Researching Tony Abbott
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott
Roachy Poachy Puddin' and Pie..............the instant you post something positive about Gillard or negative about Abbott is when I might begin to think you are not a liberal party troll.

- Posts: 19345
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- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Researching Tony Abbott
So by your logic, you have confirmed you're an ALP troll.Aussie wrote:Roachy Poachy Puddin' and Pie..............the instant you post something positive about Gillard or negative about Abbott is when I might begin to think you are not a liberal party troll.
Losing on all fronts eh?

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

I already have you moronic arsehole... (several times in fact)
Even today
Why don't you take note of your own words and do us all a favour.
Or are you just proving you are a moronic ALP rusted-on?
That's ok... just don't expect others to do things you simply won't or can't.
I've proven on many occasions I am what I say I am.

I already have you moronic arsehole... (several times in fact)
Even today

Why don't you take note of your own words and do us all a favour.
Or are you just proving you are a moronic ALP rusted-on?
That's ok... just don't expect others to do things you simply won't or can't.
I've proven on many occasions I am what I say I am.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Researching Tony Abbott
Rorschach wrote:
http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Memb ... n?MPID=EZ5" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Beyond his involvement in student politics, biographer Michael Duffy, wrote that during his student days he once "saved a child who was swept out to sea. Another time, helped save children from a burning house next to a pub where he was drinking. On each occasion he disappeared before he could be thanked.
Abbott is a volunteer member of the NSW Rural Fire Service as a member of the Davidson Rural Fire Brigade.
Abbott has participated in several events for charity. In April 2007 he launched the tenth annual Pollie Pedal, a charitable event which aimed to raise money for breast cancer research. Federal Territories Minister Jim Lloyd said that the event was Abbott's "brainchild".
As Opposition spokesman on Indigenous Affairs, Abbott spent weeks teaching in a remote Aboriginal settlements in Cape York in 2008 and 2009, organised through prominent indigenous leader Noel Pearson. He taught remedial reading to Aboriginal children; worked with an income management group, helping families manage their welfare payments; and visited children who had not been attending school—with a goal 'to familiarise himself with indigenous issues'.
IQS is right Arsie you seem to have severe comprehension problems. The last couple of pages you've been wrong wrong wrong and apparently keep on getting things wrong wrong wrong.
Whereas I comment on the Coalition you focus ad hom attacks on Abbott just like the party you support... because that is all they are good for. Did you even bother to go back and see what a fool you've been lying about me? No?
How's that head going?
If you want to research Tony Abbott how come all you can do is find negative things?
Nothing to do with poor character and political bias is it?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Neferti
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott
One for Aussie.
- Super Nova
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott
I'm bored with this image. Can you find some new one's please.Rorschach wrote:

Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Researching Tony Abbott
No SN, I like that one.... if you get Arsie to change his behaviour or improve his game, you wouldn't see it as much.
Collage...? Funny but when Abbott and Gillard were at Penrith Leagues in a huge community forum... Abbott won the day... hands down.
It seems connecting with the people was more popular than talking down to them.
So how you going on your quest to find positives for a change... a big FAIL as usual I see.

Collage...? Funny but when Abbott and Gillard were at Penrith Leagues in a huge community forum... Abbott won the day... hands down.
It seems connecting with the people was more popular than talking down to them.
So how you going on your quest to find positives for a change... a big FAIL as usual I see.

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
Re: Researching Tony Abbott
How's this for positive?
TONY Abbott, the action man of the surf, the cycle, the quad-bike and the pulsing fire hose, seems to be running scared.
In fact, when it comes to any form of close scrutiny, the bloke is making himself such a small target he'd be hard to spot even clad in one of his presumably vast collection of high-vis work vests.
The small-target strategy is tried and true in politics and works especially well when you have an electorate looking to vote against an unpopular incumbent, rather than inspired to vote for what is a pretty lacklustre alternative.
To be fair, it is somewhat unreasonable to demand finely costed detail of every policy measure prior even to the release of the May Budget.
That said, there is a suspicious reluctance on the Opposition's behalf to even offer a broad-brush, conceptual picture of how it is going to balance a dizzying array of tax and spending measures.
Quite simply the numbers cannot possibly add up and both Abbott and his Treasury spokesman Joe Hockey look uneasy or evasive - or both - whenever they are faced with a rare question in this area.
This is understandable when you are trying to sell a blancmange of eleventy-nomics that involves big spending in areas such as defence and border security at the same time as cutting corporate and income taxes, and abolishing the mining and carbon taxes while also delivering a budget surplus.
Perhaps this explains why Abbott is basically refusing to stick his head up for anything but the most carefully scripted of media stunts.
Perhaps it also explains why Abbott - with a nice new wrinkle-free visage and an orange tan to match the most garish safety vest - has bowed out of his regular breakfast TV spot on Nine's Today program.
Most media minders would not consider Today host Karl Stefanovic the most gruelling of interviewers.
But apparently any possibility that Abbott is exposed to an unscripted question on a sticky subject is now to be studiously avoided.
As this newspaper reported in recent days, "paranoia has reached such heights that at a briefing of Coalition chiefs of staff, Abbott's chief of staff Peta Credlin told staff to stay off Twitter and watch out for waiters with recording devices, citing the covert recording of US presidential candidate Mitt Romney at a fundraiser".
Sound advice, as you never know if, while discussing the finer points of Mal Brough's campaign over dessert and liqueurs, someone is hiding in a nearby potplant, or even if a bug may have been planted in the pepper grinder.
Speaking of Brough, just watch Abbott's face when he is faced with a question about the whole "Ashbygate" affair surrounding Peter Slipper, former staffer James Ashby and possibly extending as far as the offices of Christopher Pyne and Abbott himself.
Deputy Opposition Leader Julie Bishop was fond of saying Prime Minister Julia Gillard had "questions to answer" about the AWU matter.
On that basis, Bishop and her colleagues also have a lot of questions to answer about the roles they played in what the Federal Court deemed was a court case that amounted to an "abuse of process" and was little more than a conspiracy with the "purpose of causing significant public, reputational and political damage to Mr Slipper". In short, the whole affair seemed designed to bring down a government via unsubstantiated smear - a plot that in many countries could earn you a sedition charge.
The difference between Gillard and Abbott is that the Prime Minister has faced down her accusers.
She has stood and answered questions until the questions ran dry.
She didn't run and hide.
She has offered Abbott - who used parliamentary privilege to accuse her of breaking the law - the opportunity to put up or shut up on the AWU claims.
He did neither.
Now the Opposition strategy appears to be aimed at shielding Abbott from any scrutiny that might relate to anything from Magic Pudding budget numbers, to the Slipper/Ashby affair, or industrial relations reform and public service job cuts.
This also has the advantage of reducing the opportunity for Abbott to come out with a populist thought bubble like his hugely generous parental leave scheme (funded, by the way, by a Great Big New Tax on more than 3000 large Australian companies).
There is always a danger though that this small (and still shrinking) target will create public perceptions of "what are you hiding?".
And that, Mr Abbott, is a fair question.
What are you so afraid of?
- Posts: 19345
- Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:15 pm
- Location: Quote Aussie: nigger
Re: Researching Tony Abbott
How does it feel when you have to hunt high and low for a biased Abbott article while passing all the ALP is doomed/Gillard is hopeless/Swan is an idiot articles?
Does it ever make you think that there is a reason for that?
Does it ever make you think that there is a reason for that?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
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