Australia’s 20 Most Influential Female Voices

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Australia’s 20 Most Influential Female Voices

Post by mellie » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:49 pm

The SMH Daily Life’s “poll” last month to establish Australia’s 20 Most Influential Female Voices was certainly not shonky, but it was a bit whiffy. The “poll” was “won” by Prime Minister Gillard and two of her federal ministers, five ABC stalwarts, four left writers, an Aboriginal, a Muslim, a thing (ranked No 9), and five miscellaneous.

"…I will chant again to myself the wise words of one Leslie Knope, 'I am a goddess, a glorious female warrior. Queen of all that I survey. Enemies of fairness and equality hear my womanly roar!'
-- SMH Daily Life Editor Sarah Oakes, October 30, 2012 ... ulia-julia

Gillard ranked number 1.

The “winners”, as ranked by Daily Life: 1. Julia Gillard; 2. feminist writer Anne Summers; 3. copy-writer, ABC stalwart and self-described ‘feminist/atheist’ Jane Caro; 4. Elizabeth Broderick, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner; 5. Leigh Sales, ABC presenter; 6. Germaine Greer, feminist; 7. Clementine Ford, regular Daily Life columnist; 8. Stella Young, editor ABC’s Ramp Up website; 9. “Destroy the Joint Collective” against conservative broadcaster Alan Jones; 10. Tracey Spicer, Ten News presenter and “outspoken feminist”; 11. Penny Wong, Federal Minister for Finance; 12. Sarah Ferguson, ABC journalist; 13. Nicola Roxon, Attorney-General; 14. Annabel Crabb, Leftist feminist writer; 15. Sophie McNeill, ABC Triple J journalist; 16. Marieke Hardy, left shock-jock writer; 17. Tara Moss, author; 18. Chrissie Swan, radio presenter; 19. Nareen Young, indigenous CEO of Diversity Council Australia; 20. Susan Carland, Muslim convert and Muslim of the Year.

The contest was frequently described by Fairfax sites as a “poll” and is described in the Terms & Conditions as a “vote”.[2] But the top 20 winners were chosen, not elected, by faceless persons (presumably female) associated with the Daily Life feminist section. The selectees were all simpatico with the Daily Life organisers -- “in our corner”, as editor Sarah Oakes put it disarmingly…[3]

…Not just “in our corner” but part of Daily Life, in the case of columnist Clementine Ford, ranked No 7 by Daily Life. For heaven’s sake, why didn’t Sarah Oakes choose herself as No 1, or at least No 6 ahead of her junior contributor?

Though is Gillard what a majority of Australian woman really want?

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Re: Australia’s 20 Most Influential Female Voices

Post by Neferti » Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:08 pm

Ha ha ha ha! Feminists. Those females who don't shave their legs or wash their hair (Roxon). They have done more harm than good for real women. :mrgreen:

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