Why Qatar Earns $76 Billion from Gas

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Why Qatar Earns $76 Billion from Gas

Post by Bobby » Mon May 20, 2024 5:58 pm

Why Qatar Earns $76 Billion from Gas While Aussies Get Scammed

Australians are getting scammed by the gas industry!
Despite exporting more gas than Qatar, Australia earns just $2 billion
while Qatar rakes in $76 billion.
Who can we blame?!

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Re: Why Qatar Earns $76 Billion from Gas

Post by Aquarius » Sat May 25, 2024 9:34 am

Yes, it's infuriating. We own the gas yet the cartels tell us what they will pay for it. What's wrong with our govt? The WA state govt demanded that WA residents would get a better deal on their gas and so they pay way less than what we in the other states pay.

I think Australians pay the most for gas than anywhere else in the world - yet the gas comes from here!! It's unbelievable.

We have more of the natural resources of the world down under yet Australians pay more for those resources than anywhere else in the world. We get a bad deal and successive govts have just ignored it.

So the question is this ... is there any benefit in actually being an Australian?

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Re: Why Qatar Earns $76 Billion from Gas

Post by UnSubRocky » Mon May 27, 2024 6:44 pm

Much gas is being exported to China at dirt-cheap prices. The Chinese dictate how much they are willing to pay for the gas. Otherwise, they take their business elsewhere.

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