Rorschach wrote:I guess that means NO...
I figured as much.
Perhaps you need to go back into care...

Grow up.
The "wet" (moderate) and "dry" (conservative).
Unfortunately, Malcolm is neither, he's a treacherous turncoat Champaign socialist elitist self-interested mole, and a liar. And the avenue he wishes to achieve grandeur is through presidency via a republic.
He wants American style campaigns so well-connected wealthy elitists such as himself stand the best chance of being a candidate.
It's just, he's not a very good liar and keeps getting caught out by his liberal colleagues, even those who are pro-republican are irked by his grimy turn-coat antics. ... -euu4.html
So I take it, you don't know about Malcolm Turnbulls " NBN French Kiss" then Roach?
Didn't think so.
The man is a hypocrite and a liar of the highest order.... needless to say, he probably should have joined the Labor party when he had the chance.
......or effectively, has he already?
He is afterall Keatings device.
And if you think the prince of darkness himself has retired, think again.