Jewish Schools in Australias elite

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Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mellie » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:14 pm

Jewish Schools have done exceeding well this year, a big congratulations to them all.

:thumb ... lite/28914


New reports sound alarm on non-Jewish schools performance: experts respond

More than 20% of Year 8 students were being taught mathematics by teachers who reported feeling only “somewhat” confident in teaching the subject. The percentage was similar for Year 8 science.

The Conversation has gathered the views of education experts reacting to the report findings. ... pond-11298 ... vty655MtYM

It seems, our Jewish schools aren't worried about losing their government funding though the rest of our nations public and independent schools are.

Can anyone explain why this is so?
“If the Gonski report’s recommendations are accepted in full, then it would not adversely affect Jewish schools,” Rothman said. “The real issue is whether it would be accepted in full.” ... imbo/25892

Of course, it helps when our nations school funding review panel is being chaired by a Jewish businessman David Gonski.



On 30 April 2010, the Minister for Education Julia Gillard, announced the expert panel leading the Review of Funding for Schooling....

It will be like America... council schools, (public schools) graduates will go to community college, (TAFE) and wealthy independent schools graduates will compete fiercely for university placements against international full-fee paying students who will comprise no less than 75% of our nations tertiary admissions.

First come the Jews, then come the internationals, and if there's anything left over, (there wont be much in the way of tertiary placements) they'll spread it amongst the rest..being careful to throw in the odd scholarship here and there to allude to a false notion of equality.


Gillard has stuffed education.
Gillard has stuffed our country.

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mantra » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:45 pm

Gillard has stuffed education.
Gillard has stuffed our country.
The Australian standard of education has been on a downhill slide for a couple of decades. We now rank 27th in the world in literacy and maths. Gillard hasn't helped improve the standard despite her promises, but she is not solely responsible for this decline.

The Jews are competing with the Catholics.
Abuse endemic in Jewish schools: inquiry

THE cover-up of child sexual abuse in the Jewish community is endemic and driven by intimidating leaders who downplay the issue, an inquiry has heard.

Manny Waks is the only victim of sexual abuse at a Jewish school to go public with his experience but says he represented many others who have spoken to him and gone anonymously to police when he gave evidence at Victoria's parliamentary inquiry on Monday.

Mr Waks says he knows of two pedophiles still "roaming in the community", another who has gone to Israel where he's receiving psychiatric treatment and a possible link between abuse and a suicide.

He also spoke of a victim's family who have been forced out of Melbourne because of the pressure placed on them by rabbis, while the offender has recently held a senior position in the Jewish community.

"There is overwhelming evidence that the level of child sexual abuse within the Jewish community and the appalling way in which it has been mishandled, including through credible allegations of ongoing cover-ups, may be described as being nothing short of endemic," Mr Waks told the inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations.

While there are two cases currently before the courts involving the Jewish community, he says recent discussions with other victims have revealed ongoing abuse.

While police are aware of most of the allegations, he says Jewish authorities "attempted to cover up these crimes against innocent children."

Mr Waks, who was sexually abused by two trusted mentors at Melbourne's Yeshivah College 20 years ago, says he's the only victim to have gone public so far because others feel intimidated by the leadership of the small Jewish community.

He told the inquiry one former Yeshivah student rang him to tell of his own abuse and was stunned Mr Waks had gone public. "This just doesn't get spoken about," he told Mr Waks.

But many alleged victims have told him of recent cases, including that of a 36-year-old man alleged to have sexually abused children within the Yeshivah community who fled to Israel as soon as he heard he was under police investigation.

He spoke of a 13-year-old allegedly abused three years ago who has not made a formal statement because he's "concerned with the possible ramifications against him as a result of going to police."

And he also mentioned a member of the Jewish community who was last year convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault against minors and is apparently the youngest person ever on the Sex Offenders Register in Victoria.

"The peak body of the Australian Jewish community, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), has done everything it can to try to downplay this scandal," he said.

He said the ECAJ does not regard sexual abuse as a pressing issue and made no mention of it at its Annual General Meeting last month.

He said students were vulnerable when exposed to influential religious leaders at events such as bar mitzvah classes and recalled his days as a teenager at the communal ritual bath.

"I'd go every morning before prayers. It used to be a free for all, there was no supervision, adults and kids together, everyone was naked," he said.

Mr Waks' father Zephaniah Waks also appeared at the inquiry on Monday but his evidence was suppressed. ... 6533989665

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:51 pm

Jewish conspiracies and pedophiles...all this thread needs is Jewish alien anal probes and an allegation of a Murdoch/News ltd cover up and that should cover it
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mellie » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:25 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Jewish conspiracies and pedophiles...all this thread needs is Jewish alien anal probes and an allegation of a Murdoch/News ltd cover up and that should cover it
No, it's not a conspiracy theory IQ's's a fact.

I'm tired of people down-playing unpalatable truths like this when attempting to render them less than credible.

Mantra makes some valid points.

Both Liberal and Labor along with other smaller party's need to end their addiction to Jewish subservience and political donations, because it's destroying our country.

We are allowing them to dictate both domestic and foreign policy.

The long term consequences are un-reversible.

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:33 pm

Sorry Mel, you are a Jew conspiracist nut bag out...The evil xxxxstein/berg/felds are gonna getcha?
They are probably tracking you now...

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:07 am

Ok IQ.... feel free to outline the conspiracy theory here for us please.

As soon as anyone here mentions anything even mildly contentious re-Jews, you spring to the defence and call them conspiracy theorists and nut-cases. why so IQ?

Are Jews above criticism?
Or is conspiracy theory the new anti-Semitism?

How is my simply stating a fact regarding the overly generous funding of Australia's Jewish schools in comparison to other secular and non-secular independent schools in Australia a conspiracy theory?

It's a fact.

I think you need to take a shower or something IQ's you're getting a little hot under the kippah . ;)

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:46 am

When you finish stumbling across backup mirror sites of this forum and not raise them as some kind of weird conspiracy then you might have some credence but until then, I'll file this one under the rest of your paranoid delusions
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:40 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:When you finish stumbling across backup mirror sites of this forum and not raise them as some kind of weird conspiracy then you might have some credence but until then, I'll file this one under the rest of your paranoid delusions
I simply asked why there was a copy of this forum out in cyberspace ... and the problem with this is IQ's?

If I recall, you were agreeable with my line of questioning, this and were equally curious as to what it was yourself..well, until you figured out/or someone told you what it was.
Gosh, It sux being one of the last to know, eh IQ's? :bgrin

But now you are trying to distance yourself from this fact, to lend yourself some credibility... ha ha ha :bgrin

I still reckon it's odd that there were 3 people on deck when I accidentally stumbled across it.

You are a fair-weather troll IQ's.

Was it something I said skull-cap?


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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by mellie » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:44 am

And again....
As soon as anyone here mentions anything even mildly contentious re-Jews, you spring to the defence and call them conspiracy theorists and nut-cases. why so IQ?

Are Jews above criticism?

Well, are they IQ's?

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Re: Jewish Schools in Australias elite

Post by Super Nova » Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:51 am

mantra wrote:The Australian standard of education has been on a downhill slide for a couple of decades. We now rank 27th in the world in literacy and maths. Gillard hasn't helped improve the standard despite her promises, but she is not solely responsible for this decline.
That is just terrible. 27th puts Australia at the bottom of the western/advanced world.

It is a disgrace.

Government should make this one of it's number one priorites.

Australia cannot dig up dirt or grow it's way out of the problems the future holds. It is the quality of the education of our children that will detwermine who are the real lucky countries over the next century.
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