Well shit, I could have told them that...

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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun May 19, 2013 9:51 am

Aussie wrote:
Why everyone says Murdoch's papers are right wing, who knows?
Everyone who reads them.
You just prefer your media and forums more like the Age and the ABC- completely leftwing. Anything else is 'rightwing' even though Murdochs papers offer far more balanced commentary that any leftwing rag.

Can't wait for the privatisation of the ABC in the next few years
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Rorschach » Tue May 21, 2013 3:10 pm

Tony Abbott
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament

* BEc, LLB (Syd), MA (Oxon).
* Rhodes Scholar.
* Journalist.
* Plant Manager, Pioneer Concrete.
* Press secretary and political adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Dr JR Hewson 1990-93.
* Executive Director, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy 1993-94.


* The minimal monarchy: and why it still makes sense for Australia, Wakefield Press, Kent Town, SA, 1995.
* How to win the constitutional war and give both sides what they want, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy in association with Wakefield Press, 1997.
* Battlelines, Melbourne University Press, 2009.
* A strong Australia: the values, directions and policy priorities of the next Coalition Government, Bambra Press, Melbourne, 2012.

Just yesterday there was a media release about the political backgrounds of the Australian media.
ABC.... Greens 42% Labor 33%(approx) gee who would have thought
Will try to suss out a site with all the stats
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Rorschach » Tue May 21, 2013 10:58 pm

An interesting finding emerged when we compare journalists from the three biggest news organisations in the country - News Limited, Fairfax Media and the ABC.

The national broadcaster has repeatedly been attacked for having a seemingly leftist bias, while others have accused News Limited - and particularly its flagship newspaper The Australian - of being overly conservative in its political views.
However, 41.2% of the 34 ABC journalists who declared a voting intention said they would vote for the Greens, followed by 32.4% for Labor and 14.7% for the Coalition.

In contrast, 46.5% of 86 News Limited journalists who answered this question said they would vote for Labor, 26.7% for the Coalition, and only 19.8% for the Greens.
Among the 86 Fairfax Media journalists who responded, Labor was by far the most popular party at 54.7% support, followed by the Coalition and the Greens, both on 19.8%.

It would seem then that the Australian media led by Aunty ABC has a decided Left Wing Bias after all... boo hooo Bob Brown and Julia Gillard... how much must your government stink then eh?
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed May 29, 2013 11:08 am

Men who are physically strong are more likely to take a right wing political stance, while weaker men are inclined to support the welfare state, according to a new study.
So that would mean that when Arnie Schnitzelgrabber was a skinny runt he was a left winger but morphed into a right winger when he won Mr Universe. And if right wing parties want more support they should invest in gym equipment.

See! .. too simplistic, that's why I reckon it's a load of $#!+ .. IMO and/or experience most of your physical strength comes from your head/mind .. think/feel weak, be weak

But I do agree with the study suggesting higher levels of testosterone tended to induce/cause higher rates of honesty.
Suggesting the weak are more likely to be sneaky and/or untrustworthy. Because that is my experience.
Then I reasoned that is probably how 'Trial by Combat' evolved way back when.
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed May 29, 2013 11:17 am

Saw a report mentioning a percentage of ABC staff voting Green on telly. Times must be changing.
When I was in the Greens the main complaint with the ABC was an apparent lack of air time/exposure .. many Greens believed the ABC deliberately ignored the Greens to focus support for ALP and enmity for Lib/Nat.
I even commented that at the time, while at face value blatantly pro Labor, Channel 7 was the most Greens friendly station/channel.
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Rorschach » Wed May 29, 2013 11:19 am

But these days the Greens are just a deeper shade of Labor Red.
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed May 29, 2013 11:30 am

Rorschach wrote:But these days the Greens are just a deeper shade of Labor Red.

No mate, when Howard was in, particularly during Iraq invasion, the Libs were the closest we'd ever been like Red China, with all their bull$#!+ security measures under the mythical pretext of national security.

Now Gillard an Co have been trying to institute Red Chinese style censorship and social engineering.

The 'Watermelon' joke in the Greens was that the Libs were the watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside, and that Greens were like Avacardos, soft and mushy with a nut in the middle.

The Greens did take in some from the DSP [reconstituted Communist party] but far more from the Dems when they folded, and is always picking up disaffected members of other parties. The ex DSP crew are known as 'Trots' and tend to be regarded as egoistic obstructionists.
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Rorschach » Wed May 29, 2013 11:35 am

Bob Brown turned the Greens from an Environmentalist Party into a socialist party and they were the watermelon party and still are.
Greens fail to grasp gravity of their moment
• by: Tim Blair
• From: The Daily Telegraph
• December 26, 2011 9:05AM

THE Australian Greens this year had the chance to prove they'd matured as a political force.
Handed an unanticipated level of power due to the lotto-like results of the 2010 election, Bob Brown's holy eco-mites could have demonstrated gravitas to match the gravity of their moment.

Oh, who am I kidding? The Greens are a philosophically and ethically scrambled crew of reality-denying leftist drones led by a pensioner who carries on like a first-year arts student. We all knew what we were going to get from the Greens in 2011, and those dummies duly delivered.

Leader Brown began the year with a slur against the Australian coal industry, which he claimed was responsible for the deadly Queensland floods.

``It's the single biggest cause -- burning coal -- for climate change and it must take its major share of responsibility for the weather events we are seeing unfolding now,'' he said.

Brown also told the ABC: ``The coal industry, burning coal here in Australia or exporting it for burning overseas, is a major contributor to global warming therefore to the catastrophic weather effects we're seeing around the world. It should pay its due.''

The Greens subsequently put out a devious press release (``WHAT DID BOB BROWN REALLY SAY ABOUT THE FLOODS?'') that attempted to paint Saint Bob as the victim of a media beat-up. Apparently it's the hate media's fault when Brown says stupid, painfully opportunistic things during a time of national tragedy and those comments are reported.

Leave them in local councils and Greens will just ruin garbage collection and make fools of themselves by trying to influence Middle Eastern politics. Not much harm done there, except to the political ambitions of the particular Greens involved. (Local careers ended too.)

Green anti-Israel activist Fiona Byrne, who failed to win a state seat in the 2011 NSW election, later declined to run again as Marrickville mayor because, she said, $47,000 plus a car wasn't enough to feed her family.

But elevate them to national level and Greens run into serious issues that more clearly expose their ideological goofiness. Having opened the year with a flood-based assault on coal, the Greens closed 2011 with an utterly cold defence of asylum seeker policies that have led many hundreds of people to their deaths.

This time Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young led the way. The Greens are given to sweeping moral condemnations of their political opponents, especially conservatives. In the wake of the latest asylum seeker drownings, however, it was Hanson-Young who had the moral case to answer.

Asked if the Greens felt any responsibility for the deaths, Hanson-Young said: ``Of course not. Tragedies happen, accidents happen.''

And there you go.

Former Labor leader Mark Latham is inclined towards freedom of speech, but the Greens' blind arrogance is beyond his limits of tolerance. ``These people should be silenced. There should be a way of shutting them up,'' Latham seethed, with good reason. ``It's a moral outrage they talk this way and they are allowed to pose in the public arena as compassionate people, so-called left-wing.''

Even Robert Manne, one of the weepiest of Australia's leftists, now knows that onshore processing is busted. ``The Left has been unwilling to concede that the Pacific Solution succeeded in deterring the boats,'' he wrote last Thursday. ``The Left's unwillingness to acknowledge the obvious has been of great political significance.''

The obvious continues to elude Hanson-Young. ``You know the reason people engage people smugglers, Jon, is because they have no other option,'' she told ABC interviewer Jon Faine last week. This is not so. Those who arrive by boat from Indonesia pay up to $5000 each, which is massively more than an airfare. Why do they take the deadlier option? Because air travel requires documentation, which makes it easier to investigate the claims of those pursuing Australian residency.

Greens and others who back onshore processing prefer not to dwell on this.

Rather, they want to outsource Australia's immigration responsibilities to people smugglers and have matters rely on a simple rule: make it as far as Indonesia and you're in. As Hanson-Young puts it: ``We need to be responding to the needs of asylum seekers.''

Incredibly, as the fatalities increase and almost everyone with the ability to count now urges a return to previously successful methods to cope with asylum seekers, Hanson-Young seeks to rewrite history. ``I don't think we should be in any way going back to the failed policies of the Howard government,'' she said in July.

Hanson-Young is just as confused in other policy areas. In her most recent column for Melbourne's Age, the 30-year-old Adelaide University graduate boasted: ``The Greens stuck to our 2010 federal election promise that we would legislate to put a price on carbon pollution. As everyone knows, the price was part of the agreement we struck in negotiating the formation of government with Julia Gillard.''

Which forced Gillard into breaking her 2010 federal election policy not to introduce a carbon tax and began the government's poll plunge. Final word goes to an Age online reader, who added this to Hanson-Young's column: ``I sit here in open-mouthed amazement I don't think I've ever seen such a deluded person, in or out of parliament.''
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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Neferti » Wed May 29, 2013 3:58 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote: No mate, when Howard was in, particularly during Iraq invasion, the Libs were the closest we'd ever been like Red China, with all their bull$#!+ security measures under the mythical pretext of national security.

Now Gillard an Co have been trying to institute Red Chinese style censorship and social engineering.

The 'Watermelon' joke in the Greens was that the Libs were the watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside, and that Greens were like Avacardos, soft and mushy with a nut in the middle.

The Greens did take in some from the DSP [reconstituted Communist party] but far more from the Dems when they folded, and is always picking up disaffected members of other parties. The ex DSP crew are known as 'Trots' and tend to be regarded as egoistic obstructionists.
You ARE joking? Right?

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Re: Well shit, I could have told them that...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:15 am

No, no joke.

I may have disagree with various aspects of the Greens agendas, but the comment above is perfectly valid.

During the 2007 election the Libs were trying to be greener than the Greens and while in govt had been as security paranoid as red China and Iran.

Labor sucks up to China, and tries to emulate their censorship regime.

Fact is, the Greens are the only ones prepared to bitch about China.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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