Science Updates

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:10 pm

Rorschach wrote:Do animals see sex in the same way as humans? Now there's an indeterminate for you.
Dry humping your leg is just dominance behavour.

The article indicates that some animals do enjoy sex... maybe like humans. It makes sense that nature would make sex enjoyable to encouage the act... don't you think. If it wasn't enjoyable, higher animals may choose not to do it.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:15 pm

Super Nova wrote: Now the push is to show that gayness is so natural we should be all into it.

Attenborough documentaries 'ignore gay animals'

Sir David Attenborough's documentaries are not a true reflection of nature because they fail to acknowledge animals' "gay" behaviour, an academic has claimed.

Dr Brett Mills of the University of East Anglia accused the veteran broadcaster of espousing the idea that all animals are heterosexual despite a wealth of evidence they engage in a variety of sexual activity.

Shots of male chimpanzees cuddling, for example, are described to the viewer as no more than male bonding but could in fact be driven by sexual motives, he said.

Similarly, a scene in which a male Buff-Breasted Sandpiper stalks towards another with his rear in the air may not be meant to intimidate a rival, as described by Sir David, but as a prelude to "homosexual mounting".

Dr Mills said his paper, published in the European Journal of Cultural Studies, is aimed at highlighting aspects of animal behaviour such as homosexuality and same-sex parenting which are often ignored or explained away. ... imals.html
Observation and study are part of the scientific method, not mere opinion.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:03 pm

When you anthropomorphise animals and substitute human reasoning (biased or otherwise) for animal reasoning it is mere opinion.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:09 pm

Anyone who watches a bird who sticks it's tail in the air and thinks its looking for an arse fucking says more about the observer than the bird.

The observation that any and all women who wear lipstick want their throat pummeled by massive cocks has far more merit because the application of lipstick is to mimic the aroused female genitalia
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:16 pm

Homosexual activity has already been observed for a long time as a behavior in some species of mammals.

Years ago I was reading about a study on common rats. The idea was that when there is crowding of a mammalian species in certain areas, a genetic mechanism will kick in to produce some of the offspring with a tendancy toward same-sex mating, as nature's way of population control.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:24 pm

Actuall while IQ pay use the aussie bar language to express himself sometimes (well almost all the time) there is some truth in his statement. I didn't know this.

I thoight it was because it makes them more youthful. That is, young women have redder lips so lipstick makes them look younger.


A slick of red lipstick is the timeless weapon of choice for the femme fatale, and with good reason. Scientists at Manchester University have used eye-tracking software to prove that men are hopelessly drawn to a bright red mouth. When shown photographs of a women for 10 seconds each, men spent 7.3 seconds looking at red lips compared to only 0.95 seconds on the eyes. Pink lipstick held the gaze for just 6.7 seconds.

And perhaps it’s because that flash of Chanel Rouge Allure is nothing less than a glimpse into a girl’s knickers. Naturalist Diane Ackerman, author of A Natural History of the Senses, summarises the leading anthropological theory on lipstick: “The lips remind us of the labia, because they flush red and swell when they’re aroused, which is the conscious or subconscious reason women have always made them look even redder with lipstick.”
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:59 pm

annielaurie wrote:Homosexual activity has already been observed for a long time as a behavior in some species of mammals.

Years ago I was reading about a study on common rats. The idea was that when there is crowding of a mammalian species in certain areas, a genetic mechanism will kick in to produce some of the offspring with a tendancy toward same-sex mating, as nature's way of population control.
Dry-humping, anal sex, non-reproductive sex, rape.... certainly is not "mating" IMO.
Homosexuality in the human species cannot be considered the same or motivated by the same reasoning in another species.
How will you ever prove that? IQS made some valid points.
The original article assumptions are crap.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by annielaurie » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:24 pm

Rorschach wrote:
annielaurie wrote: Homosexual activity has already been observed for a long time as a behavior in some species of mammals.

Years ago I was reading about a study on common rats. The idea was that when there is crowding of a mammalian species in certain areas, a genetic mechanism will kick in to produce some of the offspring with a tendancy toward same-sex mating, as nature's way of population control.
Dry-humping, anal sex, non-reproductive sex, rape.... certainly is not "mating" IMO.
Homosexuality in the human species cannot be considered the same or motivated by the same reasoning in another species.
How will you ever prove that? IQS made some valid points.
The original article assumptions are crap.
Think of it as the attraction and attempt of individuals to "mate" with same sex partners, because of a natural selection mechanism in populations of some mammals in environments where there is overcrowding.

This would definitely describe the circumstances of the human species as well, as we are living in overcrowded cities everywhere on the planet now.

And homosexuality seems to have increased. I don't believe it is a choice, I believe some people are born homosexual, and when reaching puberty find themselves naturally attacted to same sex partners. I have known many gays over the years, and literally all of them claim to have been gay ever since they can remember, since childhood.

Think in terms of natural selection: as in slight changes in genetic, hormonal or endocrine balances in individuals of some mammalian species, including humans, Rorsch.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:17 pm

annielaurie wrote:Homosexual activity has already been observed for a long time as a behavior in some species of mammals.

Years ago I was reading about a study on common rats. The idea was that when there is crowding of a mammalian species in certain areas, a genetic mechanism will kick in to produce some of the offspring with a tendancy toward same-sex mating, as nature's way of population control.

Giraffes are well-known for homosexual tendencies. Had never considered homosexuality having evolutionary relevance but it must somehow.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:33 pm

This would definitely describe the circumstances of the human species as well, as we are living in overcrowded cities everywhere on the planet now.

And homosexuality seems to have increased. I don't believe it is a choice, I believe some people are born homosexual, and when reaching puberty find themselves naturally attracted to same sex partners. I have known many gays over the years, and literally all of them claim to have been gay ever since they can remember, since childhood.
"Seems to have"? That may be more accurate than actually has Annie.
I don't believe that people are born homosexual at all. Babies from what I know, don't have the urge at all.
Your gay friends disagree with most of mine then... as they tell me they chose to have sex with other men for various reasons.
How do you explain men who go to prison and due to the lack of females choose to have sex with other men and then when released revert back to a totally heterosexual lifestyle. Or abstain. Or choose to continue a homosexual lifestyle. I'm betting it isn't due to being born homosexual. For me, nurture wins out over nature in this argument. Not that there aren't exceptions to the rule.
I remember when gays started on the I was born this way I can't help myself excuse. Pity is they felt they needed an excuse.
How do you explain bisexuals then Annie.... freaks?
Think in terms of natural selection: as in slight changes in genetic, hormonal or endocrine balances in individuals of some mammalian species, including humans, Rorsch.
As for your theory of population growth creating more homosexuals... I'm guessing India and China negate that theory pretty easily.
Also, I expect that widespread genetic evolution takes time Annie.
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