I note Aussie seems to be losing it lately... so much latent aggression... so many rude images
There'll be no complaining about IQS and mel anymore, now that you've set the standard eh Arsie.
Yeah, I agree, but if you have told the world you will not be fiddling with the GST, then, if you are going to make that investigation relevant, you need to exclude the GST from it.
Let me type this slowly and in big font for you... (not that it will help)
I F - A N Y - M A J O R - C H A N G E S,
A R E - T O - B E - M A D E - T O - T H E - T A X - S Y S T E M,
T H E - C O A L I T I O N - W I L L - A S K - F O R - A - M A N D A T E,
B Y - T A K I N G - I T - T O - T H E - P E O P L E,
A T - T H E - N E X T - E L E C T I O N.
One more time for the Uber Dummy...
Stop playing GST games, Tony Abbott tells Labor
* From: The Australian
* August 13, 2013 2:26PM
TONY Abbott has called on Kevin Rudd to "grow up" and stop scaring "the bejesus" out of people with his claims the Coalition has a secret plan to increase the goods and services tax.
The Opposition leader said the GST would not change under an Abbott government “full stop”, but he repeatedly refused to take the consumption tax off the table in his planned taxation review.
“Let me be as categoric as I can, the GST won't change, full stop, end of story,” Mr Abbott said.
“Look, Mr Rudd, grow up - grow up, get real, the GST is not going to change, full stop, end of story,” he said in Sydney.
“Let's not play these sorts of games, we all know this is a desperate Labor party that is running around trying to scare the bejesus out of people.”
But Mr Abbott refused to limit his scheduled taxation review, which will include an evaluation of the base and rate of the GST.
“I don't know what people are going to raise in the review, we just don't,” Mr Abbott said.
“All sorts of things will be put forward by all sorts of people.”
Labor had earlier called on Mr Abbott to confirm an undertaking by senior Coalition frontbencher Christopher Pyne that he would never raise the GST in government.
Mr Pyne made the comment on the ABC's Q&A program last night, saying: “There will be no change to the GST in an Abbott government.” Boo boo...
The Coalition had previously said that if a planned tax review recommended a change to the GST, it would not be implemented without seeking a mandate at an election.
Finance Minister Penny Wong said it was up to Mr Abbott to confirm Mr Pyne's assurance.
“Christopher went quite a way further than Tony Abbott has done so it'll be interesting to see today whether Tony Abbott actually backs in that,” she told Sky News this morning.
She said Mr Pyne had failed to properly explain why the GST would be included in a Coalition tax review if it wasn't going to be changed.
“He didn't have an answer to that,” Senator Wong said.
“Now we've made clear we're not going to do this, we're ruled it out. The Coalition have put it into a review and Tony Abbott has said `Well, we'll consider what the review says'.”
Mr Pyne told Q&A: “If the review says the GST should be increased, the commitment from the Tony Abbott opposition is that we will not change either the GST or the basket of goods and services upon which it applies.”
“It's like North Korea with the Labor party. You can't discuss the GST under any circumstances,” he said.
Worse than that it's moronic supporters are morons...