National Broadband Network

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:38 pm

Did a googlefoo, Roachy Poachy.

Clevah bugger, aren't I!


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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:13 pm

Well you need to do more cause ZDnet and delimeter are unreliable sources.
Didn't you know.
I've personally taken apart several articles by that douchebag who runs delimeter.

You might as well read Crikey.

Life time of fibre depends on many things.

You will find 25-30 years an optimum measure for many types of fibre.

50 for copper.

But it all depends on many things.

Repeaters are another thing entirely after all without repeaters things fall off rapidly

That is why an honest person will tell you they don't know.

Being clueless like you are I can only suggest you do more research and not just post stuff you find like mel does.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:51 pm

This is fantastic. One day after their first 'Policy' release, Abbbott and Turnbull cannot get their bullshit lined up. Oh, it is going to be a joyous next several months watching Abbott having to actually say something!
One day after launching his party’s alternative to Labor’s national broadband network, Opposition leader Tony Abbott contradicted his communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull on the amount of work required by his plan.

Speaking to 104.3FM radio in Melbourne on Wednesday morning, Mr Abbott said Labor’s NBN rollout was slow because it had to connect to more homes.

Where Labor’s NBN has struggled to hit its targets because its fibre-to-the-premise plan installs fibre optic cabling into 93 per cent of homes and businesses, the Coalition’s alternative depends on fibre-to-the-node system that connects the cable to node cabinets on the side of streets that then use existing copper networks.

“If you are trying to create brand new connections to 12 million households, that is a much bigger job than simply rolling out fibre to 10 or 20,000 nodes,” Mr Abbott said.

But speaking with journalists on Tuesday afternoon, his communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull said the number of node cabinets would be much higher.

“I’m told in terms of cabinets you’re talking about around 60,000,” he said. “That’s obviously subject to closer scoping.”

Under the Coalition’s plan 71 per cent of all premises will get fibre-to-the-node, which requires a node cabinet to be within 2km of a location to deliver high speed broadband.

Being clueless like you are I can only suggest you do more research and not just post stuff you find like mel does.
I concede I am is Turnbull, he said so himself, and he is the LNP vanguard!


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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:03 pm

Newsflash: Moron latches onto irrelevant point proving idiocy. Onlookers piss themselves laughing.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:12 pm

So true IQS.
Why are there so many morons here.
or is it just 2 with too much to say? :rofl

Well unfortunately for you Arsie...
Abbott doesn't have to speak or give details about their policy, because it is Turnbull's baby.

I think I already pointed out how poor their initial launch was... or did you miss that too.

You do understand another reason the Coalitions plan is better than NBNCo don't you?
Technological redundancy. And I don't mean the built-in kind.

eg; ... world-use/" onclick=";return false;

As we speak there are developments that will continue to improve speed and capacity of wireless broadband.
Pity we dug up and laid all that cable for nothing might be the catch-cry in the future.

oh and excuse me whilst I laugh at your poor excuse for "confusion" and "contradiction"... what a beat up.
BTW you gotta connect to nodes b4 you connect to the houses. And single nodes connect to multiple houses.
Abbott was just using an example figure for the sake of argument and explanation gee how wrong of him.
You want details ask telstra.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:27 pm

Not even Malcolm is talking about wireless. I guess we all should have known that you are more aware than he is.


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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:28 pm

Why the Coalition's NBN plan makes sense
April 10, 2013 - 2:09PM
Grahame Lynch
The Coalition's alternative broadband network is under siege as opponents insist the speed promised in the government's plan is worth the extra money and the wait.

Building a fibre-to-the-premises network to 12 million discrete locations in a country the size of Australia is a really difficult, expensive and slow undertaking.

Australia has the prospect of facing the highest cost base for both fixed and mobile telecommunications in the world.

Four years since Stephen Conroy announced such a policy, and with billions of dollars of equity already committed, this network has less than 15,000 active connections to show for its efforts.

The hardest part of building such a network is the last mile.

The beauty of Malcolm Turnbull's solution is that it pushes fibre out closer to the customer, within hundreds of metres in some cases, helping delivering higher speeds but at a much lower labour and cost requirement because it uses the existing copper in the street.

Circumstances have changed since April 2009 when Senator Conroy made the then technically-correct decision to go with fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) as the only realistic way to get super-fast broadband speeds greater than 25Mbps and approaching the 50/100Mbps mark. He also announced the policy in the midst of a global financial crisis where mass unemployment seemed a likely possibility, and thus a nation-building project such as the NBN would have easy access to human resources. Of course, the GFC didn't affect Australia that much and labour shortages, especially in the skilled fibre splicing area, are more the contemporary reality, adding to cost and deployment pressures for the NBN.

Meanwhile, many other GFC-afflicted nations simply made the judgement that they couldn't afford expensive FTTH networks on a scale such as Australia's. Affordability has always been an earmark of the internet revolution. The first steps, from dial-up to DSL, had per-user costs that could be measured in the low hundreds of dollars. By contrast, the next step, to full fibre to the premise, costs a couple of thousands dollars at least, and based on existing NBN deployments, closer to $4000 in Australian conditions. Many countries simply cannot contemplate this sharp rise in incremental cost.

As a result, technology companies worked on ways to develop faster speeds over existing infrastructure. So HFC networks, originally designed for one-way TV distribution, can now support gigabit speeds at the node. Mobile networks, originally designed for voice calls and limited text messaging, will soon support similar speeds at the base station. And new vectoring technologies, which eliminate noise on the copper network, dramatically increase the speeds of DSL from the current 25Mbps theoretical limit to above 50 and up to 100Mbps. All these technologies can be deployed over legacy networks for fractions of the cost of a new FTTH network. And one shouldn't assume they have reached a technological dead-end: further improvements are on the horizon. Like I keep telling you - technology marches on...

The current NBN plan, ironically, tacitly acknowledges these developments by using cutting-edge wireless and satellite tech, albeit only in the bush, something which will be retained under the Coalition. But the cost savings of the Coalition plan – which they estimate at a minimum of $15 billion – come from acknowledging that a one-size fits all FTTH solution for urban and regional centres is too big an incremental cost leap when existing platforms can be upgraded to get higher speeds far more cheaply.

It's worth acknowledging that the latest Coalition plan is more similar than different to the Labor NBN, something Malcolm Turnbull's detractors should give him credit for. It retains the "Telstra structural separation" and "universal service" aspects, seen as key to promoting better competition in the retail market and equity goals for the bush.

Six years ago, the Coalition was promising no more than a scrappy bush wireless network using a now dying technology called WiMAX and an unfunded upgrade of the urban copper network. Three years later, in the 2010 election, it had upped the stakes to $6 billion for essentially the same 2007 outcome. Now it is promising $29 billion for a national network using a combination of upgrades to legacy networks and new turnkey FTTH connections to the most economic 22% of customer base, essentially new housing, locations of high demand such as schools and hospitals and areas where an upgrade of the copper network would be economically senseless.

For mine, this is probably a little more expensive than the end-off payoff would allow but it is still considerably less expensive than the Labor NBN plan which would lead to Australia having the most expensive cost base for fixed telecommunications in the world. helloooo hellloooo Add to the fact that Senator Conroy has set spectrum reserve prices at world highs and Australia has the prospect of facing the highest cost base for both fixed and mobile telecommunications in the world helloooo helloooo – not something I am sure is a great legacy to leave future generations.

There may be plenty to quibble about with Mr Turnbull's fine print but this is assuaged by the reality that he has committed to submit his policy to no less than three separate reviews post-election: into the NBN's strategic options, an audit of its finances and costs and an overall cost-benefit analysis. Presumably this allows Turnbull to change his policy when and where the facts informing it change. This is in stark contrast to an existing NBN policy which was effectively set in stone in April 2009 by diktat with virtually no open, informed or transparent consideration of the alternatives or the "counter-factuals" as economists might put it.

Grahame Lynch is the founder of telco industry publication CommsDay and a former group editorial director of America's Network and Telecom Asia.
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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by Rorschach » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:31 pm

Aussie wrote:Not even Malcolm is talking about wireless. I guess we all should have known that you are more aware than he is.

Goober I already answered Skip on this... don't you read anything?

You do know what a satelite is don't you?
Haven't Labor bought 3 already for the NBN?

I am talking about the future dummy do please try to read exactly what I say. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by boxy » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:50 pm

mellie wrote:
Aussie wrote:Yeah.....great waffle Mellie. Tell me....that copper to your door has been there for decades and it is decaying. How long will it last? Yes, you don't know, and neither does Turnbull...yet he is relying upon it.

Fair enough.

My son just explained it to me....which leads me to think old Turncoat is at it again.

Abbott really needs to get rid of Turnbull, he's an absolute menace.

A menace with an agenda.
Turnbull probably told the party that the NBN that Labor are implementing is the best option, just like he tried telling them what to do about climate change.

"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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Re: National Broadband Network

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:09 pm

Geezuz lefty fuckbags, I hope you have left some water in your pistol if this is all you got. Still have 5 months till the election, Conroy losing the plot on lateline, libs with a cheaper faster built NBN, shit sheets being released against and by your own misogynists, record illegals arriving every day and the ALP waving them directly into our ports.

How long until you set up centre link office's on floating pontoons or are you just going to employ union officials to toss wadfuls of taxpayers dollars into the sea?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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