Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

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AiA in Atlanta
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Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:17 am

Mattus says:
Why not start a thread about how surprised you are to find yourself agreeing with Palin over Obama on the Snowden indictments, which leads into an interesting discussion of the nature of second term presidency.
Sarah Palin says:
"Snowden Is Not The Problem; The Problem Is Government Violating Our Fourth Amendment Right”

Not so sure I agree 100% with Palin but then Palin is a paid contributor on FOX News with her own show entitled "Political Clown."

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Re: Mattus: Bllack Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by AnimalMother » Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:36 am

I humbly direct the attention of readers to the Obamagate thread, where the increasingly disturbing tendencies of this administration were initially compiled.

It's nothing new - this is something that has been going on for years. Only now it's becoming so obvious that it's harder to ignore.
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by Chard » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:43 am

And now I know that neither of you know what the fuck the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights of he US Constitution means. I also know that neither of you understand that PRISM isn't a program used to spy on US citizens, and you probably wouldn't understand what data mining was if I took a predictive analytics textbook and beat you about the head and shoulders with it. Fuck, for that matter I doubt if any of you even know what exactly it is the NSA does.

Seriously, I dare any of you to A) demonstrate understanding of the Fourth Amendment, and B) how it actually applies to the PRISM program.
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by AnimalMother » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:37 am

I suggest reading the "Obamagate" thread to remedy your ignorance and catch up to where we were before the NSA/PRISM scandal - which I think is number 5 in the ongoing series - so you sound less like an idiot.
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by Chard » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:06 am

AnimalMother wrote:I suggest reading the "Obamagate" thread to remedy your ignorance and catch up to where we were before the NSA/PRISM scandal - which I think is number 5 in the ongoing series - so you sound less like an idiot.
Then prove me wrong, asshole. Don't ask me to go wade through a thread full of bullshit, step up to the plate and let's see if you know jack and/or shit about the US Constitution, constitutional case law pertaining to domestic intelligence/military operations, or how PRISM actually functions and who and what the NSA are. I'm betting you know less than the average fresh-of-the-bus illegal.
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by AnimalMother » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:30 pm

How about you prove yourself right?

I'm not interested in dealing with your personal attacks. They contribute nothing to the debate.

If you have a viewpoint of your own, put it up.
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:57 pm

You seem to want everyone to do all the work for you Chard.

Not capable on your own?
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:42 pm

Chard wrote:And now I know that neither of you know what the fuck the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights of he US Constitution means. I also know that neither of you understand that PRISM isn't a program used to spy on US citizens, and you probably wouldn't understand what data mining was if I took a predictive analytics textbook and beat you about the head and shoulders with it. Fuck, for that matter I doubt if any of you even know what exactly it is the NSA does.

Seriously, I dare any of you to A) demonstrate understanding of the Fourth Amendment, and B) how it actually applies to the PRISM program.
wouldn't the question be "does Palin know fuck all about the 4th amendment?" her track record on anything factual is spotty ...

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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by Chard » Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:42 am

AnimalMother wrote:How about you prove yourself right?
Your continued inability to do any of the things I asked in my first post does that just fine, slapnuts.
AnimalMother wrote:I'm not interested in dealing with your personal attacks.
Oh, I get it. You're one of those sensitive girls that gets all flustered when people use bad words. Maybe it's because you don't know what a style over substance fallacy is, maybe it's because you actually don't know anything about the US constitution and you're trying to bitch out of admitting it, or maybe it's just the pound of sand you've got stuffed up your clit, whatevs.

I know, let's test this... True or false, the following two statements convey the exact same message:

1. The sky is blue.

2. The motherfucking sky is goddamn blue, you cockchuggers.

If you answered false then you're a fucking idiot.

They contribute nothing to the debate.
What debate? So far the only user on this board with enough balls to at least attempt to debate me is Black Orchid, and that bitch lasted exactly one post before looking like a complete fucking idiot. As far as I can tell the rest of you are a bunch of intellectual cowards that flinch at the first sign that someone disagrees with your geopolitical mutual masturbation club., and your continued inability to actually debate instead of backpeddling like a bitch is proving me right.

If you have a viewpoint of your own, put it up.
I already did, you illiterate motherfucker. Go back and actually read my first post in the thread.

Jesus, did your mother raise you on a steady diet of denatured alcohol and lead paint chips?
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Re: Mattus: Black Jesus Has Turned into Quite The Fascist

Post by Chard » Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:46 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:wouldn't the question be "does Palin know fuck all about the 4th amendment?" her track record on anything factual is spotty ...
Possibly, but you'd actually have to show that you know more about the fourth amendment and the PRISM program than Caribou Barbi. Until then I kind of have to assume you're in the same boat with these other jackasses.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove

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