Researching Tony Abbott

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:25 pm

Isn't that what you meant?
You said no one could convince me not to to vote Liberal... funny, but I've not voted for them many times before.
Therefore you must believe Labor are useless. Otherwise surely you could convince me they are worth voting for.

... therefore
Because they have done an exceptional job under the most difficult political circumstances in Australian Political History. If Windsor and Oakshot had gone with Tony after the last election, I have no doubt his Government would have fallen apart.
Happy for you to expand and explain.
Windsor and Oakeshott were never going to go with Abbott/Coalition. Nor were the Greens.
There wouldn't have been a Labor Minority government without them BTW, they are why there wasn't a Coalition Government.
Why was their job difficult they basically have a majority. Gillard only had to lie to Wilkie to secure a majority. Nothing exceptional in that she seems to lie all the time.
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:31 pm

The independents only went with Gillard because they knew she, being ALP, was far more open to being extorted and having the taxpayer pay for their frolics. Yes, they know the coalition would have gone earlier to an election because governing under this rabble would have been a disaster...and they have been vindicated.

...and they will govern for a fuck of a lot longer than the ALP
...and the independents are dead ducks

Shame about that :lol:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Aussie » Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:59 pm

Nothing exceptional in that she seems to lie all the time.
Oh, come on Roachy Poachy Puddin' and Pie.....have I got to go back to that amazing youtube source again? Which one would you prefer? No new taxes, carbon tax, Leigh Sales, Lisa Wilkinson, Kerry O'Brien....(and a zillion others).....which one is your favourite? Shit happens. "Climate change?" Crap?


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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:12 pm

Well I could match you lie for lie and still come out way ahead... when did Abbott lie to the people of Australia about not putting on a Carbon tax? She will never live that down.

I posted 5 lies and you failed to refute even 1 of them. So it's pointless me posting stuff unless it's to refute your crap so post as much as you like.

Happy for you to post definitive proof about "Climate Change". You'll get a Nobel prize like Gore and he had no proof.
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:21 am

Aussie wrote:Because they have done an exceptional job under the most difficult political circumstances in Australian Political History.
Please feel free to expand on the exceptional job they have done :shock:
Aussie wrote:Roachy Poachy Puddin' and Pie
That goes beyond juvenile, really! :roll:

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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:58 am

He thinks he's being clever casting for a bite while making himself look's not as if Aussie is known for his sharpness, wittiness or biting repartee.

His normal contribution is along the lines of ...duuuhhhhblagurgrle hehehee
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:34 am

Dear ,

Last weekend I released Our Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia which will directly help families with cost of living pressures, small businesses create jobs and keep our borders secure.

Today, Julia Gillard had her chance to put forward her plan for Australia's future and she didn't. Instead, Julia Gillard set out no strategy to grow the economy, refused to commit to getting the budget into surplus, foreshadowed further tax increases on Australian families and retirees, and announced an election date.

Australians woke up this morning with a minority, unstable government which has broken promise after promise. Instead of providing certainty and stability, Julia Gillard has created even further instability with an election towards the end of the year.

On 14 September, Australians will have the clearest choice in a generation.

The Coalition is ready with clear positive plans for Australia.

My message today is that the Coalition will remove the carbon tax, ease cost of living pressures, create 2 million new jobs, restore stability to government and stop the boats.

We will build a stronger, more productive and diverse economy through lower taxes, more efficient government and more productive businesses that will deliver more jobs, lower taxes and better services for all Australians.

My team is already working hard and will work every day to earn the support of the Australian people. We have candidates already in the field talking with Australians about our positive plans.

We have clear positive plans for Australia. We will:

* scrap Labor’s carbon tax and help families and small businesses get ahead
* abolish the mining tax and restore confidence to this important sector
* help our businesses grow by abolishing $1 billion a year in red tape and green tape
* build more modern infrastructure and get cranes above our cities again
* deliver better education by putting local communities in charge of improving the performance of local schools
* establish a 15,000 strong green army to make our natural environment cleaner
* get the budget under control and pay back debt by running surpluses from year one, based on the current figures.

We will restore trust – trust in government to keep its word, trust to build a strong economy and trust to deliver a plan that creates jobs so Australians can plan their futures with confidence.

This is our positive plan for Australia. This is the choice we offer Australians. This is the year when Australians can vote for hope, reward and opportunity that this country deserves.

Tony Abbott

Oh and Arsie...


Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament

* BEc, LLB (Syd), MA (Oxon).
* Rhodes Scholar.
* Journalist.
* Plant Manager, Pioneer Concrete.
* Press secretary and political adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Dr JR Hewson 1990-93.
* Executive Director, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy 1993-94.
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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Neferti » Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:03 pm

I think that Tony needs a new PR man/woman. ;) Perhaps a "make-over" (new hair style, hair colour and eyeglass candy? Perhaps even a new suit and tie?) :D

Seriously. Tony should shoo (?) it in but ....... others have been so close to winning too but lost. GO TONY!!!!


Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Aussie » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:08 pm

* scrap Labor’s carbon tax and help families and small businesses get ahead
Lovely. I'm all in favour of helping families and small business. Ummm.......explain how you will do that Tony.
* abolish the mining tax and restore confidence to this important sector
Why abolish a tax which has had nil effect, Tony? Ummm.....explain how you will restore confidence, or did you mean that the sector will become more confident if the tax of nil effect is abolished. Tony, I reckon most Australians like the idea of super profits from our Nation's resources being taxed. You don't. Why?
* help our businesses grow by abolishing $1 billion a year in red tape and green tape
Yay, I'm all for that. But......exactly what red and green tape. Details please, Tony.
* build more modern infrastructure and get cranes above our cities again
Personally, I'd like for once to see a city skyline not fucked with the ugliness of a crane. But, I do like the idea of 'more modern infrastructure.' Exactly what, Tony?
* deliver better education by putting local communities in charge of improving the performance of local schools
Bollocks. Every School already has a PandC. What do you mean, Tony?
* establish a 15,000 strong green army to make our natural environment cleaner
Is that code for make those on welfare work for it, Tony?
* get the budget under control and pay back debt by running surpluses from year one, based on the current figures.
Sneaky weazel words in there, Tony.
We will restore trust – trust in government to keep its word, trust to build a strong economy and trust to deliver a plan that creates jobs so Australians can plan their futures with confidence.
Well, Tony....there is a problem you have on 'trust.' By the time this election campaign is over, most Australians will have seen you on TV behaving like the most untrustworthy thug running as a Candidate this year.



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Re: Researching Tony Abbott

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:58 pm

Image reading your crap is so Image

But let me start with this...
Why abolish a tax which has had nil effect, Tony?
Why have a tax that has had nil effect? Just a waste of tax office resources isn't it. :rofl

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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