Religion of pieces of human flesh

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Black Orchid » Wed May 29, 2013 8:22 pm

Rorschach wrote:Its seems obvious that Aussie agrees with them and what they say and stand for... he should convert.
Must be those 'fairies'. I am sure HT will knock them out of his head quick smart!
Last edited by Black Orchid on Wed May 29, 2013 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Aussie » Wed May 29, 2013 8:22 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Wilder's appearance in WA was cancelled due to threats from lefties and Muslims. Venues in Sydney and Melbourne were cancelled for fear of anti democratic fringe groups (lefties and Muslims) protesting. Westpac bank pulled out because they were afraid to process the credit card payments. New venues had to be found and addresses were only given out 48 hours prior to the events taking place.

Free speech you say? I don't think so :nah

Free speech for some and not for others eh? That's not free speech.
Fact is, he was allowed entry into Australia, something you wish to deny others because of what they have said.

After he was allowed entry.......local security became local issues for local authorities to handle.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 30, 2013 11:09 am

If there was free speech under the Green ALP... Wilders a duly elected representative from a western democracy who does not foment violence would have been allowed entry immediately.
Ony the fear of and frothing of the mouths of radical moslems cowed our elected representatives. :roll:
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 30, 2013 11:51 am

Charges Shayden Thorne has been convicted of in Saudi Arabia:

- Deviating from the right Islamic path, based on Quran and Sunnah and the scholars' understanding

- Following a wrong path by accusing other Muslims of being non-Muslims

- Spreading this ideology and communicating with others who have the same beliefs

- Talking low about the considered scholars in Saudi Arabia and questioning their credibility and attending gatherings where this takes place

- Supporting the al-Qaeda terrorist organisation and its terrorist activities inside the country through supporting the idea of jihad inside the Kingdom

- Possessing a memory card that has video clips of battles

- Copying what was contained in that memory card and distributing it among friends and storing, via the internet, material on a personal computer that disrupts public law

- Non-compliance with the law by attempting to go to neighbouring disturbed countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq to take part in combat

- Exploitation of mosques to spread deviant ideas.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 30, 2013 12:32 pm

Australia's Generation Jihad is homegrown
* by: Janet Fife-Yeomans and Simon Black
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* May 30, 2013 12:00AM

THE message from the young men was blunt: "You're not in Australia now."

They weren't standing on a street in Iraq, Afghanistan or Lebanon. This is Bankstown.
This is a fact I learnt, first hand, many years ago, and it isn't just with the Muslims or Arabs.

It is a safe suburban street surrounded by family homes but there are fears areas just like this are in danger of being turned into ghettos by young men - usually born in Australia to Lebanese parents - who are cannon fodder for hardline Muslim preachers. They are part of generation jihad.

A recent two-year federal parliamentary inquiry into multiculturalism was swamped by concerns about the rising influence of Islam in Australia and fears that organisations such as Hizb ut-Tahrir and conservative imams were "promoting the radicalisation of second-generation Muslim youth and voluntary social exclusion".

"This was thought to support the formation of Muslim-only enclaves, leading to long-term problems such as unemployment," said the report, released in March.

An Islamic women's group told of the influence of alarming conservatism that was even demanding gender segregation at weddings "within parts of the Lebanese community in Sydney".

The same characters and organisations keep popping up to attract young acolytes.

Like the radical political Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sheik Feiz Mohammed, the Global Islamic Youth Centre at Liverpool, Auburn's Bukhari House Bookshop and prayer hall, of which Feiz Mohammed is a director. Ah yes the Islamic Youth centre been around for decades under other names and often described the Kufr (us) as sewage.

Head of the Middle Eastern Crime Squad, Detective Superintendent Deborah Wallace, said even convicted murderer Bassam Hamzy, founder of the Muslim gang Brothers for Life, had achieved an almost mythical status from behind bars.

So far intelligence agencies have stayed one step ahead of the terrorism threat.

Milad bin Ahmad-Shah al-Ahmadzai, 23, has been under surveillance by counter-terrorism police since he was 19 and this week was arrested for allegedly threatening to "slit the throat" of an officer, a court heard on Tuesday.

Al-Ahmadzai, Sydney born and bred although he has identified himself as "ethnic Pashtun from Afghanistan", has also previously been pinpointed as a threat to soldiers on Australian soil. So why can't we send him back to the society and country he identifies with?

Community leaders talk about how the young people are not just influenced by what's happening locally but what is happening overseas. Then it is time for a reality check, it is time they were deported

ASIO director-general David Irvine has warned of a dramatic increase in the number of young ethnic men travelling to take part in the Syrian war. "We are talking in the hundreds and not the tens," Mr Irvine has said. Not exactly a small group at all...

Community leader Dr Jamal Rifi has seen them come back.

"When they come back they are radicalised," Dr Rifi said. "They look on people with a high moral ground, 'I went there and I fought for these causes, blah blah blah'."

The Syrian conflict has spilled over into violence in Bankstown
where a gang of Sunni Muslim men have been accused of extorting businesses owned by Shia men in retaliation for the Shia supporting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. This was shown on TV just this week

Hizb ut-Tahrir's Australian leader recently called on the country to become an Islamic state ruled by Islamic law and for a boycott of Anzac Day. Uh huh... no doubt Aussie agrees with this as he defends HT every chance he gets... maybe he's a convert.

Spokesman Uthman Badar, 28, denied the movement was extreme and said the Muslim community was being demonised in Australia. really? just another denier. We already know what this group does, globally, because of an earlier article from a former HT leader.

"There is a ridiculous amount of surveillance by ASIO and tapping of phones. You are further alienating these people," Mr Badar said yesterday. In Islamic book stores, in cafes across western and southwestern Sydney and in each other's homes, these are the sorts of "leaders" looked up to by the disaffected young men as they talk about how badly life treats Muslims. yet without these measures we would have seen terror hit our streets and kill our people, that's why 20 would be terrorists are rotting in our gaols right now.

Add unemployment to the mix. Crap. How many of the millions unemployed go down this particular path. most are looking for work and trying to survive on the measley newstart allowance.
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Black Orchid » Thu May 30, 2013 1:46 pm

It is a safe suburban street surrounded by family homes
It's a bit of a stretch to describe any suburban street in the Bankstown area 'safe'.
The Syrian conflict has spilled over into violence in Bankstown where a gang of Sunni Muslim men have been accused of extorting businesses owned by Shia men in retaliation for the Shia supporting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. This was shown on TV just this week
The ones leaving to fight in Syria should not be allowed back. Simple!
"There is a ridiculous amount of surveillance by ASIO and tapping of phones.
Oh gee I wonder why? Yet still Hizb ut-Tahrir are allowed to telecast their sermons of hate.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Neferti » Thu May 30, 2013 4:50 pm

Bankstown was a suburb that was very rough back when I lived in Sydney. I certainly would never have gone there during the daytime, less alone at night! I am talking 30 years ago, before the influx of undesirables. :lol:

Many of these trouble makers were born in Australia. We can't deport them to anywhere. They are ours! Legally! However, surely if they are leaving Australia to "fight in Syria", or elsewhere, their Passports can be processed with that in mind and tracked and questions asked when they return. Traitors are not tolerated.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 30, 2013 5:28 pm

many know have dual citizenship neferti.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Black Orchid » Thu May 30, 2013 6:03 pm

This is why lines in the sand need to be drawn. Imagine the uproar if German/Australians returned to Europe to fight alongside Hitler. Many immigrants settling here don't consider their allegiance is to Australia. The face of Australia has changed.

There should be new regulations made for those who want to go and fight battles in the Middle East, or elsewhere. They either want to escape this sort of thing or they don't. They can't use Australia as a hidey hole cave to go back and forth.
The four Australians killed in Syria's civil war since August were fighting Assad forces and not providing humanitarian aid as claimed, jihadist websites say.

Posts on online forums, including some linked with the al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, were clear indications that the men had been involved in the civil conflict, a leading US academic said.

Sydney teacher Sheikh Mustapha al Majzoub was killed in a rocket attack in August. Three other Australians - Roger Abbas, Yusuf Toprakkaya and Sammy Salma - have also been killed.

The details provided in the notices for each man vary, but the name, nationality, city of origin and city of ''martyrdom'' are listed.

Australian Federal Police deputy commissioner Peter Drennan said there was no doubt some Australians were fighting with al-Nusra, which the Attorney-General is set to declare a prohibited organisation in coming weeks.


Mr Drennan would not be drawn on whether the police had enough evidence to arrest some Australians who may still be fighting in Syria.
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Neferti » Thu May 30, 2013 6:07 pm

Rorschach wrote:many know have dual citizenship neferti.
That's a point I didn't consider. So give them a choice ... Australian or otherwise?

I do agree that if these people do not want to be Australians they should go back to where they feel comfortable.

Which Federal Government bought in Multiculturalism? Which Federal Government introduced political correctness? Dual citizenship? Chairperson, Personhole, Postperson, etcetera. Bloody ridiculous.

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