Is Australia becoming American

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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by boxy » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:16 am

HIGHERBEAM wrote:Will we have an americanised political culture where all sherriffs( Police Commisioners ) are elected and have a President?
That should be americanized, pal :thumb
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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:22 am

AUS first began to become Americanized during WWII when US soldiers were stationed there. They were a breath of fresh air to the staid culture of the time.

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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by Super Nova » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:52 am

AiA in Atlanta wrote:AUS first began to become Americanized during WWII when US soldiers were stationed there. They were a breath of fresh air to the staid culture of the time.
They also saved are arse which I think has contributed to the start of us aligning with them more and more.
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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:05 am

No, this is a thread being used by Aussie to highlight that his meatpuppet HB was not on the voting roll.
As I said before boxy I don't give a flying F*** about your stupid elections and power play :hlo
Americans are loud mouthed buffoons that think they are a superior aryan race like Hitler.So why is it we closely follow their culture.?

America is a bankrupt has been super power reliant on china to bail them out when they over spend.

As american as apple pie,what a joke they got apple pie from the english.Star and stripes was a plagerised eurepean song.To win their independance from england they relied on the french :OMG

No other country in the world treat their homeless so poorly.The cracks just get bigger.

We are a proud nation so lets treat ourselves with respect before following blindly america which is a bankrupt culture.

All our top academics leave australia because they are under paid and we have this stupid mentality "tall poppy syndrome".F*** sakes why not treat people who have worked hard and achieved with respect not try to bring them down
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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:09 am

I see Aussies pet flying met puppet has returned :hi2

Tell me, what is the secret to being able to type like you have an accent from a 3rd world country?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:57 am

I guess you are right AiA, I was thinking HB was just pig ignorant. But it makes more sense especially re the fact that the only one debating with him is on ignore. You can't debate if you don't engage.

So why be here? Yep, looks like you are right to me.
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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by mantra » Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:42 am

HIGHERBEAM wrote: Americans are loud mouthed buffoons that think they are a superior aryan race like Hitler.So why is it we closely follow their culture.?
The ones we see through the media appear to be. We follow their culture because we are exposed to it 24/7 through all our media outlets. It's getting worse because the Coalition in an FTA gave them carte blanche to flog their movie and serial fantasy propaganda here in preference to our own productions.
America is a bankrupt has been super power reliant on china to bail them out when they over spend.
So why is the current propaganda emitting from the US hinting at China's aggression and encouraging more joint military defence bases here? Could this be because when China decides to call in their credit notes and the US can't pay, China will come and collect for themselves. We will be piggy in the middle - China -v- US debt - v- our resources.
As american as apple pie,what a joke they got apple pie from the english.Star and stripes was a plagerised eurepean song.To win their independance from england they relied on the french :OMG

No other country in the world treat their homeless so poorly.The cracks just get bigger.

We are a proud nation so lets treat ourselves with respect before following blindly america which is a bankrupt culture.
Tell that to our politicians who have always done deals with them. We have a choice of aligning ourselves with the yanks or the arabs.
All our top academics leave australia because they are under paid and we have this stupid mentality "tall poppy syndrome".F*** sakes why not treat people who have worked hard and achieved with respect not try to bring them down
We are still basically a penal colony. We don't like tall poppies here.

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Re: Is Australia becoming American

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:46 am

:roll: :tease :hush :rofl
You are beyond words mantra :roll:
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