It was always the plan, from the very beginning when they installed Rudd and then Gillard.
My feeling is both Rudd and Gillard knew the score, both were willing, and knew they were merely 'fluffers'.
And now, both will enjoy their PM pensions.
GG Bryce must be getting rather excited.
The new media (censorship) package will arrive just in the nick of time no doubt, assuming it passes... because we wouldn't want any of Bills past muck tainting his leadership prospects, ie, Debbie Beale, and his multiple extramarital affairs ...a couple having lead to pregnancies..... one as recent as 2012 it's alleged.<---note, probably just a nasty rumor, i'm sure Bill being of good Catholic stock would do no such thing.
Shorten is rather potent for a bloke who looks like he's half a chromosome off a dwarf, isn't he.
The head gets me....
Google dwarfism, he's lucky, it only appears to have effected his head, even if he is a tad short and wears built-up shoes.