Just posted this over at OzPol.
Mister Vainglorious would be almost slashing his wrists (down the road not across the road) after even a 1% drop in his "popularity".
Again KRudd is proving he is ... vainglorious .... everyone I have spoken to agrees and many of them are Labor voters. Some even prefer not to vote than vote Liberal and that is their choice.
You may not warm to Tony Abbott but sensible Australian people want the best for Australia as Tony does. He is a decent, honest man. He will do his best for Our Country, Australia ... he already contributes without fan fair ... he is a man of principles ....... Rudd is just vainglorious.
PS Just got a phone political survey ... Press 1,2,3 etc. Can't recall which organisation it was .... as Skippy says "feel the fear" .... Grin
The main thing I am posting it here is due to the PS. Phone call that said "babble babble babble" ... wanna ask some questions about ?
The FIRST ever!
1. If an election was held today who would you vote for? Press 1 for Labour, 2 for Liberals, 3 for Greens.
2. Is this your final decision or will you change your mind Press 1 for yes 2 for no
Oh and despite Monk claiming that nobody rings landlines as only OLD people have them. BS. One question was something like:
3. Can you indicate by using the touch phone, your age. I gave my real age, obviously.
4. Who would you prefer ........
blah blah.