Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:30 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:You are the only has said the $5k was casino winning.
In reality it could have been her takings for a long night in a back alley on her knees
JULIA Gillard's past continued to haunt her last night, with allegations emerging that in June 1996 a union employee told the national head of the Australian Workers Union that he deposited $5000 cash into her account.

The allegation, outlined exclusively in The Australian today, is that the cash had come from the Prime Minister's then boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson.

Ms Gillard has always denied any wrongdoing over the creation of a union slush fund on behalf of Mr Wilson and union official Ralph Blewitt during her time as a lawyer for Slater and Gordon.

The Australian reports that then national AWU head Ian Cambridge, now a Fair Work Australia Commissioner, recorded in his 1994-1996 diary allegations by union employee Wayne Hem that Mr Wilson, after a night at a casino, had given him a wad of cash totalling $5000 along with Ms Gillard's bank account details and told him to deposit it.

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Ready to open up on fraud
POLICE have asked the lawyer for a key player in the Australian Workers Union scandal whether his client would provide details about an alleged "slush" fund used by Julia Gillard's former boyfriend Bruce Wilson.
The report also states that Mr Hem's allegations formed part of a statutory declaration sworn to the newspaper in Melbourne three days ago during a lengthy interview.

The report stressed it was not known from where Mr Wilson got the funds and there was no evidence, nor was it suggested, Ms Gillard asked for the payment or knew of its origins. Ms Gillard yesterday repeated her denial of any wrongdoing.

Her spokesman issued a statement to The Australian saying: "The Prime Minister has made clear on numerous occasions that she was not involved in any wrongdoing.

"I also note that despite repeatedly being asked to do so, The Australian has been unable to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing."

Mr Hem told The Australian that he told Mr Cambridge about the bank deposit on June 7, 1996, during a drive to Melbourne. During this time Mr Cambridge was investigating AWU fraud.

Mr Cambridge's June 7, 1996 diary entry notes Mr Hem telling him "about an event that took place in about July last year (1995)", The Australian reports.

"This event involved Bruce Wilson handing Wayne an envelope which contained approximately $5000 in $100 and $50 notes and Wilson instructed Hem to deposit this $5000 into a personal account of Julia Gillard."

Mr Hem provided further detail on the allegation in his statutory declaration to The Australian, saying he had been asked to attend Mr Wilson's office. "I went down and he handed me about five grand," Mr Hem said in the report.

"Then Bruce handed me a piece of paper with the account number and a name on it, and it was Julia's name.

"He said 'Go put this in Julia's account'. I said 'OK'.

"He (Wilson) made a comment about not saying anything. I just went down to the bank, put it in, came back, gave him the receipt.

"I didn't know if it was for Julia or if the account was a private account or a Slater and Gordon account. It just had Julia Gillard's name on it and I put it in the bank account." ... illards-ex.." onclick=";return false;.
When you have evidence that Gillard's involvement with that alleged $5000 was illegal or unethical, let us know. You referred to the Police up there ^^^^^^. Would you like to remind us all of the outcome.

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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Rorschach » Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:30 pm

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What is it you keep saying to me Arsie... oh yeah... you're not very good at this are you? :roll: :rofl :rofl :rofl

We'll have to start calling you Lancelot Link, stupid chimp, if you are not careful.
AWU man ready to open up on fraud
* by: Steve Lewis
* From: The Daily Telegraph
* November 14, 2012 12:00AM

POLICE have asked the lawyer for a key player in the Australian Workers Union scandal whether his client would provide details about an alleged "slush" fund used by Julia Gillard's former boyfriend Bruce Wilson.

In a move that could shed fresh evidence on the 15-year-old union fraud, Victorian detectives have confirmed they are willing to speak with former AWU official Ralph Blewitt.

Now living in Malaysia, Mr Blewitt's testimony could be explosive and include details of an alleged "slush" fund that was used to help purchase a Melbourne property.

Prime Minister Gillard, whose former boyfriend Mr Wilson was the mastermind behind the union fraud, provided advice on a number of matters while a lawyer at Slater & Gordon, including helping to register the AWU Workplace Reform Association which Ms Gillard admitted was used as a "slush" fund by Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt over a three-year period.

Mr Blewitt has indicated he is willing to speak openly about his role in the union scandal but wants police to guarantee him immunity from prosecution.

Last night, Mr Blewitt's Melbourne lawyer Bob Galbally said his client was happy to co-operate with Victorian fraud squad officers. He expected the police would seek to investigate the scandal "on a wide basis" including details of a "slush" fund used by the two former AWU officials.

"My client is happy to make a statement to the police about the purchase of the Kerr St property. The purchase was with stolen funds," Mr Galbally said.

He said Victoria Police had said they "are prepared to investigate the matter".

"Before I take (Mr Blewitt) in for a statement, I am seeking approval from the police to him making a statement with a proviso that it should not be used in evidence against himself," Mr Galbally said. He said he expected police would "investigate on a wide basis".

Known as the AWU Workplace Reform Association, the fund was used to misappropriate $400,000, according to an investigation carried out by the union management.
Here's a summary for Arsie, who doesn't read articles and apparently has trouble with links.
Fraud, fraud, fraud, scandal, theft.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:30 pm

Mr Wilson, after a night at a casino, had given him a wad of cash totalling $5000 along with Ms Gillard's bank account details and told him to deposit it.
Wilson was a crook with crooked money
Gillard gives her hairy red gash over to crooks
Gillard takes crooked money
Gillard is a crook

The ALP has stench written all over it and here's the ALPs little lapdog Aussie, gloriously rolling and covering himself in it.
What is it with leftys and their blind devotion?

What level do they have to stoop to for you disown them?
Is it before or after they have raped your grandchildren?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:39 pm

Gillard takes crooked money
Gillard is a crook
Post your evidence.

By the way, you never did tell us the outcome of those Police enquiries. I can't imagine why you'd neglect to do that.

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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:55 pm

Still under investigation
;) ... 94b970d-pi
Here's S&G avoiding answering questions while only referring to "current" employees having not engaged in unethical, improper or illegal conduct...

I wonder which "past" employees they mean after deliberately drawing that inference...hmmm?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:44 pm

Still under investigation
Let's see the evidence that it is still under investigation.

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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:09 pm

Aussie wrote:
Still under investigation
Let's see the evidence that it is still under investigation.
How many times have you watched (insert criminal law TV program) ....... were you the Defending Attorney or the Prosecutor? :rofl

Armchair Lawyers are ten a penny.

refer to this, for clarification. ... 58#p109158


Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:20 pm

were you the Defending Attorney
I thought you were anti the use of American terms. Silly me.


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Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:00 pm

Aussie wrote:
were you the Defending Attorney
I thought you were anti the use of American terms. Silly me.

Silly you indeed, Aussie. If you open the other eye I was referring to AMERICAN TV and the terminology therein.

I am not "against" anything. I just disapprove of the USA (owned by CHINA big time) taking over what we Aussies do and how we spell etcetera. Weren't you born in Australia?


Re: Gillard was sacked from Slater and Gordon

Post by Aussie » Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:02 pm

Weren't you born in Australia?
Nah. I am Chinese, Naffy.


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