Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

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Jovial Monk

Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:23 pm

SN is a fascist!

Listen, moron, most of these people have fled their home country to avoid death, imprisonment, starvation etc.

It is NOT a crime to seek asylum so Herr Nova’s unique contribution would see Australia lose the status of civilised, enlightened country. SN never ever has anything worthwhile to say. I merely remind him that under Howard some refugees were returned to quick and certain death in their homeland.

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Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:47 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:SN is a fascist!

Listen, moron, most of these people have fled their home country to avoid death, imprisonment, starvation etc.

It is NOT a crime to seek asylum so Herr Nova’s unique contribution would see Australia lose the status of civilised, enlightened country. SN never ever has anything worthwhile to say. I merely remind him that under Howard some refugees were returned to quick and certain death in their homeland.
According to the Binet scale of intelligence ........

Over 140 Genius or Near-Genius
120 - 139 Very Superior
110 - 119 Superior
90 - 109 Average or Normal
80 - 89 Dull
70 - 79 Borderline Deficiency
50 - 69 Moron
20 - 49 Imbecile
Below 20 Idiot

So ........ If you try a little harder you could become a BD .... or even dull. :rofl

Oh, not all Asylum seekers have left a war-torn area ........... and how many are you taking in out of the goodness of your heart?

What happened to you and your parents when you escaped from Europe after WW2. Did you get special treatment, a house, car, job and all the extras FREE? No! You had to earn it and there was no Welfare payments back then ........

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Super Nova
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Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Super Nova » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:47 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:SN is a fascist!

Listen, moron, most of these people have fled their home country to avoid death, imprisonment, starvation etc.

It is NOT a crime to seek asylum so Herr Nova’s unique contribution would see Australia lose the status of civilised, enlightened country. SN never ever has anything worthwhile to say. I merely remind him that under Howard some refugees were returned to quick and certain death in their homeland.

Why are you so angry over this?

"Listen, moron, most of these people have fled their home country to avoid death, imprisonment, starvation etc."

I see no evidence to support this view. Most a leaving for a chance to improve their lives. As for avoiding "starvation" then they are are definitely ecconomic migrants. Few are avoiding imprisonment.

"It is NOT a crime to seek asylum so Herr Nova’s unique contribution would see Australia lose the status of civilised"

In civilised you mean be a soft touch and easily manipulated by claiming asylum and work the internation law on human rights... that's what you mean. It is a crime to gain illegal entry to a country. It should be a crime to claim political asylum when you are an ecconomic migrant abusing the laws that are designed to protect real political asylum seekers. It overloads the system.

Why don't we just open the borders up, like the EU and over free flow of people all around ASIA or the whole world. See how Austalia changes then.

"SN never ever has anything worthwhile to say. "

Thanks Monk. I love you too.

"I merely remind him that under Howard some refugees were returned to quick and certain death in their homeland"

Some... how many?
There are always erros in any system. It's not Australias place to be a safe house for anyone who just wants to come here. Life a bitch... grow up and recognise that we can not save everyone.
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Jovial Monk

Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:57 pm

144 men, women & children lost their lives today trying to make it to Australia, not a day for simplistic, nazi crap!

Naffie, if you studied for a decade you would fail imbecile. Stick to drinking yourself to death.

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Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:09 pm

You are a fucking idiot Monk

The ALP are responsible for this mess. Completely responsible and you spinning your shit filled garbage excuses only serves to make all ALP supporters look like the piece of shit you are.

Libs stopped the boats. FACT.
ALP relaxed the system. FACT.
ALP actions increased the number of people getting onto boats. FACT.
More people have drowned because of ALP actions. FACT.
Malaysian solution deemed no good by all. FACT.
Dickhead ALP supporters like you have encouraged the ALP to be stubborn. FACT.

ALP and supporters (you) are responsible for people dying. FACT.

Even now, when your party has rolled over, bared it's bum and begged for a good rogering, here you are trying to tell everyone that black is white.

Do you understand why you are a piece of shit?
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Super Nova » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:13 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:144 men, women & children lost their lives today trying to make it to Australia, not a day for simplistic, nazi crap!
The internet rules are: You mention the "nazi's" and you lose the debate.

It is a shame that they lost their lives.

Why are they prepared to take such risks. If they knew it was a pointless trip because they would most probably be sent home, they probably would not have taken the risk and the trip.

The rumours that Australia is a soft touch is what drives them. Send a message that such trips are a waste of time and more women and childrens lives will be saved.

Always remember what you post, send or do on the internet is not private and you are responsible.

Jovial Monk

Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:19 pm

Moronic IQ mumbling cult mantras. . .open your eyes and see the truth. Howard never did anything substantive, boats kept coming, ASs kept being sent to Nauru. . .and 90+% were assessed as genuine refugees and resettled in Australia. Your hero was a cheap conman, like Wizard of Oz. Pacific Solution a confidence trick!

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Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:22 pm

You are a fucking idiot Monk
Can't disagree with that. BTW Monky Boy, ignoring me is fine, I'll still post and prove you wrong. people will still read it. :rofl The world is full of progressive Morons who run away from debate.
The ALP are responsible for this mess.

Yep... totally responsible for the current mess. You are a poster boy for the LPM.
Labor Party Morons. (Those who will believe anything Labor says).
Libs stopped the boats. FACT.
ALP relaxed the system. FACT.
They actually dismantled the system.

Lying and exaggerating over and over again will not make something true Monk. Crapping on like an obsessive will not make what you say true.

Why is it that these people you admit have id, dump all their id, before coming to Australia?
Do you think Captain Emad and his family and other people smugglers our Labor Government let in were really genuine refugees fearing for their lives? :rofl

Oh and Monk...
90+% were assessed as genuine refugees and resettled in Australia.
That is a lie.
Something the LIEBOR Party and it's members are good at. :roll :roll :roll
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

Jovial Monk

Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:27 pm

And I hope IQ does not try and argue that TPVs are the missing ingredient. All TPVs did, besides making refugees’ lives a living hell of uncertainty, was to pack the boats, that kept coming in the period of the Pacific nonSolution, with refugees’ wives and children: refugees on TPVs were not eligible for family reunion you see.

The Pacific Solution was a confidence trick that cost over a billion dollars but did not deter a single asylum seeker from getting in the boats!


Re: Is Nauru going to be good enough for the refugees?

Post by WOLRSQI » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:46 pm

Killer of kids aren't you Monk

Your 90% figure is a lie and you know it and even if it was true 90% of a couple of hundred beats 12 fucking thousand you dopey fuck. The real figure is around 40% were accepted into AU

fluffy bunnies like you should be dragged into the street and the lies beaten out of you with baseball bats- you make me fucking sick, child killer

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