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AiA in Atlanta
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Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:14 am

So Egypt has been in existence for what? 10,000 years? And they have one elected leader in all that time and he is thrown out in a year? Could it be that democracy isn't for everyone? Not only the Egyptians but the Russians as well.

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Post by Rorschach » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:16 am

They are clueless about how democracy works aren't they...
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AiA in Atlanta
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Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:18 am

Wonder how long Israel is going to sit there with the Russians and Chinese doing there best to keep Syria in turmoil while Egypt experiences a coup ...

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Post by Chard » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:11 pm

AiA in Atlanta wrote:Wonder how long Israel is going to sit there with the Russians and Chinese doing there best to keep Syria in turmoil while Egypt experiences a coup ...
Hopefully Israel will do what they're told for once and stay the fuck out of it. Bad enough Obama managed to stick his dick into Syria's retarded little civil war. The last thing we need is for Israel to do something dumb and end up starting WWIII. If they attack Syria there's a chance Russia could decide to get directly involved, which in turn means the US could get directly involved, which in turn means instant sunshine for everybody. So yeah, maybe Israel won't be a pack of retarded cretins this go.
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Post by Neferti » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:48 pm

Chard wrote:
AiA in Atlanta wrote:Wonder how long Israel is going to sit there with the Russians and Chinese doing there best to keep Syria in turmoil while Egypt experiences a coup ...
Hopefully Israel will do what they're told for once and stay the fuck out of it. Bad enough Obama managed to stick his dick into Syria's retarded little civil war. The last thing we need is for Israel to do something dumb and end up starting WWIII. If they attack Syria there's a chance Russia could decide to get directly involved, which in turn means the US could get directly involved, which in turn means instant sunshine for everybody. So yeah, maybe Israel won't be a pack of retarded cretins this go.
Oh... Goodie. Another reason for the US of A to get involved in a Middle East "problem".

How many "military" does the USA have, again? More or less than China? :rofl

Israel will start WW3 ......... :rofl Only in YOUR mind. Israel is still too busy bombing the Lebos.

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Post by Super Nova » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:31 am

I have to say, after visiting Egypt twice and lived in the region this is not a good thing.

For democracy to stick the basic principles need to be applied. If you elect in a dead shit from the Muslim Bros , you have him/her until their term is up. That's how it works unless the opposition has the numbers to block supply ...etc.

Then they will learn that they need to careful who they put in power.

Also, 1 year was not enough time to make a real difference. yes he was corrupt and favouring his bros ... they need to follow democratic processes through the rule of law to oust him. This is sending them backward in the longer term.

The solution always will be, we the masses are unhappy, generals please take over.
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Post by Mattus » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:40 am

Yairs. I mean... What kind of fucking backwoods Stone Age culture would deposed democratically elected leader?

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Post by Rorschach » Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:08 am

Mattus wrote:Yairs. I mean... What kind of fucking backwoods Stone Age culture would deposed democratically elected leader?
Not sure how the Egyptian system works... I do understand the arguments from both sides though.

Let's hope they get it right this time.

As for Kruddy and Julia... we all know in Australia that no one votes for the PM except those in the party room. Apparently the ALP is going through a tough time and is populated by frightened children.

I dare say there are many Australians that would have liked the army or someone to have intervened much earlier. :rofl
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Post by Super Nova » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:04 pm

Maybe a different view is this is the beginning of the end for Political Islam. is there a place in a western style democracy with a real (in theory) separation of religion and state (ha ha) that Islam has no place as the corner stone for government.
Egypt: Bashar al-Assad says coup is defeat for political Islam
Syria's Bashar al-Assad, fighting to crush a two-year-old uprising against his rule, said the upheavel in Egypt was a defeat for political Islam.

"What is happening in Egypt is the fall of what is known as political Islam," Mr Assad said in an interview with Syrian state newspaper Ath-Thawra, excerpts of which were posted on the internet.

"Anywhere in the world, whoever uses religion for political aims, or to benefit some and not others, will fall.

"You can't fool all the people all the time, let alone the Egyptian people who have a civilisation that is thousands of years old, and who espouse clear, Arab nationalist thought."

Mr Assad said the Muslim Brotherhood's performance had helped the people see through "lies."
Assad is not the most popular person to the west at the moment but I think he has a point.
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Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:56 pm

Apparently American international aid cannot be given to an army that has carried out a military coup and America''s international aid is worth $1.3 billion annually to Egypt. That's gonna hurt.

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