labor in 2007 - and you hated the Coalition. Maybe in another six years - you'll change your mind again.

I doubt it Mantra, I’ve seen the light now. ;)

I realise that only Labor or Liberal have the capacity to govern, (despite what dip-shits like Clive Palmer the Rudd preferencer would have us believe via his DVD)... and I know we'll be cactus if we cop another 3 years of Labor.

I wasn’t happy with the coalition back in 2007, because I believed the war on Iraq was shall we say, misguided.

And I doubt I was alone in this...Howard himself felt similar, now in hindsight.

That said, I am by nature conservative and very much a Liberal.

My grandparents were Menzies campaigners, helped out at the polling booths, and had big wooden campaign signs on their front lawns during their much shorter than now campaign must have inherited their zeal for politics from them I’d say.


And Nerf, I have a gut feeling Monk isn’t quite as old as he might have us believe.


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Re: Tony Abbotts "Shut-Up" moment a negative?

Post by mantra » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:13 pm

Mellie wrote:My grandparents were Menzies campaigners, helped out at the polling booths, and had big wooden campaign signs on their front lawns during their much shorter than now campaign must have inherited their zeal for politics from them I’d say.
That's real class Mel - you've got a Liberal bloodline. Neferti voted for Menzies too - so you've got a lot in common.

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