Science Updates

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:02 am

A lot of people would still call it gross indecency... crime or not.
I think everyone acknowledges times have changed.
I don't think a pardon is necessary.
I acknowledge his work during the war, I didn't know of his personal life, nor should I.
I can imagine many famous people have secrets.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:40 pm

I see this as the first step in the long technology road to the SCIFI Startrek replicator.


3D pictures worth much more than 1000 words
3D printed jewellery by artist Janelle Wilson of Unellenu Designs. Her pieces come in silver, other metals and a sandstone-like material. Photo: Shapeways

Smartphone owners are using 3D scanner apps and accessories to create digital designs that can be made into tangible objects.

Almost 100 million users have downloaded smartphone apps developed by design software company Autodesk, including the 123D Catch app. Other 3D scanner apps include MakerBot by Trimensional and iScan3D by Digiteyezer.

These apps are expected to play an important role in the mainstream adoption of cheap printers that fabricate objects in different materials.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by boxy » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:47 pm

3D printers have been around for a while now. They're an amazing piece of technology, and open up some great possibilities.

Imagine having a bingle in your car, and bending up one of those little pieces of plastic moulding that are so ridiculously expensive to ship in from across the world (that's if they're even still in production :roll:). With 3D printing, you can just download the spec's over the internet, and print your own.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:33 pm

Imagine it.

If the car part could be printed in fibreclass you have the exact part to replace.

Then if this can be done with other materials... it will be a new world.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:10 pm

Scientists find five new planets
December 19, 2012 - 5:01PM

Using an intra-galactic speed gun, a team of scientists has detected what could be five new planets, relatively close to Earth.

In fact, if you could travel at the speed of light, it would only take you 12 years to reach them.

After analysing about 6000 measurements of the star Tau Ceti's velocity, scientists believe slight inconsistencies in its speed and direction are being caused by the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies.

"We believe the star is going very slightly backwards and forwards and shows the evidence for doing that at five different periods," Professor Chris Tinney of the University of NSW's astronomy team said.

"We think five different planets are going around that star tugging on it making it move backwards and forwards."

An international team of researchers from Australia, Chile, the United Kingdom and the United States believe one of the five planets orbiting Tau Ceti is within the star's habitable zone, where conditions are suitable for life.

The planet in the habitable zone has a mass about five times that of Earth, making it the smallest known planet orbiting in the "Goldilocks" zone - where conditions are just right - of any Sun-like star.

Tinney said scientists believe smaller, rocky planets have the best chance of hosting life.

The finding comes after 14 years of research and analysis, and it might take that long again before scientists are certain of what lurks in Tau Ceti's neighbourhood.

"But if somebody else could prove that we're wrong, I'd be more than happy with that," Tinney said.

"That's the way science works."

The planets, of which the smallest is at least twice the size of Earth, are too far away to send probes to explore.

"Even if we could send something at the speed of light, it would take 12 years to get there and 12 years to send a signal back," Tinney said.

"At the moment we have no way of even getting close to a 10th of the speed of light."

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:15 am


Check this out. The first couple of years of life are so important.

Human Intelligence Secrets Revealed by Chimp Brains

Unlike the case in human brains, neural connectivity does not rapidly augment in chimpanzee brains during the first two years of life, which may explain our unique intelligence

Despite sharing 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, humans have much bigger brains and are, as a species, much more intelligent. Now a new study sheds light on why: Unlike chimps, humans undergo a massive explosion in white matter growth, or the connections between brain cells, in the first two years of life.

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:18 am

This is an impressive photo.

It looks odd to me with the rings looking like they're out of place. I'm sure it's a photoshop mistake. :c


NASA's Cassini spacecraft has delivered a glorious view of Saturn, taken while the spacecraft was in Saturn's shadow. The cameras were turned toward Saturn and the sun so that the planet and rings are backlit. (The sun is behind the planet, which is shielding the cameras from direct sunlight.) In addition to the visual splendor, this special, very-high-phase viewing geometry lets scientists study ring and atmosphere phenomena not easily seen at a lower phase.
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Super Nova » Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:00 am

Merry Christmas ........... from the universe.

Hubble Space Telescope delivered holiday cheer in the form of this image of NGC 5189, a nebula that — if you're brimming over with holiday cheer or just squinting a little — resembles a very merry Christmas ornament wrapped in a festive ribbon

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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:44 am

Vitamin D-like compound can reduce skin damage by 50 per cent
* by: Sue Dunlevy, National Health Correspondent
* From: News Limited Network
* December 23, 2012 12:00AM

AUSTRALIAN researchers have discovered a Vitamin D-like compound that can be put into sunscreen and after-sun lotion to reduce the DNA damage that leads to skin cancer.

Early indications suggest the compound, which could be on the market in two years, can also cause a reduction in photo-ageing, like the wrinkles and dark spots caused by too much sun exposure over a lifetime.
Professor Rebecca Mason at Sydney University's Bosch Institute for Medical Research says studies have found the Vitamin D-like compound can "reduce DNA skin damage by 50 per cent and probably by more than 60-80 per cent''.
A recent study of more than 24,000 NSW blood samples showed 58 per cent had low Vitamin D levels (62 per cent for women) in spring - with the figure only dipping to 36 per cent (42 per cent for women) in summer.

"Many Australians do not realise that they don't have adequate vitamin D levels. A lot of people simply don't get outside much, or are not out at times of the day when sunlight can help make vitamin D, or don't have much skin exposed,'' Prof Mason said.

Vitamin D deficiency is not only linked to poor bone health but also implicated in multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease and depression.
A Danish study found particularly low Vitamin D levels increased the risk of dying by 30 per cent, while other research has shown a 7-10 per cent reduction in deaths among people given Vitamin D and calcium supplements.
Prof Mason said: "Short but regular sunlight exposures of a few (5-10) minutes if you have white skin, to as much body surface as possible, but at least most of the arms or an equivalent area, mid-morning or mid-afternoon in summer is best for making vitamin D and causes least damage to skin."
What is vitamin D?

KNOWN as the "sunshine vitamin" because the body makes it when skin is directly exposed to sun

FOUND naturally in very few foods and also available as a supplement

HELPS maintain strong bones by helping the body absorb calcium

ALSO important for muscle movement, the nervous system and the immune system

DEFICIENCY may lead to soft, thin, and brittle bones

STUDIES underway to see if it has a role in cancer, diabetes, depression and multiple sclerosis
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Re: Science Updates

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:29 pm


Telescope work to start
December 28, 2012

AUSTRALIAN scientists will soon begin work on the largest and most capable radio-telescope yet made, with the federal government promising almost $19 million for it.

Science and Research Minister Chris Evans on Thursday announced a $18.8 million research and development fund for the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope project.

The SKA will provide scientists with the furthest peek into the universe and, therefore, time.

The ambitious $2 billion project will comprise 3000 dishes spread out across South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and a consortium of 20 nations will foot the bill.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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