Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

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Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:54 pm

I don't have all the background but the US of A, the land of freedom still appears to be a racist country. It portrays itself as racist.

I would hate to be a black male living in the US.

Land of freedom... my arse.

At this time in the world's history, there are advantage still for being white. Big advantages if you live in the US of A.

What say you guys living in the US of A. What do you see as you wonder around this great but fundamentally racist country.
Protesters rally across US after Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder
Protesters gathered in cities across the United States on Sunday night to voice their anger at the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, a racially-charged case that has both gripped and divided Americans.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... urder.html
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:03 pm

The only thing racist about this case was the media and specifically CNN who dressed up a Hispanic as suddenly being 'white' and turned it into a white vs black racial case. They doctored the initial radio report to make the Hispanic guy appear that he profiled the offender as a black.

Their broadcasting licence should be revoked and CNN should be charged for inciting racial violence.
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:22 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:The only thing racist about this case was the media and specifically CNN who dressed up a Hispanic as suddenly being 'white' and turned it into a white vs black racial case. They doctored the initial radio report to make the Hispanic guy appear that he profiled the offender as a black.

Their broadcasting licence should be revoked and CNN should be charged for inciting racial violence.
Good point he is Hispanic. I guess that's closer to white than black then.

So why the riots. Is being Hispanic honorary white now in the US. I thought they were a hated minority by the whites as well.
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:52 pm

Sorry, my mistake- it was NBC not CNN that doctored racism into the story

Note that NBC is a blatant leftwing network.
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by boxy » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:21 pm

Well, it wasn't murder, from what I've read/heard. Zimmerman was reckless, stupid, and being a jerk. They got into a fight, and he was getting his arse handed to him.

But the gun wins every time... not the innocent party.
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by Super Nova » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:31 pm

boxy wrote:Well, it wasn't murder, from what I've read/heard. Zimmerman was reckless, stupid, and being a jerk. They got into a fight, and he was getting his arse handed to him.

But the gun wins every time... not the innocent party.
So it should have been manslaughter then. Undue force. He chased the guy, started the altercation and had to resort to the gun because he was losing the fight.

OK, getting your head bashed in on the ground is probably a good reason to fear for your life but he went in having a gun. Untrained and stupid yes. He could have used the gun to tell him to back away. He had the power and he had options other than shoot to kill.

Ummmm..... it is difficult. He started it, he was fearing for his life. he shot an unarmed boy. What a wimp. As far as the law goes..... I think it is a difficult one. I guess all he had to prove was he was in fear for his life and in the US that gets you off without any responsibility every time.

You just gotta love the US. Individual freedom = guns
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:52 pm

boxy wrote:Well, it wasn't murder, from what I've read/heard. Zimmerman was reckless, stupid, and being a jerk.
Citation or did you just take the opening statement of the prosecution as what happened, because obviously the jury didn't come to the same conclusion...or do you get your US news from NBC too?
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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:09 am

A black woman in Florida fired a warning shot in self-defense and got 20 years ... Zimmerman gets off free.

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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:01 am

Florida is a strange, strange place and aside from some pretty beaches it has little to offer. Full of racists and rednecks, I have never thought I would want to live there. And the juries are lenient too :)

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Re: Zimmerman acquitted of Trayvon Martin murder

Post by boxy » Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:37 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
boxy wrote:Well, it wasn't murder, from what I've read/heard. Zimmerman was reckless, stupid, and being a jerk.
Citation or did you just take the opening statement of the prosecution as what happened, because obviously the jury didn't come to the same conclusion...or do you get your US news from NBC too?
Dude. I just said it wasn't murder. That's exactly the decision the jury came up with :roll:
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