School's "no praise" policy

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School's "no praise" policy

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:03 pm

The Nepean Christian School in Mulgoa, New South Wales says it doesn't believe in rewarding its students.

The school believes a job well down is a reward in itself.

Principal Geoff Wheaton says rewards encourage unhealthy competition, breed self-interest and harm development.

"The very moment we give a reward to one child, it's a declaration - loud and clear - that we value that child more than the others," he said.

"When you have artificial or intrinsic means of motivating kids, you undermine the kids' intrinsic motivation."

Kindergarten teacher at the school Karen Adams says she avoids tangible rewards such as stamps, stickers and certificates.

"I want my kids to love reading because they can read fantastic books and they can learn from that. I don't want them to be reading because they're going to get a star on their chart," she said. ... ol-policy/

More 'politically correct' hogwash. "A job well done is reward itself"? How do kids know they have performed a task well if they aren't told so?

They are trying to create a generation of mediocre, average, lemmings with no unique thought patterns. You can't treat all kids the same. They aren't the same. If kids excel they should be encouraged, not discouraged.

We should go back to the old system of A-F classes so that the bright kids are extended and the slow kids can plod along at their own pace.

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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by boxy » Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:21 am

Seems quite reasonable for lower primary kids, who should be being taught to enjoy learning (which is a natural thing for kids), rather than being pressured to perform.
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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by boxy » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:30 am

"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Chard » Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:23 am

Black Orchid wrote:More 'politically correct' hogwash. "A job well done is reward itself"? How do kids know they have performed a task well if they aren't told so?
So what you're trying to say is you didn't read the article you posted, just keyed in on a couple of sentences that agree with your personal bias and ignore the rest. Gotcha...

See, if you had read the article you'd understand that "political correctness" has not a damn thing to do with why Neapean Christian School isn't using stickers and goofy shit as tangible incentives. You'd also know that they're not removing praising students for good work, they're toning the amount of praise back. Also, you'd understand that a fuckmothering psychologist explained quite clearly that over-praising children gives them an inflated sense of self-worth and leaves them under-prepared for life in the grown up world where you don't get stickers for doing a good job and you certainly don't get a pat on the head and a "good try, timmy" when you fuck up.

But hey, why read articles you post before you post them when you can gesticulate wildly and make shit up as you go, amirite.
They are trying to create a generation of mediocre, average, lemmings with no unique thought patterns. You can't treat all kids the same. They aren't the same. If kids excel they should be encouraged, not discouraged.
Yeah, I can tell you know jack and shit about education. Reason I can tell this is if you paid any attention at all to education you'd know that the US had spent over a decade under the "No Child Left Behind" act plying stupid shit like overly encourage students even when they fail and lowering standards so the dumbshits fail less. The result is we've got an entire generation of self-centered assholes with an entitlement complex almost as big as my dick.

Seriously, stop posting about topics you can't even be bothered to fuckin google first.

We should go back to the old system of A-F classes so that the bright kids are extended and the slow kids can plod along at their own pace.
This is the only sensible thing you've said. Broken clocks and blind squirrels.
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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Rorschach » Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:23 am

boxy wrote:Seems quite reasonable for lower primary kids, who should be being taught to enjoy learning (which is a natural thing for kids), rather than being pressured to perform.
Funnily enough I never felt pressure to perform in infants or primary school. In the classroom or in sports. Must have something to do with being a child.
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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:32 pm

Chard wrote:Also, you'd understand that a fuckmothering psychologist explained quite clearly that over-praising children gives them an inflated sense of self-worth and leaves them under-prepared for life in the grown up world where you don't get stickers for doing a good job and you certainly don't get a pat on the head and a "good try, timmy" when you fuck up.
The opinion of one Psychologist is merely the opinion of ONE Psychologist. Many say quite the opposite. Children learn by reward and discipline. If one gets a reward for academic achievement another can get a reward for effort. It's hardly over-praising and it doesn't give them an inflated sense of self worth. No, it doesn't get you a pat on the head in the real world but it teaches kids that in order to get ahead they need to put in an effort. With that effort they won't get a sticker but they might actually extend themselves and get a job, a promotion etc.
Chard wrote:Yeah, I can tell you know jack and shit about education. Reason I can tell this is if you paid any attention at all to education you'd know that the US had spent over a decade under the "No Child Left Behind" act plying stupid shit like overly encourage students even when they fail and lowering standards so the dumbshits fail less. The result is we've got an entire generation of self-centered assholes with an entitlement complex almost as big as my dick.
The entitlement complex is more likely to occur from non praise. Lumping all children together with the expectation that they will all be, at least, middle of the road. Bright ones don't get extended and slow ones don't get special help because the classes are too big and teachers can't cater to all of their needs. They don't learn to fight for want they want, they don't learn how to push their potential, they aren't encouraged to be free thinkers and they come out of the education system thinking they should just sit back and get pandered to without having to push themselves. All kids aren't middle of the road and should not be treated as such. Unless you are extended and stretched you won't attain your full potential, you won't learn how to fight for what you want to attain in the real world and rewards and discipline both go towards achieving that goal.

You are right, I know jack shyt about the American system. Why should I? I live in Australia.
Chard wrote:almost as big as my dick.

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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Chard » Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:57 am

Black Orchid wrote:The opinion of one Psychologist is merely the opinion of ONE Psychologist.
One psychologist's opinion is worth far more than your opinion simply because the psychologist is actually qualified to make judgements about the subject.
Many say quite the opposite.
Then cite some dissenting opinions. I'd suggest using Google and maybe actually reading before you post anything.
Children learn by reward and discipline.
No, they learn through education. Rewards or discipline are merely tools used for that. The point is that if overused both praise and punishment lose their effectiveness.

If one gets a reward for academic achievement another can get a reward for effort.
Which has nothing to do with what the school in the OP is doing. Nice try, but red herring tastes terrible no matter how you try to prepare it.

The entitlement complex is more likely to occur from non praise.
Are you stoned or stupid? Entitlement complexes arise from people being told constantly that they are somehow exceptional, especially when they've done nothing to rate that praise. If you pat little timmy on the head and tell him he's a good boy when he's done nothing he'll assume that anything he does is good.

You are right, I know jack shyt about the American system. Why should I? I live in Australia.
Yes, because when talking about education one shouldn't ever look at examples of others trying a concept to see if it works or not... :roll:

Did you black out when you wrote that?

Also, is that picture your coy way of asking for pictures of my dick?
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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by freediver » Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:20 pm

In the real world you get paid for work. No-one expects you to work if you don't get paid. Giving children stickers is hardly over-the-top in comparison. And children are more than capable of keeping each others ego in check.

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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:23 pm

Chard wrote:Also, is that picture your coy way of asking for pictures of my dick?
Thanks for the offer but as it appears to be permanently attached to your forehead, I will take a pass. I have no doubt seen bigger zits :thumb

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Re: School's "no praise" policy

Post by Chard » Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:22 pm

freediver wrote:In the real world you get paid for work. No-one expects you to work if you don't get paid. Giving children stickers is hardly over-the-top in comparison. And children are more than capable of keeping each others ego in check.
And in the real world you're not constantly patted on the head and told what a special snowflake you are either. Why not prepare them for reality instead of coddling them?

Also, BO, I'll take your lack of a rebuttal as you conceding the argument.
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the FEAR to attack. - Dr. Strangelove

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