Reasons not to vote LABOR.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by mantra » Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:22 pm


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:50 pm

Oh dear... you have no point mantra and no first hand experience with Akerman your pov is biased and your posts merely show how biased you really are.

Debate the facts and stop playing the blissfully yet stupidly ignorant all the time.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:57 pm

Rorschach wrote:Oh dear... you have no point mantra and no first hand experience with Akerman your pov is biased and your posts merely show how biased you really are.

Debate the facts and stop playing the blissfully yet stupidly ignorant all the time. all seen Akerman on QA...............are you selling your soul to Akerman? He is teh Guru on all things politic?


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:01 pm

Aussie wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Another useless post Arsie?
Come on refute the facts... you know you can't that's why the crap and bluster approach you so frequently use. :rofl :rofl :rofl
What facts? Are you seriously suggesting that Akerman posts facts? Shit, maybe you are!
Here is the opinion piece in question.

Note Arsie and mantra there are many facts to be found within.

Yet both of you are incapable apparently of refuting any of them... so you resort to ad hom instead. Showing all how truly shallow and politically inept you are.

A bad government was succeeded by an abysmal government
* by: Piers Akerman
* From: The Sunday Telegraph
* January 13, 2013 12:00AM

TODAY marks a dismal anniversary in Australian history, it is the day on which the Gillard minority Labor-Independent-Green government equals the Rudd Labor government's total time in office - 935 days.

Given the propensity for this miserable government to attempt to redefine failures as successes, it is possible that some foolhardy Rudd-hating, Gillard-supporting staffer may even pop a bottle of champagne in the office tomorrow when the current prime minister exceeds Rudd's abruptly curtailed term.

While the moment may be morbidly depressing for many, many Australians who would like the opportunity to vote for a party which can demonstrate a clear mandate to govern, it does mark an important milestone at which comparisons between the Rudd and Gillard government can conveniently be made.

Looking at the ledger, it is abundantly clear that a bad government was succeeded by an abysmal government. If anyone is in doubt the Rudd government was bad, just recall that Gillard told the public his government had lost its way.

When Rudd attempted a comeback at the beginning of last year, his party colleagues queued to describe Kevvie from Brizzie as chaotic, unfit to be prime minister, a psychopath and responsible for sabotaging the 2010 election campaign.

The Opposition let Rudd off lightly by comparison. Economic management provides a black-and-red yardstick to measure the two government's performances. In its first year in government (2008-09) the Rudd government produced a $27 billion deficit; a $54.5 billion deficit in 2009-10 and a $47.5 billion deficit in 2010-11.

The Gillard government produced a $43.4 billion deficit in 2011-12 before collapsing in a heap and crab-walking away from the future surplus it has repeatedly promised. It was the third major promise to be broken by the Gillard government after it had reversed its pledge on no carbon tax and no Pacific Solution for offshore processing of illegal people-smuggler clients.

Remember, too, that the Rudd government inherited a Treasury with a healthy surplus before it started its reckless spending spree which left Australia with $42.3 billion of net debt for 2009-10 and $84.6 billion of net debt for 2010-11.

The Gillard government (for factional reasons operating under the same hopeless Treasurer, Wayne Swan) then drove the nation further into the red by pushing our net debt up to $147 billion in 2011-12.

In the latest Budget update, net debt is estimated to fall to $144 billion by the end of the 2012-13 year, but the government's own monthly financial statements show that net debt continues to grow month by month because it is addicted to spending.

Five years ago, the Rudd government lifted the nation's credit card limit to $75 billion, increasing it again the following year to $200 billion. The Gillard government increased the country's credit limit to $250 billion in 2011 and again to $300 billion in 2012.

Swan, in the Rudd government, demonstrated poor economic management, but with the loss of some of the notional restraints applied by former Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner, showed himself to be a totally lousy manager under Gillard. To appear at all competent, Swan now resorts to pointing at failed Euro-economies, hoping the electorate will overlook the manner in which he has squandered national savings on worthless policies.

Another excellent and easily understood measure is provided by the flow of illegal people- smuggler clients. Again, Rudd started with near-empty processing centres as the Howard government had stopped the flow of boats. Under the Rudd government 140 boats arrived with 6,552 asylum seekers.

Under the Gillard government (which announced the "Malaysia solution" people swap which relied on a country that had not signed the UN Refugee Convention) 405 boats have arrived carrying 25,266 asylum seekers - more people than live in many sizeable towns - and there have been 1000 or more lives lost by those lured to try and breach the stretched border security net.

That number far exceeds the four lives lost during the bungled implementation of the Rudd government's ill-conceived $2.4 billion Home Insulation Plan which also saw the destruction of at least 224 houses, possibly the Rudd government's greatest policy failure.

Then there was the Rudd government's Building the Education Revolution, which inflicted school halls, many unwanted and unneeded, around the country at a cost of $1.7 billion and of course, the uncosted, unfunded not-bloody-needed National Broadband Network, created on the back of an envelope by the then prime minister, which now pays its CEO more than it gets from its customers (more on the NBN later).

As far as policy failures go, the Gillard government's carbon tax, which has helped deliver the largest quarterly rise in electricity prices since 1980, is hard to beat on so many fronts but then again there is its mining tax which last year collected no revenue.

Cost-of-living pressures under the Rudd government, from the December quarter of 2007 to the June quarter of 2010 saw electricity prices increased by an average of 34 per cent across Australia. Gas prices rose by an average of 26 per cent and water and sewerage rates increased by an average of 29 per cent.

Health costs jumped by an average 18 per cent, education costs increased by an average 17 per cent and the amount of rent people paid increased by 17 per cent as insurance costs leapt by 20 per cent.

Under the Gillard government, from the June quarter of 2010 to the September quarter of 2012, electricity prices soared by an average 41 per cent, gas prices increased by an average of 29 per cent and water and sewerage rates rose by an average 27 per cent. Health costs increased by an average 10 per cent, education costs rose by an average 12 per cent and the amount of rent people paid jumped by 10 per cent as insurance costs rose by 16 per cent.

An insight into the duplicity of both the Rudd and Gillard governments was provided on Friday. NBN announced it had exceeded its rollout target for 2012. This like so much of this government's utterances was sheer nonsense as the NBN's definition of rollout doesn't meet any international standard. All it means is planning has commenced in an office somewhere but does not reflect actual cable laid in any actual city, town or suburb. Ouch!

The truly disheartening fact on this bleak anniversary is that Gillard was a key member of the failed Rudd government and that she has not matched even its dismal record.

Try reading it for a change.
Try working out what the facts are.
Then try not running away and instead factually refute them.
Now that'd be a change.

Or apologise for being clueless biased arseholes who are only here to flame and dissemble.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:04 pm

Did not read a word after this:
Note Arsie and mantra there are many facts to be found within.
If Akerman wrote will be crap.

Maybe you need to get a more credible source?

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:11 pm

Actually I don't have to at all.
You just proved my point and added another nail in your credibility coffin. :hlo

In future...

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:20 pm

Rorschach wrote:Actually I don't have to at all.
You just proved my point and added another nail in your credibility coffin. :hlo

In future...

No worries. Just ignore me. How hard is that?


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:34 pm

I take that as an admission then that you are only here as a TROLL.

One would expect such an admission would put one up for a suspension if not outright banning.

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by mantra » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:35 pm

Rorschach wrote: Here is the opinion piece in question.

Note Arsie and mantra there are many facts to be found within.

Yet both of you are incapable apparently of refuting any of them... so you resort to ad hom instead. Showing all how truly shallow and politically inept you are.

A bad government was succeeded by an abysmal government
* by: Piers Akerman
* From: The Sunday Telegraph
* January 13, 2013 12:00AM

TODAY marks a dismal anniversary in Australian history, it is the day on which the Gillard minority Labor-Independent-Green government equals the Rudd Labor government's total time in office - 935 days.

Given the propensity for this miserable government - BILE to attempt to redefine failures as successes, it is possible that some foolhardy Rudd-hating, Gillard-supporting staffer may even pop a bottle of champagne in the office tomorrow when the current prime minister exceeds Rudd's abruptly curtailed term.VILE

While the moment may be morbidly depressing for many, many Australians who would like the opportunity to vote for a party which can demonstrate a clear mandate to govern, it does mark an important milestone at which comparisons between the Rudd and Gillard government can conveniently be made.

Looking at the ledger, it is abundantly clear that a bad government was succeeded by an abysmal government. TOAD. If anyone is in doubt the Rudd government was bad, just recall that Gillard told the public his government had lost its way.

When Rudd attempted a comeback at the beginning of last year, his party colleagues queued to describe Kevvie from Brizzie as chaotic, unfit to be prime minister, a psychopath and responsible for sabotaging the 2010 election campaign.HATE.

The Opposition let Rudd off lightly by comparison. Economic management provides a black-and-red yardstick to measure the two government's performances. In its first year in government (2008-09) the Rudd government produced a $27 billion deficit; a $54.5 billion deficit in 2009-10 and a $47.5 billion deficit in 2010-11. YAWN

The Gillard government produced a $43.4 billion deficit in 2011-12 before collapsing in a heap and crab-walking away from the future surplus it has repeatedly promised. It was the third major promise to be broken by the Gillard government after it had reversed its pledge on no carbon tax and no Pacific Solution for offshore processing of illegal people-smuggler clients. BILE

Remember, too, that the Rudd government inherited a Treasury with a healthy surplus before it started its reckless spending spree which left Australia with $42.3 billion of net debt for 2009-10 and $84.6 billion of net debt for 2010-11.VILE

The Gillard government (for factional reasons operating under the same hopeless Treasurer, Wayne Swan) then drove the nation further into the red by pushing our net debt up to $147 billion in 2011-12.HATE

In the latest Budget update, net debt is estimated to fall to $144 billion by the end of the 2012-13 year, but the government's own monthly financial statements show that net debt continues to grow month by month because it is addicted to spending.BILE

Five years ago, the Rudd government lifted the nation's credit card limit to $75 billion, increasing it again the following year to $200 billion. The Gillard government increased the country's credit limit to $250 billion in 2011 and again to $300 billion in 2012.VILE

Swan, in the Rudd government, demonstrated poor economic management, but with the loss of some of the notional restraints applied by former Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner, showed himself to be a totally lousy manager under Gillard. To appear at all competent, Swan now resorts to pointing at failed Euro-economies, hoping the electorate will overlook the manner in which he has squandered national savings on worthless policies.HATE

Another excellent and easily understood measure is provided by the flow of illegal people- smuggler clients. Again, Rudd started with near-empty processing centres as the Howard government had stopped the flow of boats. Under the Rudd government 140 boats arrived with 6,552 asylum seekers.BILE

Under the Gillard government (which announced the "Malaysia solution" people swap which relied on a country that had not signed the UN Refugee Convention) 405 boats have arrived carrying 25,266 asylum seekers - more people than live in many sizeable towns - and there have been 1000 or more lives lost by those lured to try and breach the stretched border security net.VILE

That number far exceeds the four lives lost during the bungled implementation of the Rudd government's ill-conceived $2.4 billion Home Insulation Plan which also saw the destruction of at least 224 houses, possibly the Rudd government's greatest policy failure.HATE

Then there was the Rudd government's Building the Education Revolution, which inflicted school halls, many unwanted and unneeded, around the country at a cost of $1.7 billion and of course, the uncosted, unfunded not-bloody-needed National Broadband Network, created on the back of an envelope by the then prime minister, which now pays its CEO more than it gets from its customers (more on the NBN later).BILE

As far as policy failures go, the Gillard government's carbon tax, which has helped deliver the largest quarterly rise in electricity prices since 1980, is hard to beat on so many fronts but then again there is its mining tax which last year collected no revenue.VILE

Cost-of-living pressures under the Rudd government, from the December quarter of 2007 to the June quarter of 2010 saw electricity prices increased by an average of 34 per cent across Australia. Gas prices rose by an average of 26 per cent and water and sewerage rates increased by an average of 29 per cent.HATE

Health costs jumped by an average 18 per cent, education costs increased by an average 17 per cent and the amount of rent people paid increased by 17 per cent as insurance costs leapt by 20 per cent.VILE

Under the Gillard government, from the June quarter of 2010 to the September quarter of 2012, electricity prices soared by an average 41 per cent, gas prices increased by an average of 29 per cent and water and sewerage rates rose by an average 27 per cent. Health costs increased by an average 10 per cent, education costs rose by an average 12 per cent and the amount of rent people paid jumped by 10 per cent as insurance costs rose by 16 per cent.BILE

An insight into the duplicity of both the Rudd and Gillard governments was provided on Friday. NBN announced it had exceeded its rollout target for 2012. This like so much of this government's utterances was sheer nonsense as the NBN's definition of rollout doesn't meet any international standard. All it means is planning has commenced in an office somewhere but does not reflect actual cable laid in any actual city, town or suburb. Ouch!HATE

The truly disheartening fact on this bleak anniversary is that Gillard was a key member of the failed Rudd government and that she has not matched even its dismal record.BILE

Try reading it for a change.
Try working out what the facts are.
Then try not running away and instead factually refute them.
Now that'd be a change.


Or apologise for being clueless biased arseholes who are only here to flame and dissemble.


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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:37 pm

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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