oldskool Polanimal smileys

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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:50 pm

Hey I use em...

:lol: :roll: :D :shock: :S :rofl :thumb :b :roll :? :h :yahoo :beer :hlo :hi2 :du :clap :purple :yellow :PC
Hell I've used and use nearly all of them :rofl
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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:50 pm

and these too...

:bike :huh :smitten :pope :tease :OMG :stay :f :c :oops :WTF
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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by annielaurie » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:54 pm

Hey you know quality emoticons when you see em, thanks Rorsch ..


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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:59 pm


thank you Annie. :rose

hey google images yet again...

http://www.dropbears.com/images/mg/froggolf.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

prefer not to pollute the site with too many of these
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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by mantra » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:37 pm

Annielaurie wrote:The packet of emoticons I gave to FD to install are roped off separate, you twat. They are a single packet and they are animated by a single file. They were not installed separately, they are a matching set.
They weren't uploaded by FD as a packet. It took him ages doing one by one as demanded of him, which means they can be replaced individually by AM. Not that I usually agree with him - but in this case more variety and less distraction could be introduced gradually. Trying to post beside a whole heap of bobbing smiling faces is an irritant.
Annielaurie wrote:Yes, it was me who brought them here. I collected them from many other websites over a period of years, saw that the artwork matches, anyone can see the same artist made them, whoever he may be.
BO wrote:New emoticons should be able to be added in a new window anyway - without it affecting anything other than a couple of extra clicks of the mouse if the one you want isn't on the 'front page'.
Are smilies so important that you need to go into 2 pages? PA has always been about words (as long as I've been here) not a great row of bouncing bubbles to distract you from the literacy (or lack thereof) of the poster.

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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:53 pm

mantra wrote:
BO wrote:New emoticons should be able to be added in a new window anyway - without it affecting anything other than a couple of extra clicks of the mouse if the one you want isn't on the 'front page'.
Are smilies so important that you need to go into 2 pages? PA has always been about words (as long as I've been here) not a great row of bouncing bubbles to distract you from the literacy (or lack thereof) of the poster.
I couldn't care less about them one way or the other and am not the one making a constant noise about them.

If you click "View more smilies" you will see that they are on 2 pages already and not all are visible at first glance ie :yak yak :think and :grn

Many forums do it this way and have themed emoticons ie Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter etc etc where you just click the link "View more smilies" then go to the page of the ones you want to use, if you so desire. It's a pretty simple concept really and nothing visibly changes. It should keep everyone happy. Big ask, I know :lol:

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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:00 pm

What does it matter how many pages of emoticons there are if it changes nothing visibly?

The people who wish to use them can seek them out. Those that don't wish to use them don't have to.

Oh the drama of it all :grn


Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by Aussie » Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:05 pm

AnimalMother wrote:Crikey, some of you guys will go nuclear over anything.

Okay, I won't delete any smileys. Saves work for me.

And I'll add new ones gradually, because I'm lazy and also because I know Aussie will be upset if I'm slow about doing something he didn't want me to do anyway. :f
I don't give a rat's arse how slow you are at adding.......all I opposed was your intent to delete.


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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by boxy » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:40 pm

Black Orchid wrote:What does it matter how many pages of emoticons there are if it changes nothing visibly?
As long as those crap ones get pushed back to the 5th page, everyone should be happy :lol:
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Re: oldskool Polanimal smileys

Post by annielaurie » Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:35 am

mantra wrote:
Annielaurie wrote: They are a single packet and they are animated by a single file. They were not installed separately, they are a matching set.
They weren't uploaded by FD as a packet. It took him ages doing one by one as demanded of him, which means they can be replaced individually by AM.
You are mistaken. This is how it was. I collected the smilies from other websites individually, but sent them all at once to Freediver, who then said he would need an animator file to make them work.

Without a special file, he would have to upload and code each one separately. So I got the uploader file from Monk, who knows how to do stuff like that, and sent that file to Freediver.

Then he was able to install the whole "packet" of my smilies at once with the animator file, and they worked as they should.

It was only later that people complained about having to scroll down too far when composing a post in the postform page, in order to click Submit.

So it was then that Freediver took the extra trouble to rearrange the order of the smilie files on the server, so that they are more compact, and also continue to a page 2 and a page 3, and so on.


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