Will Abbott be given the flick?

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Re: Will Abbott be given the flick?

Post by mellie » Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:07 pm

On another note, I really did have a chuckle reading over a thread started in Ozpolitic by some inept optimistic Labor die-hard/Turnbull fanboy this morning.

I think they think that if they believe/write it enough, it must be true, and will happen?



re- the following article from Christian Kerr.

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6682805681

Reality check, Tony Abbott would have to rape his neighbours dog in full view of the Australian public before voters would consider giving Labor another crack at it.
Sure, they may win a few more seats than they would have had they not changed their leadership, mostly due to a cluster of ALP sweetened QLD voters come suddenly smitten again with their white haired boy, Rudd, but the reality is, the rest of our nation could care less and have even less time for Labors celebrity hungry sideshow of recycled circus clowns/freaks full stop.

As for Christian Kerr from the Australians sentiments.....pffft... he was always a Turnbull fanboy.


Recall his sentiments re- John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull as being a more suitable candidate back in 2004?

http://www.crikey.com.au/2004/08/11/chr ... -turnbull/

And at a Family first convention.......


Back in 2007, Chris Kerr (Under Malcolm Turnbulls instruction) was encouraging Labor to preference "Family First" claimed doing so would yield a more favourable government if both family First and the Greens equally held the balance of power in the senate.Hmm!


http://www.crikey.com.au/2007/09/26/why ... ily-first/

Chris Kerr needs to polish Turnbulls ah eeer, image a little more before denouncing Abbott a lost cause just yet I think.


I cant stand divisive party wreckers and turncoats.

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Re: Will Abbott be given the flick?

Post by mellie » Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:16 pm

And why wont Liberals just simply do away with notorious traitors, turncoats and party wreckers like Malcolm Turnbull?

Because doing so would contradict their Liberal political values , what sets them apart from Labor.

Grab a copy of the Penguin Macquarie Dictionary of Australian Politics and look up “Pledge”. Here’s what you’ll find:

“The written undertaking made by a Labor member of
parliament not to vote in parliament as decided by a majority of
caucus… See also Party Discipline.”

Here’s an extract from that second entry:

“The Australian Labor Party enforces discipline by means of
a formal pledge, which includes the promise to carry out the principles
embodies in the party’s platform and on all questions before parliament
to vote as decided by the majority of caucus…” In comparison,
it points out how the Liberal Party’s equivalent “permits members not
to vote along the party line”.
Christian Kerr probably should have stopped there.

8-) Because .....

At the end of the day, Chris Kerr may embellish Malcolm Turnbulls treachery as much as he likes, referring to it as "True Liberalism", and "Individualism"..but at the end of the day, it's just a self-interested and dog thing to do to your party's leader this close to a federal election.

If Malcolm will betray his own party's leader, his colleagues, he will think nothing of betraying Australian voters....and Chris Kerr, this includes yourself for that matter. 8-)

Malcolm Turnbull is a lone self-interested frustrated wolf, and has repeatedly bitten the hand that's fed him.
True Liberals know this, which is why Tony Abbott is leading the Liberal Party to the coming election and Malcolm Turnbull is not.

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Re: Will Abbott be given the flick?

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:46 am

I want some of you to read the following article then tell me if you can spot the irony.

http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politi ... 2q87x.html

Hint: It's within this paragraph.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has played down a new opinion poll showing that the Coalition could win an election in a landslide if Malcolm Turnbull was leading the Liberal Party.

A ReachTel poll for the Seven Network released on Friday shows the Coalition leading Labor 58 to 42 per cent, on a two-party preferred basis, with Mr Turnbull at the helm.

With Mr Abbott in charge, the Coalition lead narrows to 51 to 49 per cent.

The poll also shows Mr Turnbull leading Kevin Rudd as preferred prime minister 65 to 35 per cent against the Labor leader's 52 to 48 per cent advantage over Mr Abbott.

See if you can spot it.

8-) ...A little background reading.... though, you should be able to spot the irony without having to read the following.

In partnership with Bruce McWilliam, Malcolm Turnbull established his own law firm, Turnbull McWilliam, in 1986. In that year Turnbull defended Peter Wright, a former MI5 agent, who authored the book Spycatcher, who successfully blocked the British Government's attempts to suppress the book's publication, and Turnbull later wrote a book on the trial.[9] In 1987, he established an investment banking firm, Whitlam Turnbull & Co Ltd, in partnership with Neville Wran (former Labor Premier of New South Wales) and the former State Bank of New South Wales chief executive, Nicholas Whitlam (son of Gough Whitlam, former Labor Prime Minister of Australia). Whitlam parted company with the others in 1990, and, from then until 1997, when Turnbull moved to become a managing director and later a partner of Goldman Sachs, the firm operated as Turnbull & Partners Ltd.

Mr McWilliam was appointed Commercial Director of Seven Network Limited in May 2003 and has been a Director of Seven Network since September 2003, and a Director of SMG since December 2006. Mr McWilliam was a former Director of BSkyB, Executive Director News International Television and General Counsel, News International plc. Previously, Mr McWilliam was a partner of law firms Gilbert & Tobin, Turnbull McWilliam and Allen Allen & Hemsley specialising in media and commercial law.


The take home message is clear, be wary of poll findings.
Especially those being conducted by the subjects (Turnbull) former business partner and long time friend (Bruce McWilliam).

I'm sure Tony Abbott is well aware of Turnbulls wrecking-ball shenanigans, and is giving him enough rope to hang himself.

Wont be long.



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