$70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

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$70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mantra » Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:38 am

Abbott will restore health care funding to the richest Australians. He will ensure that the wealthiest working women will be paid $75,000 parental leave and he has promised tax breaks to those people who don't use their car for work.

Abbott will also cut the company tax rate and give tax breaks to the biggest polluters and miners. He will repeal the carbon tax, but continue giving people subsidies for their electricity.

How is the idiot going to pay for this?

It was the Libs who drew up the Charter of Budget Honesty - yet failed to comply last year by using a criminal accountancy firm - this year - they're going to have find another dodgy audit firm to bend their rubbery figures.

They have pledged to give fringe benefits tax breaks back to people who do not use the car for business purposes, and to restore the private health insurance rebate for the richest Australians.
Their proposed paid parental leave scheme offers nothing more to a worker on the minimum wage than the current scheme, but provides more than $70,000 per baby to those who earn the most. Each of these policies are skewed towards the most affluent. Together, they constitute a massive cost to taxpayers.

The problem for the Liberals is that they have spent the past three years saying ''no'' to Labor's sensible savings measures. As a result, they are now in the position of promising to spend more, tax less, and pay off debt faster; oblivious to the fact that it isn't mathematically possible to achieve all three.

In the first week of the campaign, Abbott's sole policy announcement of substance was a cut in the company tax rate. Spruiking it, he claimed that it would be paid by savings he'd already announced. But those savings have already been taken by the commitment to give a tax cut to big miners and big polluters. Once that's paid for, Abbott has nothing in the kitty.

For Australian families, Abbott's costings gap means tax increases or service cuts amounting to thousands of dollars for the typical household. Most likely, that means a reduction in the quality of schools, hospitals, and family payments. Over recent budgets, Labor has made tough decisions affecting the public service. Anyone who knows our federal public service is aware that any ''fat'' is long-gone.

If elected, the Liberals are likely to maintain the efficiency dividend, and to add on top of it their policy of getting rid of 12,000 to 20,000 Canberra public service jobs. This would be devastating for our city, and yet it would be only a small fraction of the costings gap that Abbott needs to make up. Even after slashing the Canberra public service, abolishing the schoolkids bonus and scrapping trade training centres, Abbott is still left without enough money to pay the bills. So will the Liberals provide some honest answers?

http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/ ... 2s5av.html

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:18 am

Mantra, this is a pro-child, pro-family, pro-growth policy, to encourage more working Australians to have children.

And the problem is?

Alternatively we could continue to pay immigrants and refugees to breed, securing minority votes in favour of a welfare state for generations to come.

Mantra, the problem is average Australians (those not on welfare or the wealthy) have stopped having children, because it's just too hard.

They are faced with a choice of having either a family or a home.

Mantra, when my parents started out at the ripe old age of 18, (that’s when they got married) and had me when they were 22, they were in their own home and had been for 4 years prior to my birth.
They were financially secure.

My father, at the time, was a mere soldier in the army and was able to pay the mortgage and take care of his family on a single wage at the ripe old age of 22 while my mother left work to have me.

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6699344634

You took the time to read the Socialist Morning Hate's 's anti-Coalition spool, at least read both sides of the story.

Abbott isn’t going to be paying wealthy woman to have babies at all.... the scheme is capped, and encourages average Australians to breed, not the wealthy.
The scheme will be capped at $150,000, giving women up to a maximum benefit of $75,000.
According to ATO data, women aged 18-49 who earn more than $100,000 represent only 1.7 per cent of all people with taxable incomes.
Thats 1.7 % Mantra.


Your deputy Greens leader Adam Bandt said the Greens would back the scheme, but said it should be restricted to women earning less than $100,000 a year.

"We would seek to make it fairer and to start it sooner,'' he told reporters in Melbourne.

So are you a Labor supporter now Mantra, have decided to boycott the Greens?

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:41 am

And Mantra, Abbotts Parental scheme is fully costed.

Unlike Kampaign Kev's uncosted and outrageous pre- election bribes geared towards appeasing pissed-off industry his government has spent the last 6 years destroying.

Labor will again change their leadership within 12 months of the 2013 election, (I think sooner, once Rudds served his campaign purpose) and all those pre-electoral promises kampaign Kev made will never reach fruition once Show-bag Shorten who is another narcissist takes the ALP leadership.

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mantra » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:51 am

mellie wrote:Mantra, this is a pro-child, pro-family, pro-growth policy, to encourage more working Australians to have children.

And the problem is?
The average working female's wage is $50,000 pa. The cost of living will suddenly jump again because Abbott is forcing more than 3,000 large companies to pay for this policy.

Abbott is an extremist capitalist and and elitist and we saw how that worked under Howard. The difference today is the world economy has slumped - so ordinary jobs are sourced out overseas and only the professional working women will be able to afford to breed.

We have just come through a baby boom - thanks to Costello's baby bonus and we haven't got enough schools or social services as it is to accommodate all these extra children.
Alternatively we could continue to pay immigrants and refugees to breed, securing minority votes in favour of a welfare state for generations to come.
I agree with the work for the dole scheme - I'm sure many refugees would be pleased to have some work experience here, no matter how menial, but those already establishing themselves will end up like the Mexicans in the US - thanks to Abbott's pork barreling to the rich.

Many of the first generation children of refugees are just as educated, if not more than Aussie kids. They will find gainful employment, even if their parents haven't managed it.
Mantra, the problem is average Australians (those not on welfare or the wealthy) have stopped having children, because it's just too hard.

They are faced with a choice of having either a family or a home.
I know this, but these women are in the lower to middle income bracket and Abbott's ppl policy will make little difference to their finances aside from forcing the cost of living up even higher.
Mantra, when my parents started out at the ripe old age of 18, (that’s when they got married) and had me when they were 22, they were in their own home and had been for 4 years prior to my birth.
They were financially secure.

My father, at the time, was a mere soldier in the army and was able to pay the mortgage and take care of his family on a single wage at the ripe old age of 22 while my mother left work to have me.
Because people of that generation didn't have "gadgets and widgets" to spend their money on. Many of those who can't afford homes have often wasted their money on overseas holidays, latest technology, eating out or taking taxis instead of walking. Many of them aren't prepared to live frugally. It's beneath them.
You took the time to read the Socialist Morning Hate's 's anti-Coalition spool, at least read both sides of the story.

Abbott isn’t going to be paying wealthy woman to have babies at all.... the scheme is capped, and encourages average Australians to breed, not the wealthy.
The scheme will be capped at $150,000, giving women up to a maximum benefit of $75,000.
According to ATO data, women aged 18-49 who earn more than $100,000 represent only 1.7 per cent of all people with taxable incomes.
Thats 1.7 % Mantra.


Your deputy Greens leader Adam Bandt said the Greens would back the scheme, but said it should be restricted to women earning less than $100,000 a year.
We've got a perfectly adequate scheme in place. Gillard should have had another term. She was a slow starter but getting there.
"We would seek to make it fairer and to start it sooner,'' he told reporters in Melbourne.

So are you a Labor supporter now Mantra, have decided to boycott the Greens?
No - I'm sticking with the Greens - even though both Labor and the Coalition want them wiped out. Both major parties will be last on my ballot paper.

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mantra » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:01 am

mellie wrote:And Mantra, Abbotts Parental scheme is fully costed.

Unlike Kampaign Kev's uncosted and outrageous pre- election bribes geared towards appeasing pissed-off industry his government has spent the last 6 years destroying.

Labor will again change their leadership within 12 months of the 2013 election, (I think sooner, once Rudds served his campaign purpose) and all those pre-electoral promises kampaign Kev made will never reach fruition once Show-bag Shorten who is another narcissist takes the ALP leadership.
I know Rudd is hopeless, but Abbott is not a leader.

Shorten is painful too. We've got little choice in picking a decent leader for this country.

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:10 am

Mantra, the current Labor tax-funded scheme allows for local government employees to double-dip, and has done little to encourage ordinary Australians to start families.
If anything, it's resulted in much workplace discrimination of woman of childbearing age, especially when it comes to recruitment.

As for your rubbery figures claim, are you aware that in 2012, Labor constructed their own biased PBO to cost their own fucking policies?

For Christ sakes. :stop Think about what you are saying.

http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/ ... ce/officer

Can you blame the Coalition for wanting a second opinion and independent policy costing, given the state of our nations budget, and how the above twit who has been appointed their Parliamentary Budget officer has been caught bending Labors policy figures and to the detriment of our nations economy?

Get real.


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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mantra » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:21 am

mellie wrote:Mantra, the current Labor tax-funded scheme allows for local government employees to double-dip, and has done little to encourage ordinary Australians to start families.
If anything, it's resulted in much workplace discrimination of woman of childbearing age, especially when it comes to recruitment.

As for your rubbery figures claim, are you aware that in 2012, Labor constructed their own biased PBO to cost their own fucking policies?

For Christ sakes. :stop Think about what you are saying.

http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/ ... ce/officer

Can you blame the Coalition for wanting a second opinion and independent policy costing, given the state of our nations budget, and how the above twit who has been appointed their Parliamentary Budget officer has been caught bending Labors policy figures and to the detriment of our nations economy?

Get real.

Your link was irrelevant in backing up your claims Mel. The Coalition are no better than Labor in costing their policies. The Coalition use dodgy auditors and Labor might not use outside sources for their costing - so what's the difference? They're both abysmal and can't forward plan.

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:46 am

We do have a choice Mantra... we can continue spiralling into deficit...and ultimately recession with an irresponsible slapstick GilliRudd union dictated Labor government or vote for a pro-AUSTRALIAN family orientated Coalition government with a proven record of sound economic management and border control.

You cannot continue defending the indefensible by trashing a viable alternative out of fear of what you claim is the "unknown' .... when these days you sound more like a Labor supporter than a Greens supporter, evidenced by your derisive Tony Abbott avatar.

If as you claim both Abbott and Rudd (Labor and Liberal) are abysmal, unworthy of backing, then why didn’t you choose an avatar that reflected your disdain for both?
Why only target one?

Furthermore, my link was relevant, and supports the fact that you readily denigrate the Coalition for what Labor is guilty of having done themselves, re- rubber figures.

IS it right that Labor should be trusted to cost their own policies, when the Coalition are expected to hand theirs to Labors PBO?

Let me ask you this... when did Kevin Rudd submit his policies for costing for the 2007 election?

What a pack of dishonest grimy hypocrites this mob are.


http://www.treasurer.gov.au/DisplayDocs ... &DocType=2

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:28 pm

And finally, ...

The Greens have argued that Tony Abbott isn’t serious about his paid parental leave scheme on account of it not being rolled out until July 2015.

Could it be because Tony knows he has to wait until the Green wreckers have been fumigated from the senate to deliver his scheme how he wants it to be delivered, this opposed to being prematurely delivered after being bastardised first by the anti-Australian Anti-family KGB Greens?

The Greens need to purge itself of it's un-Australian Stalinist Rhiannonite faction and get back to basics.

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Re: $70 million costings gap in Coalition budget

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:58 pm

I don't know how you put up with it Mel... mantra is of course going to vote Labor she says she will put boh major parties last and we know which one will be last and which will be 2nd last don't we :lol:

Yes it is fully costed and is not coming out of the government coffers and yes the companies levied will be compensated with a cut in company tax.

Let the lies and propaganda be spread far and wide by the rusted-ons, the haters and the know-nothings.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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