boxy wrote:I don't understand your hatred of Turnbull, Roach. You claim you arn't a rusted on conservative, and yet whenever someone dares to say that Turnbull would make a good leader, you froth at the mouth about him being a Laborite in disguise. If, as you have tried to claim in the past, you are a swing voter who has voted Labor before, then surely he's just the man for you.
Na, you're a rusted on conservative, and the only way you swing is towards the radical nutcases whenever one pops it's head up (hi Pauline).
Boxy, I can reply to this too, if Rorschach doesn't mind.
1. There is no hatred for Turnbull. He had his go at it and failed, miserably. We do not want him to "challenge" Tony Abbott and I think Malcolm will do the right thing .......unlike KRudd who is always the fly in the ointment.
2. Rorschach is no more rusted on than I am or IQ is.
3. Pauline is long gone, as is John Howard, Peter Costello, and all the rest of them.
When you leftards have nothing to say you drag up stuff that is a decade or more old in defence. Won't work! Righties only have to look at today's ABC News to sort out the TRUTH.