Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

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Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by mellie » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:31 pm

Kevin Rudd hits replay on NBN conspiracy theory

From: The Australian
August 09, 2013 2:44PM

KEVIN Rudd is persisting with his conspiracy theory that the National Broadband Network is a threat to the Foxtel pay-TV business, despite both Foxtel and its half-owner Telstra demolishing the idea.

The Prime Minister today intensified his attack on News Corporation executive chairman Rupert Murdoch and claimed the company had directed its editors to “go hard against him”.

He maintained his argument that concerns about the NBN's impact on Foxtel were driving negative coverage of the Labor government by Murdoch newspapers, which include The Australian.

Yesterday both Telstra chief executive David Thodey and Foxtel chief executive Richard Freudenstein declared the NBN good for business, saying it would help, not harm, Foxtel's prospects.

“The critical thing for Foxtel is to get access to more homes to be able to sell the Foxtel service,” Mr Thodey said. “Anything that helps us do that is good news, and so the NBN, in that sense, is helpful.”
Rudd's temper tantrum and poor sportsmanship is most un-Australian, he's behaving more like a jilted bride at the alter, than a PM who's received a little bad press.

Remember kids, Murdoch endorsed Rudd back in 2007 when he was running against John Howard.

Did a more 'stable' John Howard throw himself to the floor kicking and screaming and accuse Murdoch of having some ulterior agenda for backing Rudd and not him?

Murdoch has met with all our PM's in waiting over the last few decades, it's just Rudd thought he was special.


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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:42 pm

Rudd has lost it. He's now appealing to the tin foil hatters who would more than likely be voting for him anyway.

Foxtel is a content provider. Rudd has actually boosted ol Rupe's business ever since he drew up the NBN on the back of a napkin. Murdoch would have been doing backflips because now he doesn't have to worry about delivery of his paid content.

Kevin Rudd guaranteed he will increase Murdochs consumer base and business at the expense of taxpayers and not a cent for Murdoch to pay...thanks to Kevin Rudd.

Funniest part is that Kevin and the ALP have guaranteed financing for the Daily Telegraph along with the rest of NewsLtd offline and online content.

Nice one Kev :thumb
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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by mellie » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:34 pm



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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by Super Nova » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:09 am

Rupert Murdoch always openly chooses sides in an election.

I guess he hasn't chosen Rudd....... that's tough for Rudd because he normally backs the winner (or as it is perceived his support helps the winner)

Go Rupert

That's why he is so feared by the political class and openly attacked by the side he doesn't support in an election.
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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:10 pm

David Carter ‏@chef09876 49m
Tony Abbott said he felt “all tingly” when a bunch of roses arrived from Rupert Murdoch at a press stop #Auspol #AusVotes
Abbott got “tingly” from a bunch of roses an octogenarian male sent him? :WTF :WTF :WTF


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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by Neferti » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:18 pm

Sounds like you are jealous, Monk. :rofl

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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by Rorschach » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:24 pm

I'd ignore Monk on anything he says nef, he already told us all he lies just to get a rise... :roll:
pathetic really.
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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:38 pm

Jovial_Monk wrote:
David Carter ‏@chef09876 49m
Tony Abbott said he felt “all tingly” when a bunch of roses arrived from Rupert Murdoch at a press stop #Auspol #AusVotes
Abbott got “tingly” from a bunch of roses an octogenarian male sent him? :WTF :WTF :WTF

chef09876= same lefty dickhead who lied about the menu at the Brough fundraiser and now can't get a job.

The left and their impeccable sources :roll:
No wonder twitter is nothing but a vacuous leftwing whingeathon.
You fit in well there Monk. Do us a favour and stay there.
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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by Rorschach » Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:09 pm

Makes you wonder just how gullible Monkey Boy really is... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Rudds NBN anti-Foxtel/Murdoch conspiracy theory

Post by mellie » Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:31 am

Neferti~ wrote:Sounds like you are jealous, Monk. :rofl

Not as Jealous as Rudd.

Rudds notorious for his adult tantrums and spoilsport ways, but I think he's done a number on himself and his party this time, and has blown any chance of a Murdoch press reconciliation now that he's openly accused Murdoch of backing the Coalition out of self-interest.

Murdoch always backs a winner, it's as simple as that.

Rudd is not a winner.

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