There is no science to the political spin and political restrictions.
The dancing rule is just simple mathematics....
5 couples equals 10 people....10 couples equals 20 people...
Even the 1 person per 4 square metres rule is not scientific advice...
Its simple mathematics....25% of the space is 1 person per 4 square metres....
The rules regarding mingling are ludicrous...
You have to wear a mask whilst seated, unless youre eating or drinking...
BUT you cant stand up without a mask..even though you are standing
next to two people seated with no masks...
Masking and these piss anti rules by Gladys is just her way of
giving up....
Does anyone seriously believe that telling people to wear a mask and
telling people not to travel within Sydney is going to be the catalyst
to stop the spread of this vicious deadly disease...
The body language from Gladys suggests to me that she doesnt really
believe in what she is doing...
Is a full lockdown just around the corner, or is she beginning to believe
that this is all crap...
Dont forget she was telling us not long ago that we shouldnt even
worry about case numbers, because we dont report flu cases...
Masks and pathetic, laughable distancing rules are really pretty
piss poor defences when its all said and done...
Meanwhile...there are no deaths....
Must be a helluva virus....
Maybe Gladys thinks this....but cant say so...
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...