RE: what to do to get out of this mess

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RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:49 pm

Hi all. Just a couple of words about Howard paying off Australia's debt.

It was largely achieved through the biggest fire sale of publicly owned enterprises and assets in Australia's history. A large tranche of that was the sale of Telstra, who as a (now) private enterprise responsable solely for maximising dividends to it's shareholders, has demonstrated that it is not remotely interested in forward thinking plans by governement regarding the nations future. The national broadband plan would already be underway if it were still publicly owned.

Another interesting sale was that of the national defence industry provider to a company that turned out to be largely owned by the French government. You might say that the French more or less own the supplier of our armed forces.

Howard must have done some good things - not too fuckin' many though - but the deeper you dig, the more disgusting and dispicable he becomes. He was a political opportunist of particularly poor character, a poisonous little dwarf and not worth pissing on :)

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:51 pm

copied to Politics


Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Leftofreality » Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:26 pm

You lefty fucks shouldn't have racked up so much debt.

Put your ire into Hawke, Cheating and yourselves- you probably voted for those fuckheads as well.

Good thing that Howard came along and we haven't got the lefts big interest repayments hanging over the head of every Australian...of course that will be short lived now we have another, you guessed it, bunch of retard lefty fucks who couldn't balance a fucking cheque book.

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:35 pm

Good. No stimulus, cut the public service in half, cut pensions

and endure long grinding Depression.


Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Guest » Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:11 pm

Believe it. shit for brains! Under labor the first to drop off the planet are small business people. Happy retirement!!! :D

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:16 am

Oh I dunno, I think I can apply for three cheques of $950. . .should keep me going for a bit.

What will really keep me going is the high number of new customers walking in wanting to start brewing at home, most referred here by another customer. I have a very high reputation here for homebrew: a lot of knowledge about brewing, the best and freshest ingredients, good prices etc.

You sad fucks can just try and upset people safely hidden behind an anonymous, proxied internet address. You don't upset me, at best you give me a small laugh. I usually only reply to stir you on to better effort but you never get any better.

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:31 am

Hmmm and even without the stimulus package the govt debt would not be much smaller.

There is a worldwide recession on! China, India & Japan are no longer buying our dirt! Over 5000 miners have been sacked and mine expansions put on hold. That means the companies--geological exploration, truck & machine maintenance, explosives suppliers and the companies that supply them, even prostitutes, must be feeling the effect of the downturn, they will start firing workers and so it goes.

By putting in place a stimulus package, including much needed & long-delayed work on schools and other infrastructure the number of jobless can be kept down and the economy can keep going.

Say the govt did nothing (like the Lieberal Deputy Leader J Bishop wants!): as the workers got sacked the govt receives less PAYE tax and has to pay out the dole to more and more people. Other people would get worried and stop spending which would deprive the states of GST and lead to more lay-offs etc. More companies would fail so less Company Tax receipts. The end result could be a bigger cost to govts at all levels and a bigger debt.

But the feral inhabitants of the Sandpit probably have not the intelligence to work this out or even to follow the argument. You watch, the comments they will make will demonstrate their lack of intelligence (hi LOW_IQ!) like nothing else will.

Hmm a snippet from the smh:
THE Opposition Leader, Malcolm Turnbull, conceded yesterday that his alternative plan for an economic stimulus package would still require government borrowing of up to $177 billion, compared with the Federal Government's proposal to borrow up to $200 billion.

And the govt is just setting up a higher credit limit, not actually proposing to borrow $200Bn. Sloppy writing!

Spongebob Squarepants

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Spongebob Squarepants » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:42 am

Oh I dunno, I think I can apply for three cheques of $950. . .should keep me going for a bit.
Typical lefty.
you are a drain on society and filthy fucking sponge

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:46 am

Come on? My business is failing, remember? According to you retards anyway :)

Geez you fuckwits can't keep a line of argument going more than five minutes, can you?

Jovial Monk

Re: RE: what to do to get out of this mess

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:21 pm

Hmm drain on society? I had a job within weeks of leaving HS. I was on the dole for a few weeks after a pretty bad accident. Apart from that I have worked for a wage or owned businesses since I left HS. I said I could apply for three cheques not that I was going to! Thick as two short planks you lot!

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