Education: General Discussion

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mellie » Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:29 pm

boxy wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:Let us know when she begins crawling and cruising around the furniture. :Hi
Or, start a twitter-blog, so we don't have to put up with it :lol:

Well, you better be prepared, because I'm just smitten with her, this and proud as punch. :lol:

Feel free to put me on ignore, really, I wont mind. :thumb

I just wanted others views on same-sex schools, that's all. They have their pro's and con's I guess.

This thread is after all titled, "Education: General discussion."

Am I not on topic at least?


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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by Neferti » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:13 pm

And, if I get a new puppy or kitten you will allow me the time to carry on about it for the next 6 months and you won't get bored?

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mellie » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:23 pm

Neferti~ wrote:And, if I get a new puppy or kitten you will allow me the time to carry on about it for the next 6 months and you won't get bored?

Or perhaps even a new Sikh Nef?

:yahoo Yes, be sure to let us know right away, wont you.


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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mantra » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:31 pm

Neferti~ wrote:And, if I get a new puppy or kitten you will allow me the time to carry on about it for the next 6 months and you won't get bored?
Is that how you view a new baby to the family Neferti - as interesting as a new puppy or kitten?
I just wanted others views on same-sex schools, that's all. They have their pro's and con's I guess.
Academically I think you're right about girls doing better at a same sex school - particularly in high school. There are no boys around to distract them, but on the other hand - girls would make up for lost boy time by being more actively engaged with them after school. The same could be said for the reverse. Same sex schools unfortunately can cultivate a bit of desperation for the opposite sex.

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mellie » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:06 pm

mantra wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:And, if I get a new puppy or kitten you will allow me the time to carry on about it for the next 6 months and you won't get bored?
Is that how you view a new baby to the family Neferti - as interesting as a new puppy or kitten?
I just wanted others views on same-sex schools, that's all. They have their pro's and con's I guess.
Academically I think you're right about girls doing better at a same sex school - particularly in high school. There are no boys around to distract them, but on the other hand - girls would make up for lost boy time by being more actively engaged with them after school. The same could be said for the reverse. Same sex schools unfortunately can cultivate a bit of desperation for the opposite sex.
Another good point there.

I have plenty of time to explore both options, (at least a year ) and from my own experience re- curiosity regarding members of the opposite sex, I must have been a bit different/delayed because I don't recall being at all interested in boys during my early to mid teens at my same-sex school, but I do see what you mean about some girls wanting to interact with them when a little older after school.

Depends on the circumstances I guess, and the individual also.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:11 pm

mantra wrote:Same sex schools unfortunately can cultivate a bit of desperation for the opposite sex.
Surely you jest

School is what? 6 hours per day? I am pretty sure that most high schoolers have friends, neighbours etc of the opposite sex who don't attend the same school and that they socialise with

Besides, girls mature faster than boys and most high school girls aren't besotted with boys of the same age. Whether they attend the same school or not

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mellie » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:55 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
mantra wrote:Same sex schools unfortunately can cultivate a bit of desperation for the opposite sex.
Surely you jest

School is what? 6 hours per day? I am pretty sure that most high schoolers have friends, neighbours etc of the opposite sex who don't attend the same school and that they socialise with

Besides, girls mature faster than boys and most high school girls aren't besotted with boys of the same age. Whether they attend the same school or not
So true.

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mantra » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:19 am

Black Orchid wrote:
mantra wrote:Same sex schools unfortunately can cultivate a bit of desperation for the opposite sex.
Surely you jest

School is what? 6 hours per day? I am pretty sure that most high schoolers have friends, neighbours etc of the opposite sex who don't attend the same school and that they socialise with

Besides, girls mature faster than boys and most high school girls aren't besotted with boys of the same age. Whether they attend the same school or not
No I'm not jesting. Same sex schools which are in demand aren't usually conveniently situated in your suburb, but require travel to and from - so a day can be quite long. As far as high school girls being besotted with boys the same age - what's that got to do with anything or perhaps you've forgotten that ages in high school can range from 11 to 18? Yes - and 11, 12 and 13 y.o. etc. girls can be interested in boys of all ages.

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:31 am

I went to an 'exclusive' all girls school. Just saying. Sure I didn't have to travel far but those that did were boarders (who were a different breed). To be honest, I find it quite offensive and ignorant to say that people who attend same sex schools are 'desperate' for the opposite sex. In my personal experience that is absolute rubbish

What do you base your opinion on Mantra? Did you attend an all girls school? Were you and your friends desperate for male company?

Or is this just an assumption because you didn't like 'private school kids'?

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Re: Education: General Discussion

Post by mellie » Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:00 am

Mantra, let me assure you, I might have went to an all-girls school, but it was far from exclusive or even expensive.

To give you some idea, my mother (a divorcee and single parent) managed the fees on a single income.

And as far as craving attention from members of the opposite sex is concerned ...well we used to cop this assertion from the public school kids on our school-bus from time to time,(yes,we were allowed to share a bus with members of the opposite sex and who attended a public school also, shock horror shock ;-p) who would call some of us lezzo's and assorted other things of sexual orientation usually, and more often than not it was the boys misbehaving ...(given our school was all-girl theirs co-ed) so I guess we must have been boy-deprived penis hungry carpet munching lezzos, right? lol.... :bgrin ..In all seriousness, I can only recall being called a "cat-licker" once by a boy on our bus, a derogatory term for Catholic apparently.

Fortunately, that's the worst thing I recall them calling me, and I'm not even Catholic, just went to a catholic school.


Kids can be so naive and cruel at times,

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