Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:59 pm

Aussie wrote:I could not care less about it. I don't blame any bloke if he has to pay for what his Wife either won't, or can't deliver.
What a disgusting statement. So, no matter what the circumstances of the marriage/relationship it is a wife's duty to deliver sex?


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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by mellie » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:16 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Aussie wrote:I could not care less about it. I don't blame any bloke if he has to pay for what his Wife either won't, or can't deliver.
What a disgusting statement. So, no matter what the circumstances of the marriage/relationship it is a wife's duty to deliver sex?

Yes, Aussie is a real charmer, and I'll bet he has woman beating his front door down to get to him too...




Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Aussie » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:19 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Aussie wrote:I could not care less about it. I don't blame any bloke if he has to pay for what his Wife either won't, or can't deliver.
What a disgusting statement. So, no matter what the circumstances of the marriage/relationship it is a wife's duty to deliver sex?

No......what I said was....that if she can't or won't.....I don't care if he gets what he can't from her elsewhere, even if he pays for it.
and I'll bet he has woman beating his front door down to get to him too...
Bugger....I was trying to keep that a secret.

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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:22 pm

Rorschach wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Do you think it is OK for a married man to PAY a prostitute for sex?
I could not care less about it. I don't blame any bloke if he has to pay for what his Wife either won't, or can't deliver. WTF has that got to do with the piss and wind allegations against Thomson?

Damn I wonder how she got pregnant then...?

I don't expect any video on Thomson after so long, they probably rotate the tape.

But I don't for one minute believe his story. Who in their right mind would?

Arsie doesn't seem to be a very empathetic or compassionate person either Nef... did you see his response to the woman who committed suicide because of the DJs prank.
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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:25 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Aussie wrote:You asked me a question:

Do you think it is OK for a married man to PAY a prostitute for sex?

Even though it has NIL to do with the Topic, I answered it:

I could not care less about it. I don't blame any bloke if he has to pay for what his Wife either won't, or can't deliver.


Then I said:
IF you don't understand the question, Aussie, it has a LOT to say about your morals and definition of the sanction of marriage.

I didn't ask you a personal question as I care less what you actually "do". However, your reply
indicates a fault within you.

IF a man "needs" extra sex, he does not have to PAY for it. Unless he is extremely ugly and/or fat plus a PITA and if the latter, surely the wife would walk?

Thomson is a creep. Are you?
So? Are you?

Please answer the MAIN question that is NOT off topic. :tease
Bump for Aussie.

Who apparently thinks women are there for a man's "pleasure".

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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by mellie » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:27 pm

Arsie doesn't seem to be a very empathetic or compassionate person either Nef... did you see his response to the woman who committed suicide because of the DJs prank.

You mean the woman who commit suicide due to the way senior hospital staff treated her in her work place both in the weeks leading up to the hoax-call,(over a completely different matter) and in the days following the hoax-call leading up to her death?

The woman who was humiliated by the British press after having transferred a hoax-call to a work colleague?


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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:44 pm

Victorian Police seek to extradite Thomson after pressing 150 charges.
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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:17 pm

Aussie wrote:A very clear indication that Police are not interested in charging him with any criminal offence. I'd say this vindicates Thomson, and makes FWA appear vindictive. Ho hum...........
I say that this action by FWA tells us all that the police investigation is going nowhere..................if the Police intended to charge Thomson criminally, FWA would not have initiated these civil proceedings
It defies legal sense that a civil body like FWA would commence civil action, if it was likely that the State (any State) was going to commence criminal proceedings. Do you understand? Maybe not, so I'll expand a tad.

The instant a criminal prosecution was brought, any civil one would be put into hibernation until the criminal prosecution was finalised. So, no sense in commencing a civil one (FWA) if a criminal one (State/Police) was likely. Further, if there is an adverse finding against Thomson in these civil proceedings, such a finding would not disqualify him from being a MHR. If he was fined and did not pay, then he may be declared bankrupt, and that would disqualify him. But................by then....................the next election will have been held, and he becomes irrelevant. Prove me wrong
I was initially quite surprised to hear about that raid, but now I know that Reporters were there to watch it all.................it does not change one word of what I have posted. Get back to me if Thomson is actually charged with a criminal offence.
Interesting! I thought all the right wing loonie nutjobs were telling me that FWA had caught Thomson with his hand in the cookie jar on this brothel issue. I guess FWA had SFA and are now fishing!
Another dry gully. FWA have been fishing in one. The Brothels have got nothing, and Thomson's clear denials remain unchallenged.
:rofl :rofl :rofl
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Rorschach » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:23 am

Thomson caught in the political spin cycle
February 4, 2013
Paul Sheehan

When Craig Thomson rose to speak in Parliament for the first time, on February 19, 2008, within 90 seconds he thanked three key Labor machinists: Mark Arbib, Karl Bitar and Sam Dastyari. He then went on to say: ''As a Labor government, we cannot afford to treat the electors as fools through political spin. We need to be honest and forthright.'' :rofl :rofl :rofl

Last Thursday, Thomson was arrested and charged with 150 offences of theft or fraud, all of which he had denied in Parliament, saying he is the victim of blackmail and identity theft. He is also subject to 150 adverse findings in a report by Fair Work Australia, which is now pursuing a civil action against him. If Thomson's argument that he is a victim of blackmail does not prevail in court, he will enter history as the least honest, least forthright politician ever to have served in the Australian Parliament.

He will not be alone. Long after multiple questions were raised about Thomson's conduct by the Herald on April 8, 2009, in a story later amplified by both Victoria Police and a Fair Work Australia inquiry, the Labor Party began secretly paying Thomson's legal bills, it re-endorsed him for the seat of Dobell, it deployed large resources to his re-election campaign and it suppressed questions in the Senate about his conduct.

Thomson's re-election in 2010 saved the Gillard government. Julia Gillard recorded her gratitude in Parliament on August 16, 2011, long after scandal had enveloped Thomson: ''I have complete confidence in the member for Dobell. I look forward to him continuing to do that job for a very long, long, long time to come.''

At the time, this column observed that Gillard had attached her reputation to someone with ''a credibility hole as deep as an open-cut mine''. That credibility was put to the test on May 21 last year when Thomson delivered a statement of defence to the Parliament: ''One would think, given the media coverage … that the allegations against me were made while I was a member of Parliament. Of course that is not the case. These are allegations … [from] many years ago.''

Problem. According to the Fair Work Australia report, Thomson's union credit card was improperly used for 15 transactions after he was elected to Parliament. The report also said Thomson had provided ''false and misleading information'' while he was a member of Parliament.

Thomson: ''The Fair Work report … so-called findings amount to no more than assertions.''

The 1100-page FWA report provides abundant documentary evidence to support its findings.

Thomson: ''[The investigator] was selective and biased … There was no body of evidence that supported his position.''

The FWA report details the evidence for every conclusion.

Thomson: ''I myself had only one interview with Fair Work Australia … That was it: one interview, two years ago.''

After he was interviewed on September 15, 2010, Thomson had follow-up phone and text exchanges with FWA.

Thomson: ''The [Australian Electoral Commission] report released last week blows a massive credibility hole in everything that Fair Work Australia did.''

The report did no such thing.

Thomson: ''The evidence was clear … that cash withdrawals … were appropriately accounted for … ''

Both the FWA report and the Victoria Police investigation dispute this.

Thomson: ''I was the subject on numerous occasions of threats and intimidation.''

This argument appeared belatedly and was unsupported by evidence.

Thomson: ''[There was] a threat by [union official] Marco Bolano … that he would seek to ruin any political career that I sought and would set me up with a bunch of hookers.''

This line of defence also emerged belatedly. It was not consistent with explanations first given by Thomson to FWA. Within hours of Thomson's speech, Bolano issued a statement describing the accusation as ''fantastic and dishonest'' and ''an abuse of his parliamentary privileges''. Thomson was invited by Victoria Police to make this claim outside Parliament and did not do so.

Thomson: ''[Another] issue of course is in relation to phone cloning [and] identity theft.''

The FWA report states: ''FWA has also obtained records which indicate that on three occasions Mr Thomson charged hotel expenses to a credit card in his name which had the costs of telephone calls made from his hotel room to an escort agency … While the cost of these telephone calls is trivial, these instances suggest that Mr Thomson was prone to engage the services of escorts when travelling on HSU business. This in turn makes it more likely it was Mr Thomson, and not some other person, who used Mr Thomson's credit cards to engage in the transactions …''

Thomson: ''The current national secretary of the union is accused of destroying documents … ''

No such accusation has been made by a government agency.

Thomson: ''People need to be very conscious of when they go off on a witch-hunt, without evidence, based on just accusations …''

When the Herald broke and then pursued this story it did so on the basis of documentary evidence and extensive interviews.

Thomson concluded his May 21 speech by turning and pointing towards the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott: ''What you have done is not just damage to an individual or their family. You have damaged democracy and you continue to damage democracy, and you should hang your head in shame for that. What it shows of the Leader of the Opposition, that man, is that not only is he unfit to be a prime minister; in my view, he is unfit to be an MP.''

This line of attack as defence would not be Thomson's alone. It was taken up by Gillard, Wayne Swan and Anthony Albanese.

It is integral to the moral foundation of the Gillard government. It is their election strategy

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/ ... z2JsfxWKFU" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Just another of the many reasons NOT to vote Labor.
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Re: Fair Work begins court action against Thomson

Post by Rorschach » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:35 pm

As part of his bail conditions Mr Thomson was explicitly ordered not to contact anyone from a list of companies including Boardroom Escorts, Tiffany’s Girls and Young Blondes.

The former Labor MP, who is now facing 154 charges of fraud, criticised police handling of the case after a court heard today they were not able to produce a list of witnesses to be called at trial.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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